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We've decided to split the next Half in the Bag into two parts. For one, we can get a video out to everyone a little sooner that way since the discussion ended up being over 2 hours! Also the flow of the episode and the topics discussed seems to work better this way. So the first part, where we discuss Tiger King and The Invisible Man as well as the current state of movie theaters and planned theatrical releases going to VOD, should be out really soon!



So fucking proud of you boys


Thanks guys! I hope all of ye are doing well during this pandemic and thanks for getting this out....something to look forward to ☺️


Are we going to finally see Rich Evans in tigerface?


The fucking tiger king 🤣 oh god, by all means dig deep!


Thanks for your work - looking forward to it!


Picard!!! Make it so ❤️


I'm so desperate for something to watch I can't fucking wait. RLM are worth every fucking penny.


I can't wait! Actually, I can and I must... :-(


Watch "Don't Fuck With Cats". That should have been the "tiger king" of popularity. Thank me later.


Great idea! Thats so much content as it is. Your judgment with editing always struck me as good. Very excited!


Excellent! Now I don’t need to watch the tiger king!


You spoil us

Marvin Falz

Splitting the next HitB is a good idea. Also, looking forward to your discussion of the current state of movie theaters and planned theatrical releases going to VOD.


Wouldn't this make the next episodes "Quarter in the Bag"?


Agree. I think this one is better than tiger king in many ways.

David Arcaine

Me : "This patient needs a steady IV drip of Red Letter Media"

Juan Calvo

I bet there has to be a lab technician in Wuhan watching these reviews.


I thought a global pandemic would mean less RLM content, not more. Thanks guys.


not even a global pandemic can stop RLM from giving us our trash... i mean content that we pay for!

Mike St Louis

Continued in Part Twooooooooooo...


Re: Current state of movie theaters, things can change a lot but I don't see a radical shift at least not yet. No blockbuster or movie that was sure to make a lot of money has gone directly to VOD or streaming yet other than maybe Trolls: World Tour, they just got delayed so studios are clearly still counting on movie theaters being back in some way.

Manuel Johnen

Probably an overzealous patreon spam filter, happens to me a lot, too...


Not too sure what to think of the whole home streaming theater releases yet. I guess I have not seen a film I want to pay $20 for. Maybe if they do this to the new Ghostbusters or something I might consider it.