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Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #21

The Wheel is back! Again! What tapes will lead to a miserable waste of a day this time around???





oh snap... hurray for the wheel! thanks guys!




I guess I'll drop everything I was doing and escape reality for SEVENTY MINUTES!


What a pleasant surprise for tonight. Thanks boys!


Just when I thought I'd spend another night contemplating my miserable existence, you drop this. Now I can watch you contemplate your miserable existences.


Hell yeah! This is just what I needed


Very cool 😎


I clapped!


So far, Turtle Dreams looks like a video made by a cult made to "be one with he universe" or some other bullshit, aka "drain your mental energy to make you more suggestible."


This episode is what we all needed, no more existential dread for another fee days.


Hell yeah


Turtle Dreams is available in its entirety on YouTube. This is the best pandemic ever.


The Big Lebowski actually uses some of Meredith Monk's music.


Pandemic Jay is morphing into MTV's Johnny Bananas.

Marvin Falz

Glad you guys are back like I remember you! Life feels a bit more normal again.


Halfway through Turtle Dreams and I've never felt so bewildered. Btw nice shirt Jay.




Mike sings again! Pretty soon he'll be able to put out a KTEL album of his greatest hits such as, "I got a worm (in my ****)", Rem Lazar Rhapsody, and "Happy Together".


I am legit adding Turtle Dreams to the Local 58 cinematic universe.


Oh God, I know of Meridith Monk. This is going to be amazing.


First I thought Turtle Dreams was cringey, then I loved it (unironically). Good to see y'all back around the table.


Mike's very detailed backstories/theories he puts together for people featured in some of these weird BOTW tapes and their motives for the tapes are nothing short of amazing.


And I think the litter box thing was because there was a connection between scooping litter and increased chance of miscarriage. Not sure if that's scientifically accurate, but I remember hearing it.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I was an atheist until now. If there's a religion where Rich Evans is the True Prophet, I'm in baby. Balls deep into this religion! EDIT: Also, I just sat down to do my LSAT Writing Sample, but I checked my email first. My future can wait until tomorrow.


This is precisely what today needed.


New RedLetterMedia content = Reason to live


The cat litter song instrumental is "Come On, Come Over" by Jaco Pastorius. ...for some reason.


One of the best ending segments in BOTW history. Holy shit, I am blown away.


I immediately went to doublemoontheory.net and learned a lot. Thanks.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Wait, so now they're actually watching the tapes in between spins?!? This broke new ground! (also, if that what turtle dreams are like, I hope The True Prophet Rich Evans doesn't reincarnate me as a turtle)


A cat's precious tootsie rolls can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Although rare, a toxoplasmosis infection can pass into and harm the fetus, causing miscarriage or stillbirth. Pregnant women are advised not to be around litter boxes, much less snarf up fistfuls of it. I kept waiting for one of the boys to mention this. Rich? Nah. Maybe the Wizard. Seems like something the Wizard might know, having two cats, 'Clary Sage' and 'Sandalwood,' named after his favorite beard oil scents.


This episode is amazing, I was laughing the whole time

Juan Calvo

I get happy when RLM mentions covid, which means someone somewhere will be stealing all of their covid jokes in a not so distant future.


Damn, this is just what I needed


It was a matter of time before a video I knew was featured on Best of the Worst. I did not expect it to be Meredith Monk, though. Last year I even saw her opera "Atlas" live at the Los Angeles Philharmonic.


"You guys remember shopping?"


One of the best BOTW. The "back stories" for the videos were hilarious. Rich at the end was awesome.


Oh happy day!!!


I'm upping my Patreon because of this episode.


time to put the rope down from my ceiling! by the way, i can't seem to find the merch section in your guys' website. i wanted to buy those sweet sweet merch or is it the virus that's affecting it?


Yeah, where's the merch? Give me a reason to give you more money! Also, I'll be a pain in the ass . . . toxoplasmosis: look it up . . . . it explains the kitty litter stuff. Love you guys!


That bass line in the Cat Litter segment was ripped straight out of Come On Come Over by Jaco Pastorius....




This Wheel actually tells the tragic tale of a woman’s life: princess parties, pregnancy, midlife drinking problem, burst of creativity when they’re out of the house, then massages in her elder years.


Superb episode.


You guys at RLM may want to look into a performance theorist named Robert Wilson. He has this idea of exterior and interior screens, where exterior screen is basically what a person experiences through their senses, and interior screen is basically what forms dreams and fantasies. Turtle Dreams may be trying to evoke the interior screen by using similar techniques employed by Robert Wilson. Similar works are the minimalist opera Einstein on the Beach (Philip Glass and Robert Wilson) and the play Deafman Glance (Robert Wilson). This doesn't make Turtle Dreams any deeper or easier to watch, but it may provide the context that you were looking for.


