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Hey everyone! We're filming a new Best of the Worst today, followed up with a couple of re:Views tomorrow. It might be a little while before either re:View is edited so for now we'll just say that one of them is going to be about Suspiria, comparing the original to last years remake. We took a small break from Half in the Bag to work on other stuff since there hasn't been any movies we've given a crap about but it'll be back soon since Captain Marvel is coming out this weekend!



Thank God, I was really beginning to miss Half In Te Bag, It's my favorite show.


In the spirit of crowd funding and financial support from loyal fans why have you chosen to hide Red Letter Media's monthly patreon income?


Keep up the great work 👍

Poo In An Alleyway

Yes! Finally we get to hear Jay talk about how fucking beautiful the Suspiria remake is.


Sounds like some good, varied stuff coming up :)


Like all modern superhero films, Captain Marvel will be remembered for its quotable, iconic lines and hummable main title theme. Big studio films are worth seeing, especially those released in March.


Holy shitballs, can't wait.


They deliver you the content you pledged for, so they don't need to disclose how much you're making. Why does it matter to you? This is their job. I'm sure you wouldn't tell customers how much you make at your job, even though their business is what lets you keep the job.

Josh Marjonen

Thanks guys! Love you!


Oh God. Suspiria Re:View. This is the first time they'll review two films I've already got strong opinions about. What if I disagree with Jay & Josh (we all know it'll be a them-two episode)? I'm not sure I'm ready to have independent thoughts outside the RLM boys....


I'm looking forward to the Susperia Re:View so much! When I studied film and theater way back in 2004 I took a ton of dance courses and had a bunch of classmates over to watch the original. For some reason I feel like most of them didn't enjoy it as much as I did!


Thanks for sharing. See you in Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 !


Guys, I’d love to see re:view of twin peaks the return, with jay and josh. It would fit in since you guys already did a twin peaks episode and would be very entertaining.

John and Marcella

I hope you guys do a catch up episode about movies you liked but didn't review from 2018


Are you sure it is wise to review "Captain Marvel"? Bree Larson and Marvel PR have made it clear that the movie is not for white men. They won't even talk to or screen the movie for white men. It would not surprise me if Marvel requires movie theaters to go "Alamo Drafthouse" and physically block undesirable white men from entering the theater.


I just recently watched the original Suspira on 4K, and immediately afterward watched the remake. I'm interested in what you guys have to say!


I cant wait to hear you guys say it was ok like you have the past 7 marvel movies and then cant wait for you guys to say Endgame is ok


Looking forward to it all. Hated the new Suspiria, vile arthouse torture porn, felt like the trailers tricked me. Thought the original Suspiria was fairly good.


Nope. Tons of screenings tomorrow here in SF and in LA with all the usual press.

Manuel Johnen

The remake was amazingly awful.


Did James Cameron's check bounce?


They made two of those already for 2018. Unless you mean an additional one.


Looking forward to the Suspiria comparisons. I don't think I've seen a "remake" that is a complete inverse of the original before.


Any chance you guys can review/compare Captain Marvel and the Green Lantern movie from 2011 together for the next Half in the Bag the way you are comparing the Suspiria original with the re-make for an upcoming Re:View? I am amazed at how similar the two characters are.


I hope you hacks will review King of Monsters when it comes out!


Rosa Salazar.... R. Lazar... REM LEZAR!

Sarah Low

keep up the good work!!


How long does it usually take for a BOTW or Review/HIITB to be edited?


Watching Deep Red for first time on Prime this morning and the close panning over the trinkets the killer is choosing from with the music choice has me excited to watch the rest of Argento’s classics. Was completely unfamiliar with him until now.