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Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback on re:View! We're glad it's going over well since it has been a nice change of pace to talk about things we really like! We've actually shot a couple more episodes that we'll get around to editing when there's time. The nice thing about the show is that it's simple enough that we can find time to shoot and/or edit them around our other projects. 

We have been taking a small break from Half in the Bag for a couple of weeks because...well, who cares  about the Ninja Turtles sequel? Or Warcraft? There's very little we would probably have to say about those. We'd rather use the time to focus on other projects. Like a new Best of the Worst, which we're filming tomorrow! 



Please do escape from LA. I wanna hear why J hates it and see if Mike likes it. I like it because it's so dumb. It's what I expected Escape From New York to be. Might not fit the re: view format though.


Well the format is basically whatever older movie we want to talk about so it'll fit in fine. So far we've been talking about movies at least one of us loves but that won't always be the case.


Do none of you guys like animated films? The only time I think I've ever seen any in your channel is when it was a random pic on the Wheel of the Worst.


Do none of you guys like animated films? The only time I think I've ever seen any in your channel is when it was a random pick on the Wheel of the Worst.


Sounds great! You fucks.


You guys deserve to do some new stuff! Settling into too much of a routine is actually really bad for creators because it sticks us into a place where we don't exercise our creativity skill sets as much. As for the Warcraft movie, you don't need to bother. I got an early screening (I was a video game producer for a related company for three years) and I had a very hard time politely informing the team that it was complete garbage. I mean, I did it constructively, of course "Have you considered script revisions? The dialogue doesn't fit in x and y." And my personal favorite, "um, what was the tone you were going for?" (Hint: there is no tone, it's beyond bland and gives a bad name to the WoW franchise.)


Admittedly, fans of WoW (myself included) will at least laugh at some of the scenes and enjoy the CG fights because they are entertaining schlock to anybody familiar with the game.


Would love the opportunity to get some patreon suggested movies re:Viewed! Maybe at a new Patreon tier? I for one would pay for that opportunity. Either way, please know how much we appreciate you work.

Marvin Choi

I think it's okay for Half in the Bag to kinda...take a long break. The thing about Half in the Bag is that, due to the way movies are coming out now, it's generally about the same type of movie over and over again. Also, shows like Best of the Worst and re:View are overall much more rewatchable than Half in the Bag because their content is less dependent on timeliness to a current movie release context.


Yeah, exactly. There's plenty coming out later this year to talk about, but right now? Meh. It would have been nice to do The Nice Guys but we just didn't have time! Lots of good stuff going on behind the scenes right now.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but how about a HITB on Whit Stillman's Love & Friendship. Talk about a director with a distinctive voice.

Jon G

But wait, I only watch HITB for the Mike+Jay as VCR repairmen plot. Who cares about movies? What happens next after... whatever is going on there? Somebody died maybe?


Speaking of older movies, I wouldn't mind seeing re:View occasionally cover something from the 1950s or even earlier. Curious to see what kinds of Silver-Screen films you guys enjoy. Todd Browning's Freaks?, Alfred Hitchcock films? Noir? Universal Monsters?


This is cool, I sometimes prefer to download and watch a movie that the guys have ripped on or rooted for on Wheel of the Worst rather than <shudder> go out to the actual cinema.


re:View has been a natural addition to the programs on the site and I'm glad to hear it's providing a good change of pace production wise. I watched Tremors the other night for the first time in a few decades and really impressed with how it held up. Interesting note: The first sequence where Bacon yells "stampede" and spooks Fred Ward to wriggle (worm-like) out of the back of the pickup sets up the finale in you-didn't-notice-it-but-your-brain-did fashion. How about watching Star Trek: The Motion Picture for re:View?


Sounds good to me guys, really enjoying all your content!


I love you guys 😊 Re:view is a great addition! (but please still do commentaries once in a while)


... Where's my favorite murderous psychopathic old pizza roll man? I want that damn re-star wars review! But now that I've gotten that out of the way, I do love the work y'all are doing with the other shows. But the thing about Half in the bag that I miss and is lacking in the other shows.. is the weird subplots and random characters and events that give you guys the opportunity to be silly, or y'know, shoot Rich Evans in the face with toy guns. More squib packs pls! kthxbai.


I'm loving the ReView show, just get that eager young fella Richard Evans in the mix and it's like a commentary that you can watch. Why should our eyes get away with it?


I'm glad you're skipping movies if you don't feel you need to talk about them. RLM works because it is what it is not because just bow to demands. I also like the new format a lot and it's cool you offer the extra long discussion versions as well.

