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I'm currently editing the Suspiria re:View and the first 10-ish minutes are more of a discussion of Dario Argento's movies in general with plenty of clips shown. If you haven't seen much of his work and the shots and sequences from stuff like Deep Red, Inferno, and Tenebrae don't get you excited to check some of his stuff out, there may be something wrong with you! 





Oh, jay🎃

Lauren R

I’m excited and yet terrified you will use that clip of the laughing puppet from Deep Red. Again.


A lot of Argento’s work is on Amazon Prime streaking currently. I’d keep an eye on the stuff that currently isn’t up for streaming because it seems to float in/out of the library from month to month.


Hell yeah! Jay and Josh are the best re:View pairing to geek out about Argento for 40 minutes. Excited for this.


I'm offended... I think...


Are there any clips from his Phantom of the Opera movie, the one with the rats?


In which he casted his daughter, Asia Argento, as Christine?

Manuel Johnen

Classic Argento is well worth checking out, just make sure to make a hard cut after "Trauma"...


I'm a big Argento fan and I can't wait! :)


Honestly, I've never even heard of Argento. I'm maybe not as big of a film buff as some of the others here, I just find you guys entertaining. However I use the ReViews and other discussions you guys have to add things to my "to watch" list, since I couldn't care less about most movies that come out.


You're in for a treat. Just stop after Inferno, or maybe Phenomena (with a very young Jennifer Connelly). After those he basically lost his mind and did only utter garbage. Oh, and don't expect the tightest storytelling: he was all about the visuals and atmosphere.


Nice Luciano Tovoli style lighting guys, he was a beast.

Manuel Johnen

If you want prime Argento, you don't ignore "Tenebrae" and "Opera"... :/


Tenebre has the greatest cinematographic moment in film history - I would elaborate but it's so good it must be seen


Cool! I just watched Suspiria for the first time last week. Look forward to an RLM breakdown of it.


Awesome! Looking forward to watching the episode. I've only recently seen Suspiria for the first time, and it isn't that long ago that I started watching and collecting giallos and italo-horror, such a fun and fascinating area of movies to discover!


Any horror lovers who grew up in Europe during the vhs boom of the eighties, grew up watching hammer and giallo horror, so I’m delighted that Argento is getting some RLM love! Tenebrae and Inferno are personal favs of mine, but I always thought the blood was too bright, too much like poster paint to be really convincing...


That's some interesting lighting. I wish you boys would wrap up better though; your necks are blue. I can see it.