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Boomer Fight! Shatner VS RLM Explained!

We noticed a bunch of Twitter action recently. We wanted to explain our part in it all.



Goodnight, sweet Shats!


Cant wait til they get shatner on the show and he throw's a phaser at rich's crotch


I know you guys are stuck with social media because of what you do, but it sure is nice not being on Twitter.

Bort Ward

Nuts to Shatner, get Mike Tyson!


Maybe Bill just needs a massage for the elderly to make him relax?!


Mike's right as usual. I can't imagine Shatner is of an age that he would get a lot of stuff that RLM does. Bill probably isn't going to watch John Campea (or others like him) and then watch the nerd crew stuff and go, "Oh, that's what they're making fun of. That's pretty funny." Poor Mike being such a huge fan and people yelling at Shatner about not understanding what RLM does.


I'm not a Boomer, my parents are, but I only really like TOS. Some episodes of TNG and DS9, but other than that the rest is at best so-so


I am just happy that you had the chance for an in-depth talk about the Captain's Holiday beer sex joke, which is in my opinion one of the comedic pinnacles of human history.

Poo In An Alleyway

Thanks for explaining this mess. I’ve seen these screenshots floating around mostly context-free the last few days so those tweets by Shat’s intern/daughter honestly made no fucking sense.

Joshua Mannix

Sorry, I'm still not sure who this William Shatman is, Mike why didn't you add one of those helpful "For the Millennials..." cuts?


You guys are the greatest.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this, the Internet sure can be a strange place. Thanks, anyway, for being you!


As funny as I think this is, I hope the fans cool off and leave Shatner alone. I don't want him hating Mike because of the fans. 😢


He probably didn’t have the patience to sit through your stuff, which made him misunderstand your content and go on the defensive, after which he was too proud to concede he was initially mistaken.


Mike how he can't take Kirk calling making fun of pictures of him totally brought me to where's he's at. Recent Star Trek has been a brutal stream of sadness to all of us who used to liked Star Trek, I can't imagine also having William Shatner tweeting out goofy pictures of me and saying how stupid I look on top of it. It's like if a real life He-Man, Snake Eyes, and Optimus Prime took you out back said you looked like a dildo, laughed at you, and then took turns kicking you in the balls.

Pete Michaelson

I love TOS too, and I think Shatner as Kirk is fantastic. But Shatner is kind of an odd dude, and whether it's really him on Twitter or just his staff fucking with people, it's not a place I would choose to interact with him. The people who are bombarding him with RLM stuff are doing no one any favors.


Just realized Shatner is almost 90. I’d be pretty surprised (and impressed) if it’s actually him tweeting and not one of his handlers.


I was half expecting Shatner to show up at the end for like 2 seconds then cut to credits


Shatner never dies...unlike his wife. *slide whistle noise while quick zoom in on sad face*


Shatner confirmed for Previously Recorded?


Mike and Jay are definitely not boomers, btw. They're younger than me and I'm Gen X.


TOS phaser is like a pistol looking thing... shatner is not going to watch past that


Shatner VS RLM: whoever wins we lose


I've given up trying to explain that to people; they don't want to hear it. They seem to think "anyone older than me is a boomer, and anyone younger is a millennial".


Can’t wait for the TNG episode reviews. Let’s try and guess what ones will be highlighted. I’m going to guess ‘The Drumhead’ or ‘Who Watches the Watchers’ for Rich. Maybe ‘The Defector’ too cause it’s a perfect sneaky Romulans episodes. Data’s Day’ is the most heart warming, that might get a shout out. I think ‘Tapesrty’ is brilliant. ‘Chain of Command’ also.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough so that your octogenarian idol disses you on Twitter... Mike, it seemed at the end you were genuinely hurt by the situation. I'm so sorry. I hope one day that I can grow into someone big enough so that you can diss me on Twitter in return to close the loop. Wait, how does that work?


Remember that episode of The Critic, where they show a young Siskel & Ebert becoming friends at like, age 10? I'd like to think that if they kept the mentality of an angsty 20-something who didn't want to give up their action figures, they would parallel Jay & Mike. Synopsis: I like this "Next Generation" of movie critics, right here.


And this is why I give them 15 dollars a month!


