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Hey everyone. The first part of Mike and Rich's Top 5 Star Trek TNG episodes will be up later today. It's over an hour long. Keep an eye out!





please make Mike and Rich talking about old Star Trek a recurring segment!


Here’s to hoping that “Over one hour” means fifteen hours or more!


Y'all have plans to talk about voyager and DS9?

Justin Minor

Hope you’ve seen the Frakes cameo

Dirk Hoderin

Cool. Can we also get Rich and Mike to cover Star Trek Lower Decks? The pain and suffering will be top qualitt.


Very cool




Hurry up and do DS9 you hack frauds. That’s the only eyes on Breen I need in my life!


You know, as a non-Trekkie, I never know what the hell you two are talking about in your Star Trek discussions. It literally all sounds like gobbledygook. But I still somehow find enjoyment in it. I think it's because the conversations are either full of confused vitriol for Discovery/Picard or gushing admiration for NextGen.


I just finished my first watch through of tng. Looking forward to this.


Just don’t let the Shat catch wind of it!

Nick E

I don't even like Star Trek but I'll listen to Mike belittle Rich's Star Trek opinions for over an hour! Thanks RLM!


Shaq-a-Roni Pizza?


Holding my breath for their favorite episodes breakdown of 1985 super hit, "Otherworld".




I'm excited. I just watched the "podcast" episode about Shatner. WTF happened with that?!


Jay, if you hope that them talking about star trek for hours will somehow "get it out of their system", I feel you should start letting your hopes down sooner rather than later.


Very excited. Just finished the series (again) in order and doing DS9 and VOY with the wife now. Loving it. My advice: don't watch any old series interspersed with Picard. Just shows how weak the new series' "storytelling" can be.

Andy Scotschdale

Sounds familiar, tried TOS a few years back, it was okay, might finish it later but it didn't quite appeal to me. Watched most of TNG now though, and if you enjoy your run of the mill episodic tv show I'd say it's great as that alone. watched div of the newer stuff before, which don't really measure up at all. At every point though, I did usually quite enjoy the RLM chats about Star Trek.

Jeff Kleist

Please finish Picard after you have your purge in the happy place ;)

Mike St Louis

I hope there’s a discussion about Picard in court. Measure of a Man Drumhead Devil’s Due Those are some of my favorites. I’d hire Picard as my lawyer.


Wow, cant wait, love you guys


Heart of Glory, The Emissary, Family, Reunion, chain of command.


I just so gosh darned excited about this ep. Optimism! It's still sort of a thing, and that show embodied that so very well 😊


Thank Kortar for that!

Juan Calvo

Excited to know what you think about "Shades of Gray".


I would like to hear their thoughts of DS9 as well. I never watched any Trek as a kid so I don't have any nostalgia for any of them in particular, but I found DS9 to be best of the bunch, with the strongest and most developed characters.


I just watched TNG for the first time so I'm really looking forward to this.

Ryan Spaulding

I'm afraid with their dislike of NuTrek and recent Trek actor shenanigans, this might be the last time we really hear the guys talk Trek. Hope I'm wrong!

Peter Robinson

Just the Data episodes and any with Troi in the nip?


Looking forward to it !


Looking forward to it, need something to take mind off the release of, 'Lower decks'


We’re doing the same thing, TOS through Enterprise (in season one of ENT right now) interspersed with the movies. I think this is somewhat common among us geeks and nerds during quarantine.


Mike’s categorisation of the wide range of Star Trek: Discovery episodes is very insightful.


This better be good, or ill keep watching Picard.


I have not watched much Star Trek at all. It's really fun learning about the show via your videos.

Twisted Wishes

More of these please! Also maybe a commentary track for something soon?