Alexander Leimbeck

No joke, I was seriously hoping you guys would review Warcraft. It sounds like it's doing better than a lot of people first imagined it would, including me, a WoW fan... Maybe you guys will go see it and rethink that decision? <3 Also, The Force is Awakening in the comments wanting The Force Awakening Plinkett review. :P


Loving Re:View, please keep doing them


I'm OK with this, you could literally show yourselves looking at a pile of shit on a freshly painted wall for half an hours and I'd watch it


Well, anything would be improved by Rich Evans getting shot with toy guns!


Well, they mentioned The Hobbit cartoon, if that counts!


Excellent news all around! Keep up the excellent work!


What is this "no Warcraft movie review" business? Stop developing your craft and pander to the lowest common denominator of your audience!


Great work guys! the HitB break makes complete sense - looking forward to more ReView!


The other guys at RLM are probablye there for a reason. I think with Jay, Mike and Rich, RLM has found out how to use them on camera. With the others, I think they have a reason to be at RLM, and they just need to find their spot on camera. We are basically watching a real life version of a sit com (from Detroit). If a person is part of the group, then it probably has a reason to be in the group. And RLM is bringing the group on screen. So I think there is a place for each RLM member in front of the camera.

Arch Friend

Re:View is my new favorite series. You could probably just leave Half in the Bag to 2 or 3 episodes a year catching up on what you've seen lately, and focus on all of these other cool things.


I'm loving Re:View in it's current format, as a lover of Escape from New York I also like the great discussion of the picture by a fan and a "hater" ;) Keep it up all you guys, even the unfuckable ones.

Marvin Falz

"it has been a nice change of pace to talk about things we really like" - it is a nice change for me too, because usually the best thing about the movies you review is the review itself and the show around the review. But this time I've actually lent Escape from New York and enjoyed it very much.


ReView is great. I liked the second episode even better than the first. It was interesting because I haven't actually seen Escape from New York, but also because Jay and Mike disagreed, so the commentary was entertaining and insightful. Can't wait for BotW, but I love all the RLM content anyway.

Don Bright

Now I kind of want to see the movie that Ernest Borgnine won an oscar for.


Is there a chance of posting the extended version as video?


The Nice Guys is very good, you should see it even if you don't have time to do a HitB about it. But, in any case, more re:View, please.


The catchup episodes are actually my favorite ones because they can condense the movies hey didn't really like down to shorter reviews!


I think the big thing I've noticed with re:View is the difference between the video and audio-only version. I mean, I logically know that the editing process involves trimming out stuff, but the running times for each version of each episode so far have been pretty drastically different. I can only much imagine how much footage has to be combed through to put together, say, an episode of Best of the Worst. It's been an interesting insight into something that I had never really considered before. :)


Yeah I've perceived a certain "blockbuster burnout" in your movie reviews. I think a change of focus is a good idea.


Also, Mike and Jay, we want to see your year book photos


Watched the re:View episodes and loved them! The one thing I'm iffy about is the extended soundcloud business. I don't really mind you doing what you want, but I'd appreciate having it all in the video when I find the time to watch it, because I'll probably never listen to an audio-only extended edition, when its premise is "almost completely what you already enjoyed but without scenes and such!"


The Plinkett must arise and provide us with our Force Awakens review you hack frauds


You could always review Kill Command! That's a neat low budget sci fi movie worth giving a try!


Agree completely. Just make it a separate video, which they've done in the past for HitB. And perhaps make it Patreon exclusive.


I have zero desire to see Warcraft, but I have to admit I was eager to see what you guys thought of it. I remember you both thought the Conan remake was hilariously awful, and I loved your comments on it. This movie seems be in the same vein: brainless fantasy action and CGI. How about this: since it's based on a video game, you could force Jack and Rich to watch and review it for Pre-Rec. Next best thing. Mwa ha ha.


I care about the Ninja Turtles sequel...assholes=(

Rich Auntie Skeleton

I think it goes without saying that Turtles isn't going to be a good film.

Andre K

Hey guys, I'm glad re:View is easier to produce - the two shows so far have been really fun and the extended edition on Soundcloud has been a wonderful treat. Please continue having fun - if you're having fun, we're having fun.

Chuck Thompson

It would be cool if you did animated movies on Half in the Bag. I know you did that horrible Christmas one on Best of the Worst, so there is precedent! Or another chick flick just to see you guys do something on Half in the Bag a little different.

