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Ice Pirates - re:View

Jay and Rich talk about the forgotten 1984 flop The Ice Pirates for some reason. Or no reason. It's directed by the guy who made Mac and Me. SPACE HERPES!


Matt Naylor

Space herpes, I am pumped.

Michael Schmidt

Yes! Something to look forward to after work (besides booze…)


Thanks guys! Highlight of my week so far!


I loved this movie as kid.


Ice Pirates gets a re:View but still no love for Near Dark? #OldManYellsAtCloud


RLM needs a genuine house band to play that background jazz music.


Excuse me, what?

Peter Varga

yaaay! thank you!! <3


This better all be a build up to The Last Starfighter re:View!


Thank you for your work.

Joshua Mannix

To be fair Rich, the original Star Wars only had an 11 million dollar budget.


this is fantastic. I now also understand how rich became who he is, and then one day he met Mike.. and everything went downhill from there LOL


Oh my god for years I remember as a kid watching a movie where people were strapped down to a machine with a little robot mouth that would eat their balls and I could never find it again and started to think I made it up. But here it was, fucking ice pirates.


Look at you, Jay, making Trek references! <3


I remember liking this movie back in the '80s and I wasn't a kid. I never saw it in the theater but saw it on cable because it was on heavy rotation on HBO in the mid-'80s. So I usually just randomly caught the ending on TV again and again, which is the best part of the movie, and is probably why I for years thought it was a good low-budget sci-fi comedy. Over time I remembered just 2 parts of the movie really well: the castration conveyer belt and the time warp final battle. I watched the movie again recently for first time since the '80s and the only parts that stood out are those same 2 things, while the rest of the movie was a lot worse than I remembered. I kept waiting for the funny bits that never came. Well, at least one other good thing is it's short and doesn't drag on forever.

Eli Harold

This has been such a couple of terrible years but the boys at RLM have made it a little more tolerable.

Manuel Johnen

I had to google if Kristen Wiig really stars in an Ice Pirates reboot...


The only Star Wars-ploitation film that might be anywhere close to as good as Star Wars


Oh man blast from the past. Reliving my childhood with this one. Now I'm going to watch this movie. May have to cough up the $2.99 on Amazon. I think our generation has a hard time letting our childhood go is because entertainment back then was fun. Sure there were some bad ones but the movies, tv shows and music were wonderful distrations. Most of the movies today suck and are soulless. Plus I enjoy mindless fun, not the lectures or the political commentaries of today's entertainment.


I think gen-x onward is the really the first generation to *have* much in the way of mass popular entertainment in the form of tv and movies. Tv was in its infancy still, movies were an occasional thing or a teeny-bopper date night thing, there was no lasting or enduring fandom to be gleaned from those things. The blockbuster era of movies didn't even start until the late 1970s.

Marvin Falz

Also Jay: "Well Rich, we recently discussed Spacehunter, a movie that you loved as a little boy," then cuts to a clip from Spacehunter, where the evil alien says "Undress her. Slowly!" I believe one of Mike's ghosts has leaped into Jay's soul.


please re:view space jam thank you kings <3


Anjelica Huston was pretty well known before Addams Family. She was nominated for a few Oscars before then—and even won for a film that came out one year after Ice Pirates. 😮


I am a big fan of Tank Girl, sadly it isn't remembered too fondly by many critics, I reckon it will be great for Re:View. Fun Fact: whenever someone says "How much is...?" I can't help but chime in: "Two Dollars and Fifteen Cents!" Sadly they think I'm quoting South Park (which was Treefinny) but nay, I am quoting Tank Girl "Nitrous Oxide" Interrogation Scene. For some reason peole rip on Malcolm McDowell in this movie but I thought he was really good. The Movie is all over the place, sure, but overall I just love it... Though will say it is VERY 90's...


😂 😂 😂 the Max von Sydow as the "Shitting Alien" sequence is the hardest I've laughed in a year

Daniel Frank

Regarding Bruce Vilanch, he wasn’t famous when Ice Pirates came out. What made him famous was a documentary called “Get Bruce” in 1999 about how he was a “writer to the stars”. At the same time, he became a regular on the Hollywood Squares. (And that version was actually the last version so far.)


Why has no one mentioned that Bruce Vilanch also wrote the Star Wars Holiday Special?!?!

Rick Drake

It's RLM continuing the tradition of promising to talk about the Star Wars Holiday Special, but not really doing so.


The reason why we can’t let all those movies go from our childhood is that there were just so many good movies (and ok bad ones too) that the boomers didn’t have (too conservative) and we weren’t held back by the political correctness that now exists. Loved this review as brought back memories of watching stupid movies growing up and it was innocent fun


I still firmly believe that John Matuszak's best role was Tonda in Caveman.


You think gen x has an obsession with their childhood media, millennials are just as bad if not worse. So many "You know you’re a 90’s kid when..." clickbait articles, gritty reboots of Saturday morning cartoons, 30+ year olds desperately clinging to Harry Potter and Pokémon, to video stores and arcades and brick and mortar bookshops. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and it’s inevitable in a consumerist society that companies capitalize on that nostalgia, collecting our fondest memories and selling them back to us in bigger, flashier, dumber boxes. And boomers may not be rebooting Green Acres and Leave it to Beaver every ten years but their ‘back in my day’ pontifications tend to consist of a lot more rose-tinted real-world bigotry. This movie looks wonderfully chaotic by the way.


Spenser for hire is a pretty good show. I recommend it to DS9 fans who want to see Captain Sisko playing a completely different character: a badass, flashy, sunglasses-wearing hitman who carries around a comically large revolver for self defense. The best line is when Avery Brooks’ character greets the protagonist by constantly yelling, “SPENSAHH!” It’s bizarre seeing Robert Urich (Spenser) starring in such a wacky movie like this.


Reading the books after watching the show you cannot help but hear Spenser as Robert Urich and Hawk as Avery Brooks. I remember an interview with him where he said he considered himself a working actor and would take gigs to earn a paycheck. It sucks he died so young.


This went far better than I expected and I was happy that Rich remembered who Robert U(l)rich was and how big a tv star he was at the time. Granted, he was the love of my delusional teenage life, but he was actually a really good actor. Jay nicely summed up everything about why I liked this movie: we all wanted something like Star Wars back then and this, in its own wonky, batshit way, filled that void.


Ice Pirates? What is it about? Sub Zero and Iceman's forbidden love? Whoopsie, It's Ice Pirates, not Ice Butt Pirates! My bad!


Harding is Auditioning for the role of ice queen. Someone tell Tonya to "Break a Leg"!


Yay. Ice Pirates! Now do Krull

Glenn Ponka

Loved that dumb movie as a kid, too. I just watched The Dead Zone on Netflix for the first time in decades. Holds up well. I'd like to see a discussion on it.


Would love to see them discuss Sorceror (1977, aka the Wages of Fear) on a future re: View. Lost gem of the 1970s...


We need more “Revisiting movies Rich Evans loved as a child but hasn’t seen in 20+ years” content.


Seeing Bruce Vilanch in this movie reminded me of when he was a guest on Gilbert Godfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast a few years ago and told a lot of funny stories about Paul Lynde. He was such a good guest that I became a bit of a fan of Bruce Vilanch because he was so entertaining on that podcast.