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Our VHS Collection

Finally! Ever wonder about EVERYTHING on our shelves? Well.... got 36 minutes to spare? Check out this amazing video separated into three generas: Horror, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and Action as we visually catalog all our VHS tapes. Now you can know what NOT to send us! Because you can see what we have!!! Note: This video does not include "miscellaneous" VHS titles, Wheel of the Worst tapes, or DVDs or Blu Rays. THAT'S for another day...



36 minutes of VHS tapes? Hell yeah

Bill Lehecka

Plinkett reads off VHS titles for 36 minutes. Why do I feel the need to even watch this?


my lord


Can't wait for the DVD collection video, 36 minutes of Vampire Assassin.


The amount of editing and boredom must’ve made this a pretty misribile project to make, and for what?


Highlight of my day and the day just begun.


OH MY GOD! This is so great!!


Not sure why, but that was immensely engrossing.

Andrew Burt

You did it all for the Nukie, didn't you?


The Victorville Film Archive is actually LAUGHING AT YOUR FACE

Marvin Falz

The relentless repetition of the monolith shaped VHS tapes and of the word "Nukie" created a ... new key ... into my brain and - where do I go with this? To the toilet! Or to Monkey Man from that one BotW episode, where he destroyed them VHS.


You were so worried about whether you could you didn't stop to think if you should


I saw surprising amount of those in the theaters in the 70s and 80s. There are some legitimately good films in there, but surrounded by so much shit.


Pleased to see that some kind soul has provided them a copy of "She"


Its good to know that best of the worst has another 200 episodes of gold material


PLEASE screen Nightmare at Noon. It has the most amazing Helicopter action scene I've ever seen. Seriously. Better than the last Mission Impossible helicopter set piece. Like, concerned-for-the-stunt-pilots'-safety amazing.


Fuck you Rick Berman

Andre K

Good news guys, I found a hidden stash of Nukie tapes in the Arizona desert, how would you guys like them delivered, with or without the dirt that mysteriously built up over them over the years?


Absolutely epic!

Top Hat Monkey

Dear Sirs, I must object, in the most strenuous terms, to your inclusion of the fine movie "Never Cry Wolf" in this listing of presumably terrible movies sent to you by viewers who wish to see it included in a future episode of BOTW. Perhaps you are unaware of its quality, in which case I shall hold you blameless. Now, excuse me while I must foam at the mouth and fall over backwards.


In my professional opinion, Mike Stoklasa audio enhancement is the leap forward in library discovery systems that we've been looking for.


Does this video include the legendary vault of B-movie treasures, like Suburban Sasquatch and Partners? Or is the vault considered separate? Secret. Special. ... precious ...


Plinkett asmr. I'm listening to this before bed.


You guys have gotta watch Alien Warrior. Imagine an alien man with autism who fights Rudy Ray Moore.


Brother? What's Takeshi Kitano doing in this list of suck? That man is a genious.


In a long history of demented ideas this might be at the top.


I should add: I love it


I nearly died when you garbled the Japanese cover of Masterblaster. Absolute gold.


Can't wait to see Skullduggery appear for a good Battle of The Genres return


It happened again???


The Quest isn't so bad. Weird, but not bad. Donkegin FTW!

Bort Ward

12:52, I thought I had the only remaining VHS copy of 'Fist of the North Star' left in existence. It's a pretty bad movie., horrible special effects.


It happened again?


The amount of joy I got from this video is obscene...

Marvin Falz

The idea is obviously not new: <a href="http://sketcheurscosmiques.blogspot.com/2011/01/le-monolithe-de-2001-lodyssee-de.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sketcheurscosmiques.blogspot.com/2011/01/le-monolithe-de-2001-lodyssee-de.html</a>

Twisted Wishes

What I am getting from this is they need us to send them more VHS tapes.


I have VHS copies of Bog, Primal Scream, Cyborg 2, Wanted: Dead Or Alive, Dr. Strange, &amp; Silent Rage. Which after this have become PRICELESS! I mean I got copies of Scream Blacula Scream, Don't Answer The Phone, Mausoleum, Zombi 2, Fire &amp; Ice, My Science Project and The Octagon on DVD but it's not the same. Great collection guys!


And Hobogoblin sounds like the next RLM feature to make! 😁


I made a Letterboxd list for all the films, check it out: <a href="https://boxd.it/2EBgE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://boxd.it/2EBgE</a>

Manuel Johnen

Surprisingly, it's not ALL crap on those shelves...


This was both amusing and helpful - I was trying to track down a copy of 'The Great Land of Small' to send in (a messed up and terrible film) but it's already there


How long did it take to film this?


I loved Eliminators so much when I was a kid, surprised they have not watched it with the Star Trek connection of Denise Crosby being in it.


I want to collect another full box of Nukie to send in.

Zach Dewoody

It is ASTOUNDING how much I laughed at Mike reading the titles of bad movies.

Zach Dewoody

Also, I’m surprised there were only TWO Christian apocalypse movies (Apocalypse and A Thief in the Night) because there were hundreds of those made just in the 90’s.


I’m surprised someone else sent them a copy of Apocalypse.


2103: The Deadly Wake??? I worked on that.


It’s like someone sent you the leftover back stock of St. Clair Video when it closed. I recognize too many of those boxes.

Peter L

Somehow this video, which would normally be terrible, was supremely entertaining because of Mike's performance in the Mr. Plinkett voice. How did that happen? Also, half of my morning got eaten up because I fell down the rabbit hole of learning about (and then watching) Capricorn One. :|


I use this as my white noise, in order to sleep. I know it sounds like a joke, but it's perfect. I'm asleep within 5 minutes, every time.


Movies probably aren't very great, but I would totally hang some of those painted covers on my wall.


Are VHSs replacing DVDs?



Kendel Fargo

I love Treasure of the falling clowns!