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Half in the Bag: Neil Breen's 5 Film Retrospective and Rawhead Rex

Well it's come to this. Mike and Jay have nothing better to talk about than a DVD where Neil Breen talks about himself for almost 6 hours and a mostly forgotten 80s movie called Rawhead Rex, written by Clive Barker and shot in Ireland for some reason. Nothing matters anymore.


Poo In An Alleyway

Thank you guys for talking about the greatest Irish movie since Zardoz.




I Can't wait!


Jay is on his way to R. Jay MacReady


Jay went full Captain America with the beard.

Manuel Johnen

Hmm, turns out Mike is the one who's into cheap blasphemous Clive Barker pissing monster movie crap, not Jay... ... ... who'd have guessed...? :/


That is totally cum.


I’m looking forward to Mike and Jay never being able to escape Plinkett’s house, and having the series turn into Alan Tutorial


I hope that Miller Lite was warm.


Digging those pandemic beards 🤣


Thank you guys for continuously posting watchable content on YouTube! You’re in a league of your own!

Marvin Falz

Well, it's good to know that Neil Breen, God bless his heart, is only delusional when it comes to filmmaking. Maybe his message is that mankind needs a divine source to be saved, and that mass murder is the wrong way, but he's incapable of correctly communicating this through the medium of film. Another question I have is why mankind needs to be saved at all and from what, because I'm tired of that trope in movies as well as in real life. Also, thank you for talking about the Retrospective, especially Breen's background, because I feel better knowing he's not insane. Bless your hearts!


That ending


Jay, your hair is beautiful. That is all.


Am I the only one who finds Neil Breen genuinely unlikable, borderline insufferable?


Decided to watch hellraiser cause ye mentioned it and I hadn't seen it and it took me till an hour in to realise the father in it is the loveable garak from ds9, love that guy, also great movie


Whoa, those quarantine beards are really coming along. Great watch, RLM. Those mustaches are not Tim Higgins level yet, but they're getting there.

Bort Ward

Rawhead Rex vs. Suburban Sasquatch?


Did anyone else get Suburban Sasquatch flashbacks during that Rawhead Rex car attack scene? I bet that's the scene which made Clive Barker decide that he was going to have full control over his next movie. Maybe Rawhead Rex and the frustration of Clive Barker influenced a young Neil Breen to always remain independent and have complete control over his movies.


Thanks for talking about the idea of "embracing the schlock" and how that can actually ruin the magic of great bad movies.


In Feb I posted saying Corona virus was going to kill us all. I am regretting that now.


Discussions about investors made me think to become a patron of RLM. So, some good came of Neil Breen's DVD-R disc


Why didn't Culkin say anything? He usually has some solid insights but instead he just sat there behind Jay the whole time.


I honestly would love to see a Neil Breen film produced by Blumhouse. Of all the smaller studios out there, I think they would be the best fit.


In my opinion, I don't think anyone finds him likable, they just find entertainment in his delusion and egg him on so he continues making movies. It's tough because if people are too critical, he might become self aware and make bad bad movies or stop making movies altogether so they have to kind of hold back on how they really feel about him so he remains an assembly line of good bad movies while lacking self awareness.


"Oh my god and I used the dvd case as a dinner plate." Us fat slobs felt seen.


I know I shouldn't be leaving thirst comments on RLM content but Jay's quarantine hair? 😏😏😏


FIVE PROFESSIONAL FILMS. Now that your flyover moo cow state is reopened does that mean rich Evans/the BOTW gang are coming back soon? I sure hope so.


The set-up is very much alike to Tourist Trap. I was always wondering if any mannequin would turn around and start laughing hysterically.

Mike St Louis

Thanks for taking one for the team fellas. Who knew making and releasing a professionally produced film could be so much work?


Space Cop was better made than all of them. Yeah, I said it!! Fight me!!!


I propose the Breen is from another dimension where this is how you actually make a good indie film.... in this universe the entire evolutionary process lead toward homo sapien and homo erectus fighting for dominance with Arthropod Breen. The Breen gene was victorious (some how, through the many jesus powers of breen).. And so a species of blob ape people evolved that had no bones in certain jelly areas of their exoskeleton and all have see through breen shaped faces. Where all breen films are 1# at the box office and every ones last name is Breen.


Neil Breen's work is what you get when someone with narcissistic personal disorder and little or no formal training in video production combined with a near total lack of talent or creativity. Comparing his work to ZAAT or the works of Ed Wood or Don Dohler is instructive. There's a creative spark in the latter -- even if they look or sound like shit, or are somewhat incoherent -- that makes them original and entertaining. Contrast Breen with Andy Milligan -- the former has no talent but apparently enough personal drive (ego?) and money to keep making what he's making, versus Milligan's limited technical skills but near-pathological drive to keep making lousy movies despite the lack of money. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak: there's elements in Andy Milligan's output that is genuinely original and compelling, while Breen's work looks and sounds like something worse than public access cable. Gotta give props to Breen though for getting more than one personal project over the finish line... although I might feel differently if I was forced to sit down and watch one or more of them. So thanks Jay and Mike for watching Breen's work so I don't have to!

Manuel Johnen

Not all of Milligan's movies were totally unwatchable... what's the title of the ghost house movie he made? "Carnage"...? That one was okay...


personalITY disorder


I can't wait to hear why this got pulled from youtube....


Some idiot does not understand fair use and striked the video because of his tattoo or picture of Rawhead Rex he did was used in the montage.

Mr. Derek Magnuson

I can’t prove this, but I bet this video was the tipping point ( + coronavirus) that finally got Neil Breen to make one of his movies available online for streaming. https://youtu.be/-qGmuVR7x0Q

Mr. Derek Magnuson

Oh and I found the tweet from the jerk that put a copyright claim on this video in the first place. https://siteid-598059.onuniverse.com