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We'll most likely be posting the next Half in the Bag near the end of this weekend. As mentioned before, we discuss Neil Breen's new 5 film retrospective, which coincidentally or not is 5 hours long. For a "documentary" (or whatever you want to call it) that mostly consists of Neil Breen sitting on his couch talking, there was a lot to discuss. Also mentioned in a previous update post is that we watched another movie that is pretty much completely random and there's no good reason why we did it. That movie is Rawhead Rex, written by Clive Barker and shot in Ireland for some reason. We decided to discuss this film because absolutely nothing matters anymore. Have a good weekend, everyone!



Thank you!!


I look forward to it


Thanks for the Plinkett, "you fat homo"


Because Nightbreed.


“...because absolutely nothing matters anymore.”

Joshua Mannix

Can we get a "State of the disheveled appearance" update?


So glad you guys are talking about the Neil Breen retrospective. Also, loved the Picard review. Stay safe!


Oh, Rawhead Rex! I vaguely remember reading the novel as a kid. ...wasn't he kinda rapey?


Fucking love content


I can’t express how excited I am about Neil Breen!


Neil Breen documentary?! Call me enGAYged!

Matt Naylor

I took the world’s biggest shit reading this. Apparently such happy news really cures some painful constipation. 👍🏻❤️


A real human Breen, and a Neil hero


Can’t wait! #EyesOnBreen

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I can forgive Mike for having never (yet) made a Star Trek joke about the Breen. What I can't forgive is both he and Rich failing to make a Shoji Tabuchi joke in all of their Picard reviews. Downright shameful.


Have you guys thought that maybe watching Neil Breen talk about himself for 5 hours was the reason for the brief psychosis that lead to watching as random of a movie as Rawhead Rex?


Neil breen retrospective...what a treat. Can’t wait, you hack fraud sex perverts.


Beautiful stuff


How much better would Drive be starring Neil Breen instead of Ryan Gosling?


Weirdly, a lot of horror films have been made in Ireland. Fucking Roger Corman had a studio here, even. https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/artsfilmtv/new-documentary-follows-a-cult-us-filmmakers-time-in-connemara-302829.html

Marvin Falz

Watched Breen's trailer. He's fascinating because he sincerely and firmly believes in himself, but he also gives off a psychotic vibe, like someone with a twisted sense of mission, like someone who believes he's full of love, and sent to earth to save mankind through mass murder, and is only able to categorize people into classes of good and evil by considering their role in society. I guess though, to him everybody is evil, only he is good. Well, he and his followers of the Neil Breen cult. The irony is that after watching that trailer, I'd rather watch the whole season of Picard, and then hang myself, because as fascinating as Breen is, his shadow side is a dark place only a psychiatrist should enter. Patrick Stewart, Whil Wheaton et al are saints compared to Breen, they're just your usual sellouts, who want to make a buck with low quality products.

Manuel Johnen

Wow, "Rawhead Rex" really doesn't matter...! (My guess is, they watched that movie, because Jay wanted to talk about the pissing scene...)

Tony P.

I have little doubt NB uses his name as a substitute for various verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. Much like the way Community's Dean Pelton & Chang did. Having said that...I'll buy the "BREEN"-Dip and chips! Breenos Tardes!!!

Kendel Fargo

I was wondering what happened to all those melted Star Wars figures.


mike spent all the patreon money on a hair transplant