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Hey everyone! Doing something a little different for Half in the Bag, we're currently working on an episode about a new British horror movie called Censor. Most of the discussion is spoilers so we just wanted to give you a heads up to maybe watch the movie beforehand if it looks interesting to you. We both recommend it!



I'll check it out tonight


Guess I have some homework...


Cool. Thanks for the heads up


Thanks for the heads-up, potential Emmy nominees


Actually bought it last night on a friend's recommendation. Will most definitely be watching tonight.


Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation!



Tony C



I would agree that it is a good movie. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Letterboxd if anyone cares to hear "some random guy on the internet's thoughts. https://letterboxd.com/mahaloth/film/censor-2021/


Thank you so much for telling us the name of the film before it comes out! Watching it tonight

Alessio Roic

Of course you’re reviewing Censor - it’s got Jay written all over it…


Fuck, I'm so glad I joined the Patreon. Thank you so much for your work.

Rick Drake

I'll place it in my queue, guvna.

Kerri Lewis

Well, there's my night sorted!

David Arcaine

Spoilers: the protagonist has to watch Honorable Men and pierce the CENSORED ring by the Sayre brothers. Allegedly.


I just need to know if it’s better than The Ice Pirates.


Sadly it’s not out in the UK until August, and when I typed in Censor 2021 in Amazon Prime it came up with that awful film by Sia.


Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation, going to watch it tonight. Can't wait for the new half in the bag :)


Watched it last night, perfect timing! Interested to hear about some the background on this one as I went in cold. Thanks guys!


Fantastic! Saw it last week and dug it. Was curious if you’d cover since it’s a little obscure but is right up your alley since it centers on 80s video nasties. Can’t wait!


How dare you spoil something! How dare you, sirs! Haha

Shempin Jack Flash

Ok I’ll watch it tonight right after this farting alien movie someone recommended me.


The movie reminded me of something the minds of Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton would create , especially inside no 9 , if anyone reading this hasn’t seen no 9 I highly recommend it , an anthology series of the ilk of black mirror but far superior in every way in my opinion

Robert Daniel Pickard

Oh it stars Niamh Algar. I really like her on Raised By Wolves.


If it helps at all, the lead actress's name "Niamh" is pronounced Nee-uv or Neev. Ireland gave the world Saoirse now you have to put up with this too!


Can’t see this in Australia - “bugger” as we say in Oz


Just finished it. Lags in the second act but overall really well done. Reminded me a lot of Saint Maud.


John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness!!!




Perfect timing guys, I just saw it. Good stuff!


I liked the part with the censoring

Peter Varga

it was on my list! I'll watch it tonight then!


This is unreal, my friend directed the movie. She’s a phenomenal filmmaker. Im going to forward the review onto her once it’s up. Im so excited that my favourite film critics are reviewing this. To all at RLM, I’ve loved what you do since that Star Wars review, but in the last 18 months you’ve kept me going.


Not available for my country yet either apparently. I don't mind spoilers though so whatever.


I googled British Censor and got strange results. It also wasn't on pornhob. Also, Why isn't Sir Mix-a-Lot in politics? He likes big Budgets, AND, HE CANNOT LIE!


I'd love for you guys to do The 13th Warrior. I realize I'm not the first person to say that, but still... Found you during COVID and have been a fan ever since. I look forward to anything new you guys do. Joining your Patreon only seemed fair considering how much joy I get from y'all. Keep it up.


Watched it last night and loved it! Can't stop thinking about the last few minutes of the movie. Really creepy and has stuck with me all day. Did not really find it all that scary up until then but was a good watch nonetheless. Rarely do images stick with me the way the ending has.


Ha ha. The 13th warrior was a movie my friend consciously purchased on college for the express purpose of viewing on repeat. I think I've seen that movie more than 50 times. The funny part is we saw it in the theater too and knew it wasn't THAT worthwhile. It's good, but just barely. Rewatching it over and over was an exercise in irony and love for Antonio Banderas.


Not a half second into the trailer: "Jay's idea."

Jake Martin

Dunno if y'all will see this, but apparently Spring produces pint glasses now as part of their product lineup. Any chance of seeing a return of BotW glassware?