I hope this doesn’t stop you guys from making more Nerd Crew videos. Just because someone Mike genuinely admires is now making fun of him.


So is he going to do your nerd crew podcast or not


I simply can't wait for 150 minutes of Mike and Rich talking about the best episodes of TNG. BOTNG!


At least Mac's got your back. What a good kid.


Looks like you were actually a little emotional at the end, Mike. Sorry if this really was an ordeal. You guys are incredible, and I've spent a lot of the quarantine going through years of your work. Just consistently the best comedy out there.

Manuel Johnen

Never meet your heroes (or tweet at them). But luckily we'll all be dead soon anyway, so who cares...? :)


I think some older people just don't get it, gentlemen. Once spotted Jay outside of a movie theater, said an appreciative word, and went on my way. Incidentally I was visiting my boomer mother, who lives near the Milwaukee airport, and after I told her of our brief encounter she went out of her way to not only watch several RLM videos, but also attempt to contact you all in some vain hope that you'd send me a bottle opener or a letter saying "Thanks. Fuck off." or what have you. Not only is that insane, as she doesn't understand humor, it is quite possibly one of the most embarrassing things she's ever tried to do and admitted to me. If she understood Twitter, I would have to disown and institutionalize her. Sorry Shatner wouldn't take more than cursory glance at anything, fellas.


Mike seems genuinely sad at the end and that makes me sad.


If Shatner actually watches this video, he'll only make it through 60 seconds again, because Mike is using the Phaser from Next Gen. and said it was from TOS. That for sure triggered Bill.


Mike, you are a true gentleman.


Wow. I'm not on twitter and I didn't know any of this was going on, but this is a classic example of why old people shouldn't fucking be on there either. Some one please take away their drivers licenses and their ability to post on social media.


I love Shatner, but after reprising his role as John Luke-Picard, he deserves some fair criticism for trolling Star Trek fans.

Scott Barrie

I bet Mike sincerely enjoyed being a little part of Bill's life, even if not how he always imagined... {raise eyebrows}


Hey mr tambourine man... Shatner style..

Marvin Falz

I didn't skim 2.500+ comments on YT, so the following might have been already said. Does W. Shatner troll people on Twitter? Very likely, cause this seems to be part of his nature. Billy Blackburn shot a lot of private footage on TOS sets, and Shatner is pretty much clowning around all the time. And Leonard Nimoy told the story where Shatner asked Nimoy three times to show him how he screams the words "Pain. Pain." (That was on the set for "The Devil in the Dark," for the scene where Spock gets in telepathic contact with the Horta.) After Nimoy had screamed the third time, Shatner told someone else to "give this guy an aspirine."

Marvin Falz

Also, I'm pretty much hyped for a new Mike and Rich talk about Star Trek, old Star Trek!

Tony P.

You beat me to it. I loved Bo Jackson as a kid...when I was finishing up college I carried his bags as a bellhop at a Ritz Carlton...the Mutha F##ka gave me $2 for 5 bags and golf clubs. And when he did it, he acted like he gave me a $50 dollar bill. DISAPPOINTED!!!

John Kott

Mr. Stoklasa's concluding statement was so genuine...as an elderly Star Trek fan myself, I understand totally how he must feel. Love and respect from Canada!


My heart literally broke at the end when Mike said he can't take anymore :( :( :(


Hey Mike, this'll sound lame but honestly, you're a bright fucking light in this dark world and your passion and humor makes so many people's lives just a little more worth living. I know you admire Shatner's performances, but try not to take to heart the unfounded opinions of a 90 year old, egotistical celebrity. Sorry Twitter is such a strange cesspool of shit stirrers. Oh and it was very sweet of Jay to be there solely for emotional support.

warren blyth

hahaha. this would be the greatest maneuver of all time. if they convinced shat they run a legit operation, and got him on the nerd crew.


"Kick his ass, Sea Bass!"

Peter Robinson

That’s got to spoil watching Star Trek (and TJ Hooker) forever now. Also 2 episodes of Colombo.


