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Hey all! For the last week or so, we've been working on a massive (and LONG overdue) clean-up and reorganization of the studio. It was pretty overwhelming since we've accumulated so much stuff, from props to building materials to equipment cases, and so much of it had nowhere to go so it just ended up in piles on the floor scattered throughout the studio. So we assembled a bunch of new tall industrial shelves and tried to organize everything as best as we could. You can see a few familiar props up on the top shelves. Until now, most of that stuff was just shoved in corners or left laying on the ground.

While working on organizing yesterday, we ended up shooting a completely impromptu video that will probably be the most pointless thing we ever release. So that will be coming soon. Also, as a follow up to the Spacehunter re:View, Jay and Rich are working on a re:View of 1984's Ice Pirates, starring Angelica Huston and the guy that played Sloth in The Goonies. 



Andre K

Ice pirates?! Yesh!

Dan Port

And of course we know John Matuszak is from the Milwaukee area.


Who knew a pile of corpses could be organized and laid out so neatly on a shelf. Good work here!


Is that a miniature of Mr Plinkett’s house that I see??!!


The only reason I know that Sloth is played by Michael Berryman is because of Mike's Joe Pilato story, from the Star Wars Holiday Special video. At least I thought I did. It turns out he's not played by Michael Berryman at all, but a totally different guy. I remember names as well as Mike is guess.


Ice pirates was special


"will probably be the most pointless thing we ever release" This is legit the most excited I've been in ages.


Those neatly labelled bins make my heart soar.


Did Rich bring that "body parts + puppets" bin from his home?


I’m glad your inflatable dolls now have a home


Organization is good; impromptu, pointless video is even better; but revisiting my unholy teenage love of Robert Urich through a re:View? Likely soul-crushing but simply the best.

Lance Batty

Right on guys! Place looks good. I'm looking forward to the content :)

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

"...the guy that played Sloth in The Goonies. " You mean Michael Berryman? By the way, Prop Store is auctioning off one of the original Ressikan flutes from the TNG episode, The Inner Light. It's estimated to go for $60,000 - $80,000. You guys better not buy it just so you can trash it on screen. It would take me days to forgive you. DAYS!


Which one of those totes does Jay sleep in?

Poo In An Alleyway

I’m trying to remember what those weird white pillars are from on the top left shelf.


I remember watching Ice Pirates on Betamax - looking forward to the program!

Bill Lehecka

Will you guys ever do another auction? I miss those, and I have a need to throw money away at worthless crap.


So if we shined a black light on those sex dolls, what would we see?


I don't know if you noticed, but there seems to be an orgy of some sort on the top right shelf.


That looks like that was a serious undertaking, but hopefully a satisfying one. Still searching for that elusive Cameron Mitchell pillow.


Looks like some of Plinkett's victims are up on the right....


I hope the impromptu video is a little studio tour. I've always wanted to see that kind of insider baseball.


Can't wait for Ice Pirates. My grandparents owned one of those mom & pop video stores and I pulled so many random things to watch when I was a kid. Love it when RLM covers them. The phantom zone was one I remember. Ice Pirates is another one that I remember watching. Always felt like it should have been better than it was. Or certainly I wanted to like it more than it deserved.




Hey congrats guys on getting organized! RLM seems to be organizing and updating with the inventory system for movies now. So I imagine a lot more time can be saved to watch terrible, awful movies.


I remember the very ending of Ice Pirates being good fun, looking forward to a Re:View.

Manuel Johnen

"Ordnung braucht nur der Dumme, das Genie beherrscht das Chaos."


Looking forward to the Re:View of Ice Pirates with my two favourite RLM'ers! I have it on Beta, such a great and cheesy movie.


We've never seen the second floor of Plinkett's house, I wonder what goes on up there.


Atleast the dummys are having a great time-


It must be great having all that extra room! Room for... tasks! Thanks for inspiring me to do some housework!


looks like you have extra room now ... which is good news because im looking for a place to crash ?


That big empty floor is just begging for some breakdance battles. Make us proud.


Is it more pointless than Mike and Jay Eat Fried Chicken?

Marvin Falz

"Pointless" probably also means we get to see some Mike or Jay creative editing. Always looking forward to that!


So that's where Jack Packard is stored!


Looking good! Also, no need to bribe the fire marshall at inspection this year.


Ice Pirates was awesome, but it made me so sad as a kid when the robot with the child robot gets destroyed and the child robot says "mommy?".


Happy to see any video footage especially the “behind the scenes” stuff. Cleans ups are the reality of the work, sometimes you just have to do the boring stuff - bet there were a few good memories found in the piles of stuff


"...we ended up shooting a completely impromptu video that will probably be the most pointless thing we ever release." Don't forget those Transformers: Last Knight reviews

David Perek

"that will probably be the most pointless thing we ever release" - No chance in hell.


Ice pirates sequel https://youtu.be/gw7BxrrEEys


Well, this is as good a reason as any to finally see Ice Pirates.


Had to find more space for N.U.K.I.E.


They rescued Plinkets house from the ocean floor, or Everest, or wherever it was on the alternate timeline.


Mannequin orgy on the top shelf and spooky cemetery props. Fuck yeah.


I bet you got those shelves at Menards! I have the same ones lol.