This was a Jay pick wasn’t it. Bruh.

Tony C

What what in the butt


Hey I wanna thank you guys for the heads up here. I like the idea of “homework” from you guys. This movie was amazing by the way. Really draws you into the crazy. Anyway, it would be cool, in my humble opinion, if you find anything worth it, to pre-recommend a movie before the hitb. This makes me want to hear what you have to say more


Saw it in the theater without any idea of what it was. Really enjoyed it!

Goldy Loxx

Hello - UK viewer here. I'm not sure whether Spaced made it across the pond, but if not, please check out Michael Smiley as Tyres - iconic character and performance. Also, Nicholas Burns (aka snarky colleague) was the ultimate hipster before hipsters were a thing in Nathan Barley - written by Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker. Thanks for being fabulous, can't wait for the review <3

Michael Parker

The fact that this is the movie you chose to do a June Half in the Bag for reminds me of why I related to you guys so much. Censor was the only notable movie coming out this month that I was really interested in. Much more so than any of the latest big Hollywood movies.


Dang it I got this backwards and watched Ice Pirates before that re:view and now have no time to watch Censor.

Brandon Melling

I think it's safe to assume that pretty much any HitB or re:View about a horror movie is usually Jay's idea.


Thank you guys for recommending this one! I watched it tonight and there was a lot I loved about it. The grading and lighting and very deliberate color choices in set dressing/props/wardrobe made this one of the most gorgeous films I've seen recently. Lots of cool toned environments contrasted against warm light sources. Blue and orange, purple and yellow, pink and green, in nearly every shot. The lighting in the woods was especially striking (helps when it doesn't have to be motivated). There were some neat transitions, too. That slow shift in aspect ratio a la It Comes at Night was wonderful. There's some pretty clear commentary in there, I mean the whole thing basically acts as one big metaphor imo, but it also didn't feel too on the nose. Stoked to hear what you guys have to say about it. Sorry I talk so much jesus christ.


First I was all "Oh, Argento's Evil Dead with Bob from Twin Peaks" but then I was all "Oh, I see what you did there"


I don't really watch horror movies much, and I've only watched two horror movies in the past fifteen years or so, both on your recommendation (the other was The Witch). I watched Censor last night, and I enjoyed it so thoroughly I am kind of astounded by it. So glad you recommended the film. Thanks guys!


The editing and visual effects were phenomenal. Fun film. Great rec!!


Good movie, looking forward to you hack frauds discussing it.


I watched it last night. Wow! I like it a lot. I’m excited to see what you have to say about it.

Shempin Jack Flash

Fun fact: the CEO of IMDb saw a list condemning all of the Video Nasties in his UK newspaper as an impressionable youth and made it his mission to watch all of them immediately with a friend. Not sure if “Cannibal Carnage” was on the list 👀

Darren Broadbent

Cool movie. Great ending. Looking forward to what y'all have to say about this one. Thanks for the heads up.


It’s really curious. My take on it is that she, as a child, did witness the abduction and brutal murder of her sister at the hands of Frederick North—there’s a reason why he and the producer as portrayed as elderly men, so it’s plausible in terms of time—in a location snuff shoot (since the producer is known for re-using locations), and her intellectual-albeit-passionate resolve to “hold back evil,” unexpressed grief/anger at her parents, and lifelong amnesia of the event created a fragile situation (complete with hallucinations) in which she eventually subconsciously-then-consciously both solved/avenged the murder but lost her mind in doing so.


Def dug the movie, I thought setting the movie against the video nasties time in uk was great and building a very personal story around it.


Annoyingly we’re not getting this movie in the UK until AUGUST.


Looking forward to this! I loved the setting & the visuals of Censor. It lost me abit towards the end but thought the last sequence was really cool. Excited to see more by Prano Bailey-Bond


Might want to put spoiler warnings my dude.


I hope you do more of finding good VOD movies to talk about AND telling the Patreon community a few days in advance so we can prepare. Great video, really liked the "Nasties" review at the end. Thanks!


Thanks for the heads up, I actually made sure to watch the film before watching the episode. I may do that more often, you guys have great taste in films (especially Jay).