Mike giggling like a schoolboy over the joke about Rich's mom was adorable.


First Mike wants to laugh at the elderly and now he wants to massage them


I feel like only Jack might have known this since he has kids?


Apple Music has Turtle Dreams.


When do we get the uncensored version?

Bort Ward

I know you guys don't take fan requests, but can I fly to Milwaukee at my own expense to destroy what may be one of the last copies of Turtle Dreams? We don't even need to meet, just leave it at the airport. I hate that tape beyond words.


Thanks a ton for the content to keep us all sane, but do please take care of yourselves in these times. I couldn't bear to lose anyone from my favorite channel.

Rick Drake

I can't turn on YouTube notifications because it says "This action is not available for content made for kids." I'm not making this up.


Excellent episode, but Rich annoyed me with the Turtle Dreams segment. He just dismissed it outright while Mike, Jay & Josh at least tried to understand it.


The ending segment may be one of the best ones yet. Great job Jay!


Yeah, hard loop of the first two bars. 2-B-Moms? More like 2-B-Sued, amirite?


Covid 19 Jay has slowly transformed into a very...very small Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Daniel E. Passaro

I thought this was one of the most enjoyable episodes of BotW.


Ugh, I hate the "new" wheel! Right back where it started. Why did you destroy the perfectly good old wheel?

Manuel Johnen

Gotta rewatch "Sleepaway Camp" now...


New wheel is GOAT. Laughed harder than ever at Rich trying to listen to Josh talk about Turtle Dreams lol


Turtle Dreams made me angry, gave me a headache and nightmares.


LOVED this, very highbrow too with the avant-garde!! Still I'm hoping to see you watch the "SM-workout" with Dick the Gimp eventually...! Or maybe start an RLM Only Fans account where you watch... ... erotica...?? 😂

Rudolf Rohaczek

thanks for that episode, it was like a pure lotion of joy in this fucked up year


Haha, what an outro, great episode

Tony P.

When Josh was breaking down his interpretation of the performance art "movie"...I'm pretty certain Rich was suppressing the urge to grab his mic and say, "nobody cares." (Again)

Kendel Fargo

This video has massaged my inner elder and left me smiling in places I never thought possible! The ending with rich must be one of the best things in the world right now!🎅🏿👍


You guys should look into having Vinny from Vinesauce on the show, if he was available I know he'd love to be on. He's a big fan of you guys, so much so you guys show up in his fan made games and mods (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI_arxXJXKA), think he'd be a good fit for the BotW panel.

Jessie Zimmer

I think it tends to disappear and reappear depending on whether or not Wisconsin is in lock down (again).

Jessie Zimmer

I laughed from beginning to end, thank you so much. Downside of Massaging the Elderly: Mike is a terrible person. Upside: He can never torture you with it again. Hope y'all are having a great week, and thank you for continuing to be a bright spot in our (currently) crappy timeline.


My god. This one started a little slow...and I was wincing when it landed on Turtle Dreams as I knew we were in for a truckload of farty-shmarty jokes. But as always, y'all didn't take the easy route of just poo-poo-ing it outright but actually tried to talk it through trying to figure it out (love you guys for that). But yeah...80's performance art broadcast on PBS is some stale shite. And then all of you (loved seeing Josh again in the mix) got into that rhythm with the rest of the episode that I know we all have so missed. ...and then those last 2 minutes. Oh Jeebus. Those last 2 minutes. My dog freaked out as I literally passed out from laughing so hard. Oh. Wow....that was....wow. Thank you, guys...


I was missing the Wizard. This was a great episode, and I hope the wheel continues to rule your lives for years to come.


I love Josh’s ‘Daisies’ t-shirt. Next chance I get I’m going to look through the record store bins for a $2 copy of Turtle Dreams.


Honestly, one of the funniest videos you guys have done. There elderly massage segment had me rolling.


Great episode, guys.


The episode was an utter disgrace. I loved it.


terrible, just what I pay for


I thought maybe Meredith Monk was playing an elaborate prank on everyone, but I looked her up and listened to her speak about her work and...no, that's just the kind of stuff she likes to make. Oh, and of course I watched Turtle Dreams for myself and...I didn't hate it?

Sammy Allouba

I can only imagine Meredith Monk finding out about this video, and her losing her absolute mind that four white men had the audacity to pan Turtle Dreams. No way someone like her would take this lying down.


She has a pretty decent resume surprisingly on imdb