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We decided to split up our discussion of each Suspiria into two separate videos. Remake discussion coming soon!


Suspiria (1977) - re:View

This is part 1 of a double feature in which Jay and Josh discuss the two Suspirias! In this part, they focus on the original Dario Argento classic from 1977. Look out! Witches!



I love Re:View, I got to watch both versions before I watch this though.


Do you have new lighting? And a new camera? Or is this just for Suspiria? Looks good!


Happy International VVomen’s Day!


Such an incredible film! Random trivia I've read includes that this was shot in technicolor and then post processed in the same way The Wizard of Oz was to gain those rich colors. I'm not sure if it's true but it definitely would explain how they were able to achieve such deep, primary colors. The one dance scene in the film is a favorite of mine because her contorted pointe work so beautifully illustrates her situation.


I already watched this episode 4 times, best thing ever. Let me nerd out a little here: did you know that the in the original script the ballet school was supposed to be for children? The producers thought that it would be way out of line and forced Argento to use grown ups instead. But then he was like "fuck it, I'll unscrew all the door handles and raise them" so that the brain could subliminally register the girls like they were little kids. Ok byeeee.


Wow, the 4K remaster looks gorgeous; and the blood even looks somewhat believable! I was a bit turned off HD remasters by the Harryhausen films which really suffer in HD (they were often purposefully filmed using grainier film stock to hide wires etc., and were never meant to be seen this way) but that transfer looks so good I’m thinking now it might be worth investigating.


It would have made more sense in the context of a real ballet academy where most dancers would average between 14 and 20 years of age.

Jamie Birch

not only is the picture amazing, the new 4K master has newly-discovered audio tracks in the mix (a lot of sighs, whispers, etc.) really adds to some moments, especially in the beginning! i was lucky enough to see the new 4K in my local Landmark last year (right after i paid 80$ for the 3 disc blu ray lol)

Lauren R

My first memory of Suspiria is actually seeing the trailer played on “Bravo’s Scariest Movie Moments”. It’s such a simple and kind of silly trailer, what with it just being a skeleton in a wig. BUT that shit freaked me out so much. And then I remember watching the movie for the first time waiting for that skeleton in the wig to pop up and it never did. Anyway, the 4K remaster is fantastic. Super excited to hear your guys’ thoughts on the remake.


Oh WOW! I’m a real sound whore, so I’m all over this now! Thank you for the tip!


I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't heard of it before. But some of my favorite episodes of this show are the ones that introduce me to movies I'm unfamiliar with. I also cannot imagine why someone would want to remake a movie like this.


Awesome, thanks for the recommend. Sounds like I got some serious homework to do this weekend. :)


Always thought it was a great looking nightmare of a film. Could never get over that terrible dubbing though, it is just too distracting


Great movie, great review! On another note, I just watched "annihilation" and fucking hated it. So boring, bland and cheap looking. You made it seem like a masterpiece... Honestly, no fucking style or vision either. Have you even seen "Stalker" from Tarkovsky? Same trope of wandering around an alien area done a zillion times better. Without bad CGI!

Gordon Chapman-Fox

I used to have a German girlfriend who lived around the corner from the dance school. I walked past it a bunch of times without making the connection. Great review anyway!


It reminded me of a future shock I once read in an old copy of 2000AD , still really liked the movie tho.


I watched the remake last week and was totally underwhelmed. There was no tension to it, the plot meandered and took an hour too long to get where it was going, and even though the performances were usually pretty good I found myself uninterested in any of the characters. I knew where they were going from the outset, with one exception. The hints about her went under my radar, that one is on me. But yeah, the ending felt like a completely different film, and I enjoyed it on the basis of it not being horrendously dull. The whole film felt like it was aiming for something too big for the source material, and instead of winding up in the stars, it's engine misfired and it spun around in circles on the launch pad until it finally blew up. That is my opinion, anyway, one which is ultimately inconsequential to anyone else. Your videos are wonderful and it makes me happy that you get money to make them.


Really? I quite enjoyed Annihilation. Your opinion on the movie echoes mine on the book on which it was based, though. The books were incoherent garbage.


I was not really impressed with her either. She swung between unconcerned, mildly irritable, and confused. Like a less compelling Keanu Reeves.


All the arguments put forward as "Sure, story isn't much, but look at the visuals! Oh, and the soundtrack!" is exactly how I feel about Blade Runner.


There was so much fantastic acting in this film, then you had Dakota doing She-Keanu, and Chloe opening the film with I don't even know what the hell kind of high school production THAT was ... with poor Tilda having to watch it all even.


Dakota's physical performance was very good, but there was nothing to ground it. Her motivations were vague at best until the end, but instead of making sense of the past 2 hours I just wound up wondering what she was trying accomplish earlier. Most of the story made sense to me, even if it was not my cup of tea, and there is not a lot of room for accusations of sloppiness or anything. But man, Johnson was not given much to work with and did not add much either.