That was a strange video all around. I don't think I've ever heard Mike and Jay actually talk about their own videos (especially obvious satire like the Nerd Crew) and try to explain them. The fact that Mike felt he had to clear things up makes me feel like that display of emotion at the end was real and he loves and respects Shatner and doesn't want to have an issue with him. They would never take the time to explain their videos to many people.


I am really looking forward to 10.5 hours of Rich and Mike talking about TNG.


A beautiful and confusing tragedy only Twitter could write.


Do you think it's possible they can edit it down to that length?


It is at times like this that we should all take Gene Roddenberry‘s words to Wil Wheaton to heart, “Bill Shatner is an ass.“ All Shatner does on Twitter is argue with Outlander shippers and autistic people during the month of April (that’s how you know it’s really him and not an assistant tweeting) He has been in his Norma Desmond phase since the 60s. We have to accept and move on.

David Perek

Shatner is a master of viral marketing. He was able to turn a few tweets into a lot of publicity for himself with a certain audience. Probably worked out well for RLM as well, and I'd bet he sees it that way.


Jay is right about Twitter - that site is the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet. Mike seemed genuinely sad about this whole thing though, and that sucks since he and the rest of RLM have brought such joy to us fans over the years. Hope the folks on Twitter chill with Shatner and that this doesn't continue. Now who wants to take bets on if the TNG episode where Beverly Crusher falls in love with a Scottish ghost makes either Mike's or Rich's list of best episodes?


It's definitely one of his handlers or a PR team managing that page. Every time his Twitter makes some reference to 4chan it's all over clickbait sites and reddit and then Shatner is back in the news again, which is the goal. A lot of celebrities/companies have taken the PR approach of appealing to terminally online millenials with dank memes, see: Wendy's. It's never brought up with him outside of Twitter or in-person. While he seems pretty sharp for someone pushing 90 I bet if you asked him to make a tweet on his phone he wouldn't know how to do it. I mean, what are the odds that Shatner even knows what the Kelvin Universe is? It doesn't have anything to do with him, so he wouldn't bother to think about it. And while I can't imagine a millienial saying "sporto", I certainly can't imagine Shatner using terminology like "ageist" or "LGBTQIA".


Really shocked that Mike was using RLM twitter. I thought he scoffed at social media and let Jay have the reigns.


Mike, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Shatner could identify a 2009 era uniform and use the word 'Kelvinverse'. I seriously doubt he's even watched the movies more than once, let alone know fandom terminology like that. His account is pretty obviously being run by some PR firm, unless you think this 89 year old man is really shitposting on 4chan and Reddit. Dude probably still rocks a flip phone.


This video was way more entertaining than it should have been, thank you


Poor Mike but so excited for the TNG review, will there be ds9 one too?


Aw this video genuinely made me really sad for Mike. Jay is 100% right though twitter is mind poison. There’s a saying in Scotland, ‘Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye.’ Seems apropos.


Well I feel bad for Shatner, he was Sooo close to discovering awesome content but bailed too early.


I'm actually surprised you responded to Shatner. I remember it blowing up a couple of days ago and figured RLM would ignore it. But hearing what Mike had to say at the end really bummed me out. :( Fans' intense love for a show or people can get out of hand and unintentionally annoy people. So that is why I don't engage in the evil Crap-pile that is Twitter. I still love RLM. I still love Bill Shatner. Captain Kirk will always be my favorite captain.


On an unrelated note LOVED Jay's Under the Skin shirt. Appropriate. Keep your chin up Mike! #canceltwitter


This comment made me tear up a bit. I love Star Trek and these past few years broke me. And yeah, Captain Kirk was my hero. I would be heartbroken if he made fun of me. :(


Anyone else surprised that Star Trek: Lower Decks is actually a real show? I thought RLM edited in a clip from Family Guy spoofing Trek.

Jessie Zimmer

I had no idea this was going on, but I'm glad I stick primarily to Patreon discussions. It seemed like the whole "issue" was Shatner not understanding (and then not wanting to understand) and fans, however well meaning, not knowing when to let something go. It took me a couple episodes to understand what the fuck y'all were doing, at first. I found you through Jeremy Jahns reviews and was originally all, "Why the fuck are these guys so angry?" But then I clicked on a Re:View, really enjoyed it, and worked my way back through BotW and HitB. Now I look forward to your videos and consider them some of the most entertaining work on YouTube, but it is content viewers need to spend more than sixty seconds on. And even if you do, some people will still see RLM as Marvel shills who hate joy, sunshine, children, puppies, and fun. Social media is a pit devoid of manners and basic comprehension skills at times.

