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Hey everyone. We just shot a new Best of the Worst over the weekend! It's our first normal 3 movie/4 person episode since March! And it was a rollercoaster of a day in terms of the movies. So we've just started editing that now. Also coming up, Mike and Rich are planning to do another 5 favorite TNG episodes. And then there will also be another HITB being shot...sometime soon-ish. Maybe? Depends on what is out that we can/want to talk about while also avoiding the disease boxes formerly known as movie theaters. We've also been discussing plans for our Best of the Worst Halloween set and will be starting to construct that this week. We'll post some pictures of that here as it's coming together. I think that's everything for now!





Hell yeah can’t wait!


Spooky season is comiiiing


You guys planning on any dinosaur themed content soon? I am a dinosaur boy and would love to see some dinosaur thing.

Tyler Roth

Perfect news to start the day!


Stay safe guys. Talk about each TNG episode until this whole thing is over!


Halloween Best of the Worst is my fave! Can't wait! 🧡🎃🧡

Joshua Mannix

The TNG episodes are just going to turn into "All TNG Episodes Ranked" isn't it?


Don’t think you’d have much to say about Tenet. It looks nice and it’s fine.


If it just turned into “Mike and Rich talk about every episode of TNG” I wouldn’t mind.


October is looking to be great this year! Fuck off, SMOD, come back in November.


sincerely appreciate everything you folks continue to do. looking forward to it!

Rudolf Rohaczek

excited for all the upcoming stuff and of course the secret project that was not mentioned because its secret!


It’s Halloween BOTW 🎃 time again? Where has the time gone? (Mr. Plinkett voice) Ohhhhh


plinkett rise of skywalker news? Its like an autopsy of Star Wars


Can you please have Mike and Rich do some best Deep Space 9 episodes too!


Sounds great!


Anyone else read this in Jay's voice?


Awesome! Thanks for the exciting update.


Aww yes, TNG! I just shotgunned all the Star Trek content and now I'm out, so this is great. I basically only finished season 2 of Disco so I could watch the review.


I think a "5 episode list" of each series would be good, even if they can only come up with 5 from Voyager that were any good to begin with 🤣


Do a Lower Decks Re:View!


HITB Tenet in 2021 😣. maybe do the devil all the time?


Do best of the worst of RAED's movie Still Flowin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydk8OkN8frc&ab_channel=R.A.E.D


re:View of the Matrix trilogy leading up to #4


Thanks for consistently being the best channel on youtube :)

Mike St Louis

“The Most Toys” or GTFO!

Jeff Kleist

Can we have A Very Cannon Christmas 2: (insert) Boogaloo?

Tony P.

The work and creativity of your Halloween BOTW sets is absolutely brilliant! Let's hope you don't run into another "Shark Exorcist"....or maybe we do? Either way, thanks crew!


Reading between the lines, I'm guessing the new BotW involves 3 rollercoaster-centric movies.


Star Trek Lower Decks is... starting to stabilize in quality. Sometimes. It deserves more attention than Disco or Picard ever did!


Same. I just got to season 6 on my rewatch last night. I wish I was a Star Trek encyclopedia like Mike.


Any chance we're getting a HITB for Tenet?

Marvin Falz

Shoot, I was thinking Mike and Rich already recorded a new TNG video. Looking forward to BotW too!


I think there's an interesting HITB-esque conversation to be had: is it reasonable for a filmmaker to make a movie with the intention of you watching it more than once? Or is having to see a movie more than once to understand it a flaw in the storytelling?


Thank You for all the work You guys do to entertain us.. also please get Rich a Shaq-A-Roni pizza. I’ve heard it’s Juicy


I want that juicy shag meat


Love the Halloween episodes! Thank you for always churning out quality entertainment.


Awesome! So glad to be part of the Patron Community.... cant wait for BotW! Whos editing the ep? Mike or Jay? Jc


I miss Jack so much.


