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I'm still chopping away at this new Best of the Worst. I'd like to have it up this weekend, but this episode is a BEAST! Our discussion was over two hours long! There was lots happening. So trying to edit that down into something manageable has been difficult. It'll be worth it though. We also shot another re:View this week for an older movie that coincides with an upcoming new release.  That's being edited simultaneously with the new Best of the Worst. We'll post 'em in whatever order they get finished!  --->jay



Dumb nerd tech question. What do you guys use to edit? Adobe? Final Cut?


Looking forward to it! Thanks for your hard work!


You're doing God's work!


2 hours? The discussion must have been so dense, every single frame had something going on.


"An older movie that coincides with an upcoming new release" Hmm, Ghostbusters? That should be interesting (if my guess is right).


To be fair, "an old movie that coincides with a new release" describes over half of the movies coming out this summer.


Is it weird I hope Re:View Finding Nemo? I'd be okay with Independence day, Ghostbusters talk could be good.


how`s it going with the recently awoken pervert? by the way, re:view is a great format, even if you plan to bring in the lesser RLMs ;)


Have you ever considered uploading the full uncut discussions for your 15$+ donors? Minus personal parts you wouldn't want us to see, of course, and without graphics or video clips. I think a lot of people would absolutely love that.


Thanks Susan


Arigato, Bauman-senpai. Ganbatte!


so much content!


you guys should consider releasing the full track every now and then to your Patreons! Just for the hell of it, let us see all the bullshit!

Jared Blando

I'm sure it will be fantastic, take your time!


we can take an hour and a half long episode. And I sure hope I recognized rich's shirt in that behind the scenes shot. love all the work guys


Jay is taming the beast! New BotW & new ReView sounds good to me!


We appreciate the update Susan.


Thanks for the update, Jay. (And thanks for signing off at the end so we know who it is!!)

Jason S

3 hour BotW! Just do it! We will all watch it and heart it very hard.


Yes please! You already eat hours of my time, might as well do it all at once!