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Half in the Bag: Quarantine Catch-up (part 3 of 2)

Stuck in the VCR repair shop, Mike and Jay talk about a bunch of stuff they've watched because they have nothing better to do. (00:00) - Intro (04:56) - Gremlins: The Puppet Story (06:55) - Horse Girl (13:32) Horse Girl SPOILERS (16:41) - Lemon (31:25) - Palm Springs (39:57) - Relic (43:45) - Relic SPOILERS (48:38) - Obligatory Ghost Adventures talk (52:19) - Wrap-up





Your small glimpse of Hope when you make your shows give me strength to continue

Joshua Mannix

Whatcha been reading, Mike?


Heck yea, thanks fellas.


You are beautiful human beings ♡


That guy from Lemon, he's insane! I remember his small role in The Other Guys, he was the best thing in the movie. I laughed my ass off on his scene, "Arnold Palmer alert!". Stupid ass material elevated by his incredible delivery. And yes, he is Tim Higgins' lost brother.


Sending all my love to Mike. We will get through this together. Like a Family, and that is important.


That's the face of a man who has forgotten more about Star Trek than you'll ever know.


this is called a bükh


Yes! My day just got better! Thanks, guys.

Robert Daniel Pickard

Gremilns: A Puppet Story is only streaming until tomorrow from the Hollywood Theater site.


A bit sad that The Beach House didn't get a chance for a review but glad Relic got its fair share of praise.


Movies are like ghwoooahsts.

Peter Cushion

Have you guys watched You Were Never Really Here, Staring Joaquin Pheonix. Dierected by Lyne Ramsey.


Ok, Mike... Here's my introductory video to Mr. Brett Gelman (AKA Higgins v.2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7W-jShLtKM / 10 year old jokes, but I think you guys will still get 'em.

Marvin Falz

So Jay didn't know if Mike was pulling a Shatner on him, when he recommended Lemon. EDIT: I'll come back, when I find something to add to that.


I’m really surprised by how easily you both bought into Relic. The overall subtext is a fine idea, but not nearly enough to sit through nothing but horror tropes and nopes to get there. Take away the predictability of dementia and this was an even more predictable series of filmmaking events.

Manuel Johnen

Eh, in a world, where "Babadook" and "It Follows" are considered good movies... :P


Is it just me or is Jay getting better looking?


Man, you guys are a light in the dark right now. For 56 minutes I forgot how terrible the world is. D:


How can this be part 3 of 2? 😂


They should cave and start watching anime. Jay might actually like “perfect blue” Right up his alley with fucked up sex pervert movies 😉


Love reviews of movies like these from RLM. Very few reviewers who are as good as Jay and Mike at showing the heart/depressing truth at the core of a movie as they are at making fun of the bad ones. My grandma passed recently so definitely not watching Relic but I like that a movie like that exists.


That was hilarious. I guess they just added it on to the two part quarantine episode they did a few months ago, LOL. RLM is too funny.


Oof, I kind of feel bad for absolutely loving Palm Springs now.


I will definitely be checking out the Gremlins Doc and Relic (because apparently I enjoy torturing myself) Is Relic on Shudder?


I haven't watched Horse Girl yet so I'm gonna wait on this, but I literally just finished watching Relic. The opening scene was mesmerizing, the ending was fucking beautiful, everything in between was horrifying and heartbreaking, it had a fun little House of Leaves/Silent Hill sequence. I want to cry and throw up and jump in front of a bus. I loved it. I love you. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Edit: Lemon was legitimately great. It's kind of a breakdown of performative white liberalism, a showcase of feigned or one-sided relationships, and a satire of 'sad dude in indie film' protagonists. "She's had a few strokes" fucking killed me.

Peter Varga

guys honestly the Eurovision movie is a lot better than you think it is. it seriously was the most pleasant surprise of 2020 for me. (I know neither of the above sentences is saying much, but still)


2020 is all about Jay's hair. And that's what makes it so special.


I'm guessing you have to be from a country where the Eurovision contest is a big deal or are familiar with it to enjoy the concept of the movie. In North America, that contest isn't widely known.



Jessie Zimmer

This was a great thing to wake up to. Thank you. Adding Relic, Horse Girl, and possibly Lemon to my constantly growing RLM movie folder.

Jessie Zimmer

[insert shrug emoji here] Ya like what ya like. If it brought you joy, entertainment, or just a brief break from the end of the world, good on ya. I loved Rogue One on first watch (though I absolutely see the flaws, and agree with them on points) and they weren't fans. Don't feel bad about it.


Happily, streaming’s been extended through August 6th. I know what I’m doing Saturday morning.

Bort Ward

9:14, "I'm not a pervert." I believe the record shows different...


Thanks for recommending Relic. It's rare that a movie makes me feel devastated.


Do the guys take recommendations? Just saw 365 DAYS on Netflix. Makes LAST VAMPIRE ON EARTH look like GONE WITH THE WIND


Dear Lord, NO!!!! 365 Days is a dumb movie. And yeah, it would make Last Vampire on Earth look like a master piece.


Ha Mary, harsh girl!!


I’ve been wanting to watch Lemon since it came out. It did have a very limited release theatrically. Brett Gelman and the director were married when they made this movie. Even though I like them both and saw a really good short film they did before then I kind of dragged my feet.


I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old and i have watched Trolls World Tour more times than i can count. I have to say though its a good movie, for what it is at least, really bizarre and funny, and much better than the first one which i cant stand. Again though i am seeing it through the lens of children so i wouldnt exactly recommend this in any other context but watching it with your kids. That said though, if one were to say, get REALLY high and watch it, it might be fun too.


Now I want to watch Lemon just to see Stranger Things guy be married to Judy Greer.