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Short Treks - re:View

It's more Star Trak discussion! This time, Mike and Rich talk about the current state of Star Trek: Discovery going into season 2, as well as the worthless short films that have been released to keep everyone...interseted? Excited?



Thank you great ones


Wow. It’s like the primates at the beginning of 2001 are in charge of Star Trek. So far, as Rich and Mike, I have divorced myself from Star Wars and now Star Trek. Has Gen X become their parents?? Whoring out their childhood and nostalgia for a buck? This feels like the late 80s and early 90s. That’s one way to be retro, I guess.


Mike and Rich summarize my thoughts on STD.

Taylor Hensley

I have always hated Section 31 and now seeing that it is apart of this season it gives me another good reason not to care.


Hard agree with everything said. "Star Trek written by people who don't like Star Trek." They think we all want remixes of Marvel because no one will ever get tired of that 11 years and 20 films later


Mike and Rich watch it so you don't have to.


I thought the same. I may up my Patreon pledge, as they're providing me an additional service.


Please keep talking about Star Trek stuff. I'm not picky if it's old stuff or new, or if it's pitch stuff like the Star Trek: Galaxy video. That was great!


Mike! Have you guys watched Star Trek Continues? It's the antidote to Discovery that will melt the cynicism from your heart. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/StarTrekContinues" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/user/StarTrekContinues</a>

Marvin Falz

I know Rich has watched it. He recommended it in one of the Pre Rec streams, I don't know, about two or three years ago. And yes, I totally agree, STC really captures the feel of the original series and even manages to combine original Trek with social questions of our time in a meaningful and respectful way.


Where’s Jay Bauman I miss Jay Bauman!

Marvin Falz

I have divorced myself from Disney Star Wars and from Trek beginning in 2009. The story of Star Wars (OT and PT) doesn't interest me anymore, but my interest for Trek before 2009 is reinvigorated. The original series has still a lot to say, even 50 years later, I had started to watch TNG from season one on, which I like so far, I gave Voyager another shot, tried the pilot of DS9, and will probably at one point try Enterprise. Discovery on the other felt wrong from the beginning and with the bad rep it has, I will very probably never watch one single episode. Yes, that's how close-minded a Star Trek fan can be.

Lauren R

“You can ride that your entire career and have numerous failures one after the other” ...unless you’re a woman or a POC.

Marvin Falz

Btw., in the video at 21:40, where the rocket takes off, and then the face of Alex Kurtzman fades in, and then the intense red glow of the burning fuel is like a spot on the forehead of Kurtzman - this is fuel for a conspiracy nut like me! Yea, it's a guilty pleasure. I don't know, if Mike edited it that way, but he certainly inserted the bit, and there's so much symbolism in it, the third eye, power of the mind, illumination, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, the list goes on. Awesome!

Twisted Wishes

I would honestly like to know who they think has hurt Star Trek more at this point, Alex Kurtzman or Rick Berman?


Could you guys do an episode where you talk about some of your favorite Star Trek episodes?


I'm glad you suffered through these so that we don't have to! I really don't want to give CBS any money for what they're doing with Trek.


keep doing these videos please


then its the opposite - so everything balances out! Yay!!


I think Berman gets a bad rap - sure the TNG movies sucked, but the guy shepherded Trek through the 1990s to great success. Obviously Michael Piller, RDM, Ira Stephen Baer, Jeri Taylor, Brannon Braga, and others are major factors too, but Berman also put them in place and kept them there to work their magic, by all accounts (to me) it seems like the franchise was in safer hands with him as opposed to Roddenbury during the first 2 TNG seasons