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Half in the Bag Episode 157: Bird Box

#BirdBox #BirdBoxChallenge #No



I have no idea what Bird Box is, but me, personally, I love it.


RLM's timing is impeccable: whenever i'm having a shitty day they release a video to cheer me up.


Jay's fear of Plinkett's breakages is 100% real and I thank him for that.


I’m doing The House That Jack Built Challenge—who is with me?

Twit In A Hat

My only question is how did it take this long for someone to figure out how to market a shitty made-for-TV movie this well?


I'm a simple man. I see Mr. Plinkett in the thumbnail, I click!


Bird Box... Hey can I put in a re:View request? I'm going to anyway. I don't expect it to be fulfilled but the submission is cathartic in itself. Can you guys please re:View 'There Will Be Blood' [2007]?


I am a firm believer that the crazy amount of "viral" marketing for this film is done by Netflix. There is "memes" about it on the frontpage of Reddit everyday. But no one I've talked to has seen it, either in person or the comments.


I'm so glad I wasn't alone in disliking this film because I had to endure a 30 minute debate with some colleagues and was shocked at their strong defense of it.


Doig thw Borgboz chalonge rogjt noe


No I’m forced to join the bandwagon of watching this shit movie starring Machine Gun Kelly just so I can watch more RLM.


I love how Rich, er, Mr Plinkett, almost *literally* breaks the 4th Wall in the opening segment.




My day is again improved by the simple pleasures of Plinkett and the boys..Still want Popeye for a Re-View though. A man can dream.


The first act was horribly botched and hard to finish, the rest of the movie was fine. But I can't help notice how *on two separate occasions* there was a black dude who scarified himself to save the the white people.


idk I thought it was pretty good, maybe it's a poor example of the genre - I don't usually watch this kinda stuff. First time I've completely disagreed with RLM and, seemingly, all their fans.

Andréanne Dion

Wait... you mean that this ISN'T the greatest thing created by man?

Michael Matzat

I liked the movie, dident even know about the silly challenges, it showed up on my Netflix front page and I was like that’s interesting let’s watch it. I don’t think it’s the best movie ever, but I felt like it was above average in it’s genre and I actually think that comes from the “miss takes” some film buffs are talking about. It’s a post apocalypse horror movie... of cause everyone is going to die. I sort of feel like instead of pointing out that they are giving that away they are just working with knowing everyone knows the trope. I also don’t mind that people are differently insane supporters of the monster, why would that not happen? Why do we need a flip chart explaining it would happen? And why is it bad that this is a movie about family? ;-p


yeah same, didn't see the memes just found it on netflix one night. bemused at how people on both sides of all this are frothing at the mouth so much, what? lol.

Marvin Falz

You know, this Half in the Bag comes at the right time, as a corrective, because it really is easier to follow powerful suggestions of what reality is than to make up your own mind. The idea behind circumstantial evidence is that the reality of a situation seems to be crystal clear, when the situation is actually totally different. That being said, it is crystal clear that the 9/11 moon landing was an outside job by Apollo, who took out his anger on humankind that way, since humanity rejected to revere him as a god. He then left Earth forever and settled on Pollux Four.


MGK didn't call anyone a "shameful citizen." Disappointed 2/10.


Honestly it was the perfect movie to browse Instagram to. Memes over movies any day brah.