Another set of TNG likes! Awesome. They were right in the first two videos on their top five: they need to go to ten! One of them NEEDS to mention Sub Rosa. Just mention it! Love you guys.


Really looking forward to the Halloween episode, guys!


I love every single word of that post.


The Halloween episodes are all some of my favorites. I hope Jay edits it because it's some of his best work when he does.


This year's episode better be spoopy.


If someone told me 10 years ago that I would someday be legitimately excited to watch multiple hour long videos consisting of two 40-something Midwestern dudes talking about why they love Star Trek I would've been like 'yeah that sounds about right'. Anyway talk about I'm Thinking of Ending Things you cowards.


guys please review I'm Thinking of Ending Things


And now we wish our lives away waiting for all of this to come to fruition. That's both a good thing and a bad thing, right?


You mean....Rich Evans isn't real?

Peter Varga

"The Devil All The Time" is also something you could discuss on HITB!


Rich Evans was originally created for a Halloween episode of Best of the Worst.


RLM made me rent Diamond Cobra vs the White Fox.... you SOB’s! I had to see it.


I wonder what episodes will be highlighted this time. I hope Data’s Day gets a mention.


Just watched "The Devil All The Time" on Netflix, it was very well done and all of the spiderman vs batman jokes are ripe for the taking. Might be a good HiTB


Love you guys. Thanks for making this awful year better. That's all I want to say.


How about Re-View: The Films of Sam Rami

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Finally, they'll be talking about Darmok and The Inner Light! Those each have to be in at least one of their top ten episodes lists, right? And hey, to the couple of people in the comments section for the last TNG review episode with whom I exchanged messages about episodes to watch for getting started with TNG: how did it go? Did you give it a shot? If so, which episode did you watch? I hope some new people were brought into the TNG fold!

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I think you guys should watch Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's an obscure movie from the 1980's, but I think you'll really enjoy it. Also, Trolls World Tour. Obviously.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I love Data's Day. It's not an all-time classic, but it's just so much fun. It makes me happy. And, though Data isn't technically capable of enmity, it's nice to know that he decided to keep in touch with Bruce Maddox and seems to respect him as a colleague, at the very least.

features creatures

So a solid 20% of this years videos are Star Trek? Ok.


I'm so excited. I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it.


I hope a lot of booze was involved


You guys need Jay staring at the camera during your TNG discussions. Similar to the "running time" counter you had during Bigfoot vs DB Cooper where it's down in the corner.


I can’t wait for the new Spooktacular episode. It makes me excited in my pants.


Check out Antebellum! It's new and technically a movie!

Jessie Zimmer

Any chance of some BTS of Rich (I'm assuming it's Rich) building the set this year? The video of Rich (and Jack) being utterly filled with joy over making the BOTW table still makes me smile.


How many cats has Jay killed since last year!?


This movie would be perfect for HiTB Would really like to see their thoughts on it. Maybe also on “I’m thinking of ending things” as well. Jay tweeted about it recently so who knows


I hope we see a ghost this year.


this is all highly stimulating news but as many times as i've listened to the TNG Re:Views i sure hope this won't count as our spooky October Re:View with Jay 'Cat Killer' Bauman we've all become spoiled by and accustomed to... don't blame us, you did this...


Also, still patiently awaiting that Galaxy Quest Re:View with Mike and Rich that was never promised so long ago...

Andre K

A certain bald birdie posted a certain picture on Twitter that made me really, really happy.


Yknoooow, halloween would also be a great time to release that ghost investigation footage 🥺🙏


I'm thrilled to hear that we'll be getting another 5 favorite Star Trek episode video. There's something really nice about the format!


Last years Halloween set was beautiful..


I hope Len comes back in a video soon.


More Star Trek, yessssssssssss, inject this into my veins


I just looked for this on his Twitter but couldn't find it. Did he take it down for some reason? Also, damn you sir for making me look at (eww) Twitter.


Yes I enjoy seeing you guys talk about stuff you enjoy