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Hey kids! We're doing some major cleaning and organizing preparing for a bunch of new shoots coming up - BOTW, HITB, and more TNG talk from Mike and Rich. We're also shooting a top secret new project. It's top secret so I can't talk about it. But, we've discovered we have TONS of Star Wars toys. These are really big bins. The photo doesn't do it justice. It stands well over 64 feet high. Thinking about donating all these toys to our local wood chipper. 




More TNG talk! Can't wait.


Who's the head in the bin on the right?


I was about to write this exact comment, word for word.


Which makes me wonder: Will there ever be another crap auction?


What if I paid for you to ship them to me...........?


Not that it wouldn't be hilarious, but I'm betting people would pay crazy amounts for toys once touched by Rich Evans.


Shred them and turn them into RLM t-shirts


Still got an illegal amount of acetone?


If you have a Habitat For Humanity Re-Store...you could donate them and they will be sold for reasonable low price and proceeds would go to habitat for humanity.


Don’t get rid of those toys. What will the boys of the Nerd Crew set on fire or spill their diabetes medication on??


As a Patreon subscriber, I want the opportunity to purchase a signed jar jar action figure. Can you make it out to “I may gone too far in a few places?”


How about a charity auction?


Aww, a good old fashioned Body Parts + Puppets bin, just like Grandma had


I miss nerd crew. VERY COOL.



Mike St Louis

64 feet? That’s pretty tall alright!


Put them on frames (like you did with the beer bottles) and do another auction!


The only bins that matter in that photo are the Halloween bins!

CarSVernon .

AW I'm gonna miss the Nerd Crew-- that was a stroke of genius inspiration from Mike!


We need a nerd crew episode where they desperately cling to any nerd news in a bid to stay relevant


I though the TNG talk was great. I'd like to hear Mike and Rich's take on the rest of the Star Trek franchise. Some DS9 talk maybe? That is if you have anything interesting to say.


Will we finally get another episode of destroying Star wars toys with acetone?


ohh but when i post pictures of MY bins of body parts suddenly it's used as "evidence" for a "crime" 🙄


Donate them to a children's shelter. They'll be holding a piece of Nerd Crew history. Every kid wants a Death Star corn popper


Lord Almighty let it me a Plinkett Review

Stephanie Lloyd

If you give them to needy children make sure they're SUPER NERDS, not just some rando kid who wants to play with toys, pfft


VERY cooool.


You're gonna need a lot of acetone

Matt Herlihy

Can you guys do a talk about DS9 or Voyager? I think Rich and Mike had issues with the shows, but in comparison to today's Trek they were much more faithful to Roddenberry's vision. If that means anything.


Is the secret project a Nerd Crew episode where Mike and Jay whine about not being invited to Rich Evans’s funeral, even though they’ve been simping for Rich Evans for 5 years?


I sure miss the Nerd Crew


You promised us more SW toys destruction in the leadup to Rise of Skywalker, Mike. All we got was the acetone. :(


You all could talk about Star Trek for 5 hours and I'd watch all of it


I would absolutely buy a "Rey" action figure.


Considering autographed copies of the RLM DVDs are going for $150+ I say sign the toys and sell them to fund "Space Cop: The Animated Series"

Juan Calvo

I hope it makes a bigger cube this time.

Ross Nugent

I'm reminded of the ebay auctions they ran years ago of old props and mounted beer bottles. I wonder how much some of that would go for in the after-market now.


Oh my god you guys are finally gonna shoot that porno you've always talked about.


You should have had Jay standing next to them for scale...though that probably would have done it TOO much justice


This is VERY exclusive!


"No! Captain Picard, don't leave! Everyone's angry and Jake doesn't have a bed!"


Hopefully more Nerd Crew Episodes.

Alessio Roic

Got some of those Avengers wieners lying around?


You can keep exploring the TNG content forever. Consider me engaged.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Can't believe they never mentioned in the last video that William Zabka is THE Billy Zabka from High Voltage. Did they somehow forget that they saw High Voltage like seven years ago? How could someone forget that?


Someone needs to study the culture influence of Redlettermedia. Nerd crew brought down Collider and its kin. Plinkett brought down Lucas. It is amazing. Good work gents.


Does that mean no more Nerd Crew? I'm fine with it being discontinued but I'm not opposed to more episodes

Marvin Falz

That reminds me of an episode of Star Wars, where Kilo Ray says something about the past, wood chipp it, if you have to.


VERY much loved the top five/ten episodes of TNG video. Can't wait for the next one!


I’m really looking forward to this! I don’t get to say that about most things these days. Thank you :)

Zane Magers

More TNG talk the better!


You could donate them to the local acetone refinery, I'm sure they would let you use one of their 5,000 gallon tanks.


You could ship the nerd crew stuff to Shatner.


At least donate them to little kids. They don't care they just want plastic figurines they can bury in the mud/quicksand! out back.


Miss those nerds!!!!


You could donate them to your Patreon supporters. I mean we kinda bought them anyway...? Are you making room to shoot Space Cop 2?

David Perek

Donate them to the Hollywood Charity Horse Show.


Omg the TNG talks were amazing! So glad you ended up doing more!!


Oh my god, does this mean more Nerd Crew episodes? I hope so. That would be very cool. Very cool.

Andréanne Dion

I'm salivating at the thought of the next Halloween BOTW.

Marissa Adams

Does this mean no more Nerd Crew? I hate the thought! (And I have got to see you all make fun of the customized baby yoda dolls that sell for $150-300 on Instagram.)


The internet hears that you are trying to destash and sends you three times as many crappy plastic toys as you have now. You’ve entered the fifth level of the endless hellscape that is 2020. The sixth level is when Neil Breen contacts you to be part of his sixth feature length film.


I *love* Halloween BOTWs and many of the movies they’ve showcased on them. I took them at their word, though, and skipped Shark Exorcist.


I love that there’s a box called body parts and puppets.


i hope it's space cop two, not cause i want to see it, i just wanna see them suffer making a movie again


Just back to say that I love that tiny bat on the floor and I hope his fate was a good one.

Mike W

Donate to charity or do a sale here. Lmao


I bet you could auction off all of them to your patrions - just sign them or whatever. Then you can donate them to a local children's hospital or COVID relief fund. Thanks for all the laughs and fun!


You can start your own nerd crate company.


I hope this isn't the end of The Nerd Crew!