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Our Least Viewed Episode Ever.

While doing some cleaning, Mike discovers an old book which makes him remember a magical time when him and Rich Evans would watch trash daytime TV.



I see what you’ve done there...


Ironically enough, if the title of the video had Jerry Springer in it, this would get so many fucking views. Millennials are fucking obsessed with trash TV, old or modern.

Joshua Mannix

I am pausing reading a good book to watch this. Thanks RLM.

Tara S

Love it


Have an acquaintance that wrote an episode of Jerry. Shocker I know its all FAKE! A lot of adlib but they have a general idea going in who they are and what their roles are.


God bless you boys.


child alcoholics


Mike genuinely cracking up is a heartwarming thing to see.


Sorry to be that guy, but this is an important fact check: Jerry Springer resigned from the Cincinnati city council after paying the prostitute with a check, but then in the next election they re-elected him anyway. And THEN he became mayor. Because us Ohioans have neither shame nor dignity.

Peter Kostka

There are over 1400 episodes of The Jerry Springer Show. Jesus fucking Christ.


"I know its all FAKE!" ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

Sarah Low

OHHHHH I beg to differ


I was in tears laughing at mike trying to read titles.


I remember when these used to screen on Aussie TV in the 1990’s and yes being slightly appalled at the train wrecks but still watching it (while at uni) - yes part of that era - we all get what Mike and Rich are saying and laughing at during this episode - wonder what other wonderful nuggets/gems they found while cleaning up, and yep made my day off work to be able to watch something new


Jerry Springer was always a treat for me to watch, as it was on while I was at school here in the East coast. Some of those titles sound like Mr. Plinkett's opening liners on Half in the Bag videos


4:17 - 4:19 I met Steve Wilkos at a screening of Talk Soup in '99. I got his autograph. He was very nice. I never have any reason to tell that story, expect for now. So there. That's all.


Dude I'll watch you guys talk about literally anything.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I'm a fourth degree black belt in AAAW (AIDS As A Weapon fighting system). I teach classes at my local Y on Tuesday and Thursday nights, after they close and my janitor friend lets me in. Only $150 per class. All are welcome. Also, this video showed up the same day I got a rash on the back of my leg. EDIT: I feel bad sullying the name of the great Neil Peart with such terrible jokes. But I guess I don't feel bad enough because "that's stayin' in!"


I watched so much Jerry Springer. Truly the 90s were the golden age of TV talk shows.


My racist baby left my transgender dad for a striper Part 2


Thank you for that ad break, I was crying laughing with Rich and Mike and I needed a minute. Lol. Grade A content!

Rick Drake

The former Mayor of Cincinnati deserves better treatment than this.


That ending with Rich beating on Mike was great. Maybe it's because I watch WWE and AEW, but were people shocked it was fake? Hell, everything on tv and movies is fake. Why would you be shocked if it was fake? Just sit back and enjoy the ride.


I worked with a guy that was on a Jerry Springer episode. He told me he and the two women in his segment on the episode, “A Beauty Queen Gets Dumped,” we’re pretty much told to act out what had happened in their “real life” scenario and play it up. So in that instance they were definitely acting but we’re also real people that had supposedly fit the episode description. It’s still on YouTube. They did it for a paid weekend trip to NYC lol.. Great episode guys!

Bort Ward

Something about listening to Mike read lists is very relaxing.


Im replacing the current audiobook i listen to sleep at night with this audiobook of Mike reading Jerry Springer titles now


The LORD ruined my life!!


I'd watch a show of people just beating the shit out of Klan members. Also, beard. <3

Peter Varga

what a clickbait title! <3


I need an audio file of him reading the entire episode list to fall asleep to.


The Jerry Springer episode i can remember was one about a guy saying he would only marry someone if they were a virgin, and the big twist was the huge boobed stripper was the only virgin of the women he had been presented with. As a 12 year old that episode spoke to me for some reason (boobs) lol


Love the beard Mike!


This is glorious


My father-in-law, a wonderful, gentle, thoughtful, caring and loving man LOOOOVED Jerry Springer and all the trashy daytime talk shows. My theory is that someone like him, who was such an emotionally stable, centered person could watch without cringing because it was so foreign to him. Whereas I, with a less stable upbringing, found them unwatchable.

Manuel Johnen

I only remember Jerry Springer as the male feminist in an episode of "Married with Children" and the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES in the first movie Dolph Lundgren directed... ... ... I don't know if that's any better or not... :/


Shame ya'll didn't discuss the absolute beauty that was Jerry Springer The Opera. Absolute insane production.


This shit´s really easy; "Doggone catbabies: YOU keep em!" [featuring the owners and the person from the shelter] "Always Baby Mama Drama!" "Mom took in grama, but she´s a cover-hog!" "Bills, bills, bills: What can my dumb kids do for money?!" "Clockin`em! Cop vs. real transgender."

Tony C

super funny! thanks guys :D


Can we actually make this their most viewed episode ever? The irony would be gold.


"They Stole My Husband's Eyes" nearly killed me. Thanks guys!


Sexiest episode ever. 10/10.


My friends and I would smoke weed and watch Maury, placing bets on if the child's mother would run a "lap of shame" around the back of the studio when she was informed the suspected father of the child was indeed not.


I did some apprentice singing work with an opera company in Florida in 2013 and he attended one of the premieres. Everyone was in a tizzy, and at the same time was wondering, what the hell is he doing at an opera?!🤣🤣🤣 Cleansing the palate I guess!




Never forget when Justin Pearson from the band The Locust jokingly went on Springer, but more importantly never forget when Christopher Morris interviewed Springer.

Ian Stewart

I can't believe you didn't mention his final thoughts segments

Manuel Johnen

Did they release anything of note after "Plague Soundscapes"...? That album did something to me 20 years ago... I'm just not exactly sure what... :P


What a wonderful world. Vick gets arrested, but as long as it's Sapiens, it's okay to throw a dog on another dog and get compensated for it. Every hour of this gaslighting ends with two minutes of Springer pretending to be the sane, logical one. Is it any real surprise we actually get what we vote for? Bang up job Merica! Fuck this shit hole, I miss Iraq! I'm in my drunken angry phase, sry!


I think most people, like me, didn't read the subheading and just clicked to see what you were going to talk about, therefore this has become not your least viewed video any more. It's currently got more views than the Dracula review, which doesn't seem right somehow. Incidently, where's the Emmy Best Game Show love for the Star Trek Trivia episode? I know it was the only one I watched all year.


I’ve watched this video several times. Mike simply reading episode titles and Rich Evans reacting is spectacular.