Nathan Carlson

That account isn’t Shatner, Mike.


People need to just stop using Twitter

Mike St Louis

This is the first I heard of the Shatner feud. If I could post a photo here it would the one of the Springfield newspaper with a picture of Abe Simpson and the caption “Old Man Yells at Cloud”. I got far more enjoyment watching Rich and Mike discuss Picard and Disco then I did with those respective Star Track shows. I watched the Re:View of ST:TMP a few times at least because I also love that film. You guys are great and I think it’s an honor that Shatner has devoted some time tweeting about you. How many people can make that claim? Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the upcoming TNG video! PS: I wish Rich and Jack were making more episodes of Previously Recorded. They are great! Jack is a pretty funny dude.


I'm really sorry about all this Mike. Super funny video, but I felt for you at the end.

Ryan Spaulding

I hope you guys don't let this affect things since it blew up so much. I love hearing Mike and Rich talk about Star Trek, even when we fiercely disagree. It's a shame the shitty RLM fans took it to this point.


The good old Kirk, and/or whomever is behind him, are peddling some creepy cryptocurrency affair. It's pinned on his twitter. They'll do with any kind of attention online no matter the intent or context and they are getting plenty. People trying to vindicate Mike's good intentions should stop.


Shatner is an icon, but unfortunately, he’s also an embarrassingly pretentious old man who is almost completely ignorant of modern day media.

The Doctor

Sadly, they didn't. They continued to poke him with a stick.


I had to unfollow Shatner. He’s been going on about it all night (for me here in Scotland it was all night) and it’s just too dumb now.


Won't somebody think about Pet Shop Boys?!


I refuse to believe any 90 year old can even read text from a phone. That millennial running his twitter is just a non ironic prequel fan still sore about the episode one review. RLM seems to have spawn a lot of angry millennial guys , have you seen renegade cut? He hates RLM like a jilted ex


Kind of fitting for me since I legit hate Star Trek now. The divorce from the franchise really is complete


It would have been fun if Shatner went at Jim in his Twitter rants. We needed some Canadian on Canadian crime to put this situation over the top.

Poo In An Alleyway

This is the most legitimately heartwarming story I’ve read on this site. Your mom (despite being a boomer) sounds pretty fucking cool.


Jim would also not hold back calling out bullshit


I couldn't even handle that Renegade Cut video, haha. He kept talking about 'canon' but I don't think that word means what he thinks it means. Also it's a bit of a waste of time because his whole premise seemed to be "I'm mad cuz Mike didn't like Generations" and he didn't really go any further than that. I mean, be mad at Mike over an 11-year-old review all you want but at least make a GOOD argument for the film. I think the real problem is that Generations just kind of sucks and trying to defend it at this point is kind of silly. (But I'd still watch Generations 10 times rather than watch Picard...)


jesus I am so glad I don't engage with Twitter


Genuinely feel bad for mike


Yeah, I think maybe people should cool it with getting RLM involved in b.s. like this Twitter mess.

George Ray

Never meet your heros, eh Mike?


Suddenly corona is the second worst thing to happen this year. Keep it up Mike!


My girlfriend and I have been enjoying your videos for a long time now and we find this whole situation (especially after Shatner's response to this video) kind of heartbreaking. To show our support we finally signed up for your patreon and wish you guys all the best, because we love you and your content. Greetings from Germany.


You guys are awesome. Sorry to hear about the Shatner controversy, though I'd have to agree with the other posters who surmise someone else is running his social media--I can't imagine someone like him up late at night scrolling through Reddit.


Is it bad that I'm looking forward to ST:Lower Decks JUST so we can have one (or several) RLM review episode(s)?


Yeah the structure of the tweets are like something a journalist/blogger would post

CarSVernon .

They said they prob won't review it but I am not sure what to expect lol. On the one hand they avoid animation. On the other Mike clearly watches animated series like Big Mouth!


This is completely nuts. I've never followed Shatner, but geez.