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Hey everyone! Just in time for Christmas, we have a new commentary track for the Arnold Schwarzenegger lump of coal, Jingle All The Way! As usual, send us a direct message here on Patreon (not just a comment below this post) and we'll provide a free download code. 

DISCLAIMER: we won't be able to get you a download code until after Christmas. 


Jingle All the Way Commentary Track, by Red Letter Media

Jingle All the Way Commentary Track by Red Letter Media, released



Right now I'm making the same sounds Phil Hartman did eating those cookies.


Oh God

Marvin Falz

Add another eggnog!


Wait, where's the info one when to start the commentary track to sync with the film?


Erm.. also apparently there's an 'extended' version of the film. Fuck knows why. I'm going to assume this is for the normal version.


How should we sync the video with the audio? EDIT: It seems that we must start the audio with the beginning of the 20th Century Fox fanfare.

Arch Friend

Can't be bothered going out to buy a copy of this movie so I'll just listen to it without watching.


Finally a reason for the season.


I knew I bought the Dvd for a reason other than completing my Schwarzenegger collection😁. Nice one guys. Hope you all have a great Christmas 🎄


Gonna need some info on where the audio gets synced with the movie.




Thanks for the Christmas bounty, Hack Frauds!


Sadly properly syncing the audio commentary will not save you from the pain of viewing this cynical heartless holiday film. But it’s pretty much where Vincent says to start. Wow is this movie bad.


For everyone wondering, they are using the non directors cut, non extended cut, DVD version of the movie.


First time seeing this movie—maybe one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve ever seen.


not before Christmas??? booo. I guess I'll splurge and spend the 1$ lol. WHEN DO I START THE COMMENTARY? It doesn't say.


What version did I just illegally download for free off of the INTERNET????


Thank you, hack frauds! I hope TV superstar Rich Evans is on the commentary. That'll make it worth my $2.


And a short, all too short, discussion on the Crank movies. I've been hoping for a Re:View of Crank 2 but I'm happy they even got mentioned.

Glenn Ponka

Just in time for ... just after Christmas? Perfect!


This request is addressed to the editor of these tracks: please stop adding the musical interludes in the pauses between comments? You don't need to add extra music to occupy the viewer, we're already watching a movie while listening to your excellent commentary. And if you must, add relevant audio? Jay pointed out a Seinfeld actor at one point and the following pause in talking was filled with some folk music. That is a missed opportunity for some slap bass, guys come on this is your art


I hadn't seen this movie since it came out... It really is terrible.


There's more than one version of this piece of shit? Fuck. How do I know which one to steal from the internet?


I'm gonna give 3 whole dollars. I FUCKING LOVE RICH EVANS!


Boo. Learn you facts. My hometown, Fairbanks, AK, is the coldest: <a href="https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/10-coldest-us-cities.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/10-coldest-us-cities.html</a>


WTF, all I can find on torrent, I mean at my local, 100% legal DVD store is some fuckin' EXTENDED/DIRECTOR'S CUT version. Who do you think you are, Ridley Scaaahtt???


I was going to say my favorite line in this movie is when Phil Hartman muses "I think World War 2 was my favorite war..." but then I realized that was in SMALL SOLDIERS... you lose again Jingle All the Way!!

Niko Ketsilis



When do we hit start, and on what version? Thanks.

Nathan Carlson

Andrew Koenig played Boner on Growing Pains and he did indeed commit suicide. His dad played Chekov on Star Trek


Straight from Bandcamp: "This commentary is meant to sync up with the original theatrical version of the film. Start the commentary right when the 20th Century Fox logo fades up."


My favorite part of this commentary track was when Alexa scared the shit out of me by asking if I was sure that I wanted to purchase “Jingle All the Way”. I made my Christmas merry and bright, and said hell no to that! Happy Holidays🤣🎄🎄🎄


Wow. I had forgotten how truly godawful that movie is.


i suspect that sometimes they say things that they don't want to make the final cut, or where they literally don't say something for a while, or even (maybe) where they have edited something else in (rich's "cinematic equbbelant" line) which has caused the commentary to go out of sync.


Happy New Year Mike, Jay, and Rich!


You should really consider doing a Re:View of Last Action Hero.


Happy new year...or something.

Top Hat Monkey

Oh great! Now I have to find a copy of this turd of a movie. Thanks, hack frauds.

Marvin Falz

Haha, that ending of the commentary: the RLM "company has been dissolved." Reminded me that it's now almost ten years that I follow RLM. Starting with the Phantom Menace Review. Thank you!