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While doing our massive cleaning, we realized we still have the first TV used on the Half in the Bag set. It's been smashed in, thrown around, loaded with fireworks, covered in fake snow and fake blood, and completely gutted. But maybe we can still fix it!




Get that thing in The Smithsonian!


KTV!!! Strong Brand !

Amanda Foster

It’s just a little smashed in. It’s still good


It looks like a good episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

Tim Fuglsang

A masterpiece on the level of the Mona Lisa painting or the David sculpture! If this were auctioned off, it would surely fetch a price to make Mike, Jay and Rich independently wealthy. I say, get this artwork to Christie's or Sotheby's posthaste. Huzzah!


If you listen closely, you can still hear a faint hum that sounds kinda like “Half in the BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~”


It belongs in a museum!


How am I supposed to watch my Night Court reruns on this thing?!


There's this VCR repair shop in Milwaukee somewhere. Maybe they can help you


Nft it

Jeremy Allen

An elegant television, from a more civilized age...


Why use fake blood, when you have that sweet, Rich-Evans-Diabetes blood?


That smashed to shit tv is the perfect representation of Milwaukee.


That’s the most beautiful piece of shit I’ve ever seen.


It's too bad you're throwing stuff away. You could have an auction for charity.

Brandon Melling

Nothing that a little duct tape can't fix


They don't make 'em like they used to.


Pretty impressive you guys were able to hire Zack Snyder to take these images for you


Yeah. You can get spare parts from a few other working CRT televisions and fix this baby right up. 😎


How were those two knobs operating? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tv like that 😶


It belongs in a museum!

Marvin Falz

I don't see why not. The TV still looks new.


CRT is resilient. I have faith it still functions like the day it was made!


I use to repair Arcade games Monitors and old TVs for a "living". I would be happy to restore that thing! Would keep the charm, just add a tube and repair the guts.


Mike is just going to hit Rich with it.

Juan Calvo

But can you light a fire inside it without it melting? It might come in handy in the next soon to come apocalyptic event.

Dominic O'Neill

Burn it, bury it and then have it cleaned

Dan Port

Smashy smashy

Thomas Malley

Isn't the screen missing though? :) And the electromagnetic tube?


That'll buff out, no worries!


Hidden treasures are always found during a clean up - bet there are so many more waiting to be found

Rick Drake

It's better to burn out than to fade away.


So this inspired me to go back and start from the first episode. It's amazing to see how much has changed. Not in a bad way, just different. I remember when they first started. I stumbled across the 2nd HitB episode when trying to show a friend the Episode I review. Not long after my youngest daughter was born. I was hustling arcade games and doing house calls all day, but would usually get up at night when she would wake up. I would hold her with her back to my chest and pace around lightly while we would watch you guys until she fell asleep. I stopped being online for a few years later on and missed a lot. I'm still playing catch up. Which is also not a bad thing. Anyway just felt like sharing. You guys are an inspiration and I can never repay you for the laughs. They are priceless. Your insight has been very interesting and valuable too. This "platform"/service seems like a good way to at least try.to give something back. PS I miss the "con" episodes. Do you get swamped by people now? I would love to see you messing with people again... If you can get away with it ..


just slap some duct tape on that bad boy


This cheap obsolete TV was made in a defunct Korean factory decades ago. Some Jerry Springer guest could have bought it from Wal-Mart for $50, kept if for a few years before selling for meth after which it would have ended up on a Goodwill shelf, but no, it ended its life in glory. Salute, cheap Korean analog TV. You did well.

Jeremy Ross

There's a couple of guys in the Milwaukee area that you may want to hit up. They generally fix VCRs, but who knows? Maybe they would be interested in expanding to CRT televisions? They're called Lightning Fast VCR Repair, and with a name like that, they'll have it fixed up in no time!