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In addition to editing the Plinkett video about Star Trek: Picard, we just shot a new Half in the Bag where we do quarantine catch-up, talking about some stuff we've been watching while in isolation. These include Tiger King, Gretel & Hansel, Vivarium, The Invisible Man, and of course the most anticipated movie of all time, THE BOY 2!!!!




Tiger King? Oh no - it got you too! I'm freakin' sick of hearing about that trashy nonsense! PS - nice beards and toilet paper collection!


This is so fucking exciting. This week has been rough. Thanks guys.

damien glenn

You guys are fn amazing


I was hoping you’d do The Boy 2. Especially after I just watched Jay drunkenly tell Colin how shitty the first one is.


Yay, Gretel & Hansel! Oh no, The Boy(ring) 2...


Tiger King took like 6 years to make. For that reason alone, I’m sure you guys loved it!


omg I can’t wait


Love it. You guys are the best!


The boy 2 took 16 years to make. It took me 16 years to pass wind once

Mike St Louis

Ah. A Plinkett Re:View! Star Track: The Picard will get what’s coming to it. Bring it on!


That is the best half in the bag set so far hahaha

David Arcaine

(psst. please send more copies of toilet paper.)


Mike looking at Jay like a hungry Looney Tunes character seeing a roasted chicken.


This set is everything. I can't waitttt


Wow, a documentary review on RLM?! That's incredibly rare. Is this the first one since The People vs. George Lucas?


I can't wait. I need something great to watch. Poor Jay needs a haircut!!


Anyone else feel like this picture will be the wallpaper or background on the phones or computers of many RLM fans for a while? It completely encapsulates our current situation perfectly. Mike's look at Jay is perfect as if he is jealous of Jay for being totally engrossed in his TV while Mike has just finished watching something and has to come to grips with our quarantine-centric lives.


I want to give you more money, so that you can afford booze and food delivery, so you can stay far away from the public and stay healthy. I need you to keep making content! You're keeping me sane


Plinkett review of "The Boy 2"!

Night Akula

Where the fuck did you get all that toilet paper!?


How could you forget about the legendary Demon House by Zak Baggins!!


The quarantine has given you all this free time and still no new episodes of Game Station 2.0 or Quick Cuts?! What am I even paying for?!?!


and Jay looks like Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan


Boy quarantine is giving us some RLM gold

Jeff Kleist

Will there still be a re:view of the final Picard? No objection to Plinkett, they earned a visit.


Looking forward


Don't worry. A few posts back they confirmed Mike and Rich will be tortured by er I mean discuss the rest of this reason of Picard.


I love you guys. You are making this situation tolerable. Thank you and stay safe. PS- Can I borrow a roll?

Poo In An Alleyway

I’m very curious about the sword in the toilet paper tower...

Andre K

Stay safe folks! I hope all of you (RLM crew and you Patreons) are safe and healthy!


Stay safe!1


very cool

Lauren R

Yes more facial hair. In the video after this just wear fake beards over your actual beards.


Still can't get over what a great picture that is. I guess the VCR repair shop was ruled an unessential business so our heroes are cooped up at the Plinkett house. At least Plinkett was nice enough to let them quarantine there.

Marvin Falz

Besides looking forward to all of the announced releases of the last couple of weeks, I also hope there'll be some Feeding Frenzy behind-the-scenes too.


Very cool. Thanks for all the hard work guys. Jay's going to go full Obi-Wan if the quarantine goes on much longer...

Joey Hollywood

I am split because I was looking forward to a re:View with Mike & Rich about episodes 9&10 because Rich was right about Picard being in love with Data XD but this show is perfect for a Plinkett review


There's a pretty thorough behind the scenes featurette that is available if you buy the movie through our VHX site.


I know nothing about Tiger King, except that it seems like the kind of VH1 reality show that our culture would have passed on in 2007.


Surprised they’re willing to cover Tiger King, given Jay’s own “history” with cats.


Did the boy 2 twelve years to make?


"Anchored by the incomparable Patrick Stewart, Picard departs from standard Starfleet protocol with a slower, serialized story, but like all great Star Trek it tackles timely themes with grace and makes for an exciting push further into the final frontier." What you see above is the "Critics Consensus" on Picard from Rotten Tomatoes, where it currently enjoys an 87% rating, and a full 90% among "top critics". Now that they have seen the finale, will Mike and Rich agree with the "consensus"? Or will they "boldly go" where no RT "top critics" have gone before?


Uh oh, the photo makes it look like this is going to get good between Mike and Jay. Remember that episode of the Simpsons with Homer and Mr. Burns trapped in a cabin? I'm saying it's going to be an all out gang fight between Mike's Star Trek snowmen and Jay's weird movies snow gang.


It is shockingly entertaining.. coming from someone who had zero interest in seeing it. Some incredible unintentional comedy as well


I really hope Gretel and Hansel is at least decent and people are just shitting all over it because they wanted something more mainstream. Aside from the stupid name I thought the first trailer for it looked pretty good

Sean Brombosz

I walked out of Boy 2. Gave me a headache. Also I was stood up for a date so maybe that had something to do with it.


My body is ready.


The world needs you now more than ever. Looking forward to it.


That pic makes me smile.


Yeah, in the finale, when Picard was going on and on about he loved seeing Data's "strange beautiful face" and how much he missed him, I thought "Just get a room, you two, and do it already!"


Thank you so much for bringing some desperately needed laughter. Stay safe guys.


Legend has it if you pull the sword from its triple ply pedestal, the Charmin bears will appear and give you a lifetime supply of TP along with a toilet made out of TP rolls.

Zach Dewoody

Did Mike get credit for his help in writing The Boy sequel?

Zach Dewoody

Same place they get all the crappy Star Wars merch for the Nerd Crew: Rich Evan’s basement

Jessyca Sweeten

I’m so excited for the new Plinkett video. Thanks for watching the new trek so we don’t have to