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Hey everyone! Hope you all had a happy and safe New Year. Today we're working on a Half in the Bag episode about all this Bird Box nonsense. Then later this week we've got a special guest coming to town: the return of Freddie Williams! Planning to do a Best of the Worst and a re:View of Return of the Living Dead with him. In addition to that, Rich has been hard at work constructing stuff for an updated Best of the Worst set and we'll have a behind the scenes video of that process coming whenever it's done.



Ayyyy Freddie!

Dave Pallas

awesome update. Have a great weekend!


Excited for the behind the scenes video! As well as everything else, of course.

Poo In An Alleyway

No round-up of movies that didn't get an extended look last year? Would love to hear Jay wax lyrical about how fucking beautiful Suspiria was.


Freddie is my favorite guest of those you summon for torture. I’ll be heavily anticipating the coming content!


The couple minutes of bird box I watched reminded me of the happening


No Bandersnatch, starring Benedict Bandersnatch? Just kidding, fuck that shit.

Steven Simmons

The book the movie is based on actually was written before the happening was released. If you care :D

Steven Simmons

No “fuck you, its January”?


Your Patreon receipt is here 🎉

Daniel Frank

Is the construction replacing etc. etc, (In all seriousness, Happy New Year and thanks for the great content.)


I love me some Freddie.


I first watched Return just this past Halloween season, and secretly wished there was a re:View of it. That's a hell of a movie.


I love the set construction videos you've done in the past. Its cool to see how much work you guys all do behind the scenes. All to entertain us schlubs!


I would love to see an all-guest BoTW episode (aka "Best of the Guests") with Freddie, the Canadians, Len, Tim, and [insert minor celebrity].


Fuck you it's January!


Neat! Looking forward to it.


Hope we are getting another Wheel of the Worst episode soon. Has been a while. And all those episodes are my favorite, because I just love those weird videos.


Watching Bird Box this month is like a F*ck You it's January to me

Marvin Falz

Thanks! I hope you guys are well as well! Also, looking forward to see the new BotW set build by Rich, because the Plinketto board and the horizontal wheel are great! Also, Freddie Williams. To make that short: I'm game with what you've planned!


Is Rich building a trapezoid of the worst with nothing but Betamax tapes?

Michael Matzat

Nice! I was hoping for a Bird Box HITB!


I can't wait


Please tell me you're doing the whole Bird Box review blindfolded.


Is the new set replacing the ol—*gets murdered by Rich Evans*


This is sis and that's boy, girl, man, bird, nuts, angry, stupid, old and my man. Sometimes I call him my main man.


It's a way of life!


Yay Freddie! I recently watched the Space Cop commentary and enjoyed the scene in which you mentioned he was doing actual work on a comic while being a background extra. That's some serious commitment to your craft while making time for fun!


Cant wait to see which Star Trek episode mike was thinking of while watching Bird Box


This is exactly what I need with the end of the semester.

Jamie Birch

fuck yah i love Freddie!! met him at C2E2 back in like 2012, he signed a bunch of books for me and took a photo (which i still have). great dude


Yes!! Love whenever Freddie is on the show.

Top Hat Monkey

Yay Freddie! I've got the Horse Ninja poster on my wall and every night I..... (edited for objectionable content)