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Rich and Jay Talk About Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai started out as a YouTube Premium original series. But now that it's been added to a streaming service that people actually watch, Rich and Jay sit down to talk about the first two seasons! There's mild spoilers and lots of kicking.


Joshua Mannix

Jay, your hair is luxurious. Getting near to Fabio level.


always nice to watch an RLM video about something I probably won't watch


Is Mike dead again?


Would love to see you guys review more shows. Really enjoy it.


Nice....Always a joy to listen to your rambling!

Richard Reynolds

I, too, watched Cobra Kai expecting utter trash and was surprised when the first season was actually a pretty compelling character redemption story. But man, if season 3 continues down the same path as season 2, then it's definitely going to run out of steam fast.


I almost feel like Karate Kid 3 needs a Best of the Worst episode now.


Inquiring minds want to know Jay's Sbux order 🤔


I’m so relieved that you didn’t hate it! I love the original film, Its as good as Rocky (almost). The story is good, the cast is perfect. The series was so much better than I expected. The switch of characters is a genius idea. It’s all the show needed to get through season 1. They lay it on thick sometimes but it’s a TV show. The fight at the end does go on forever but must have taken so much planning. There’s nothing too unbelievable in the series, it’s pretty small scale. Mostly two guys who don’t get along and some teens arguing over boyfriends. Keeping it simple helps a lot. And it’s cheap. Will Johnny get the girl at the end...?


Every time someone brings up Ralph Macchio I think about that time my sister went to the Pittsburgh Comic Con and he was the most famous person there... I still don’t know if that’s more embarrassing for the city of Pittsburgh or Ralph Macchio


My wife is a huge fan of the show so I'm gonna get her watching this latest from you guys. We'll see if she agrees with your takes.


does Mike have... the Corona?!


This is one of those shows I've been hearing is good for a while and that I'd probably really like but I just can't make myself care enough to bother with. But I'm glad you guys dig it, and I hope the showrunners know when to end it. Maybe I'll check it out eventually. PS I miss Mike #bringbackmike

Marvin Falz

Jay brought up Star Wars. I have just watched THX 1138 for the first time in my life, and now Star Wars, the OT at least, makes more sense to me, THX 1138 is like a companion piece to Star Wars. What I mean to say is, that THX 1138 and the original Star Wars seem to be very timely, and since the new releases are pretty much spiritless and overall only annoying, I suggest to focus on the old stuff and rekindle the love and begin a new debate. Mike and Rich already talked about their favorite TNG episodes, I suggest to do something similar with Star Wars OT and THX 1138.


Karate Kid 3 is highly underrated. Hear me out! I watched it originally in the theaters and thought it was a trash remake of Karate Kid 1. But then, decades later, I watched it one night on Netflix and the stars were in alignment or something and I saw it in a whole new light. Whereas the 1st one is just a kid vs. bully physical karate story, the 3rd one takes it to the spiritual, values, and family level. The villains don't want to beat Danielle up. They want to do something much more insidious and genius - they want to convert Danielle, destroy Danielle and Mijagi's relationship, AND corrupt karate for the entire area. How easy, and common, could it have been just to make it another 'karate movie'. Which it seems like it is at the surface (the whole karate fight thing from the first one is there) - but the real story is much deeper and much, much better than it's given credit for. Yeah, the villain from the 3rd one is over the top - as are his underlings. But if you embrace that silliness then it's kind of fun in its own way, too. I also appreciated how they subverted expectations (hate to use that) in that Danielle and the girl's relationship is authentically platonic and doesn't evolve into the cliche romantic relationship. I didn't like that first time through because it was like an odd copy of the first movie's relationship. But if you see the 3rd movie as actually being smarter and more thoughtful, that relationship seems much more purposeful.


I've been passing over this show cause I never saw any of the movies and, like Jay said, kinda just knew everything about it through osmosis. But! I might actually check it out now. Also I hope Mike is ok and that the whole crew is staying safe!


It looks like Rich’s Skymall hair plugs got lost in the mail tho.


What's next? Will Jay host a Re:View of Cuties?


Cobra Kai landed perfectly on cheesy, yet somewhat realistic 80's rebooting. Just be glad it didn't turn into something like that Jem & the Hollograms fiasco 2ish years back.

Jessie Zimmer

Isn't Elizabeth Shue in the boys as well? Is it legal to be on an Amazon show and then/also a Netflix show? I feel like there'd be a weird contract rivalry in there somewhere.


I remember the first movie, love that it's such an integral part of pop culture, but meh on this. I'm trying to care but failing. I think part of it is just retro burnout.


I'm guessing you didn't see the first-season finale of The Boys. :)


While it was fun to see the old couches again, I prefer the re:View set - it has better lightning and it's not so beige. Beige is the mind killer.


Good discussion gentlemen, your work is appreciated!


Welp the wife totally agreed with your takes ;-) she said the first time you see johnny all drunk and a loser she said "good!" but then agreed that you feel sorry for him and the danny guy is more the bad guy now.


I was going to make a discussion about Season 1, simply because I love the way they approach the current environment of schools trying to be "inclusive", and yet call out students that are being mistreated ("Hawk"), for example. The other aspect that really appealed to me was how Johnny treated Miguel like crap because he was flying off the seat of his pants with doing the "Cobra Kai" thing, yet Miguel and the other students internalized his misguided intentions in a way that energized their self-confidence. Best example was when Miguel was being drowned in the pool and he's like "What am I doing?" only to see Miguel take the best aspect of this moment - taking control of your inner strength and rising above what you thought you were capable of - and that inspires both Miguel AND Johnny to become something more. They both strengthened each others' weaknesses, and throughout the entire season moments like this cropped up. That's what I loved most about the first season. Season 2, on the other hand, was crap. It was everything I thought was going to suck about season 1.