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Freddy Got Fingered - re:View

Mike and Jay discuss the much-hated Tom Green vehicle Freddy Got Fingered. And no, they don't talk about the "Daddy Would You Like Some Sausage" song. You've already heard everyone that has ever mentioned this movie talk about the "Daddy Would You Like Some Sausage" song.



Well this is a surprise.


Oh my fuck! No good! No good!


I'm surprised you showed the elephant jerk off multiple times, the film is 18+ only here because of stuff like that

Poo In An Alleyway

2 hours after the video has been uploaded and someone has already edited the Wikipedia page for the movie to include Mike's quote about it being the second worst thing to happen in 2001. Wow.

Jamie Birch

i wanna eat chicken burgers, dad!

Poo In An Alleyway

Shocked you guys didn't mention the fact that when Freddy is at home and CPS arrive to pick him up, he's watching the footage of Tom Green's testicular cancer surgery on TV.


There is so much to unpack about that film, I'm shocked you could edit it down to 37 minutes!

Daniel Frank

Re: the awfulness of making Marisa Coughlan say the line if she wasn’t in on the joke, she was a Weinstein victim...


Such a strange movie to put on re:View. Still, loved it!


The re:View, not the movie.


I downloaded the movie last week in preparation, but the question is, do I watch the re:View first or the actual movie?


Alas, the day is here: RLM has spurred on the artistic revival/renaissance of Freddy Got Fingered.


Whatever you want to say about Tom Green, he has an ear for funny/ridiculous phrases: "I've got my fingers crooooooossssed" "Cheese sandwiches" "Daddy would you like some sausages?" "That's soap on a rope!" "Get out of the toileeeet!!!!" "I wanna eat chicken burgers!"


When the term 'SECRET GENIUS!' was uttered about Tom Green, I suddenly got the feeling that I was being troll gang banged...Troll 2 gang banged at that!


I am so glad that I’m not the only one that sees the brilliance of FGF.


Just tell Tom to come to Milwaukee and have a conversation!


won't the real Slim Shady, please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up


I think the movie was so wrapped in being a meta deconstruction of the typical studio comedy that it forgot to be, you know, good or funny. The humor arises from the fact the scenarios are in the movie, which I suppose is sort of neat, but it doesn't change the fact that the movie is at best a chore to sit through.


I get the feeling that Tom Green would be available to come on your show and answer some of your questions in person.

Kevin King

They have Rich Evans money, so Tom Green is definitely in their budget.

Nathan Carlson

With respect to Jay, I think he's a little off base here. I don't think it takes a genius to make a surrealist comedy.


I once hosted a movie night with friends where I chose to watch Freddy Got fingered and Barry Lyndon back to back. Everyone but me was bored to death during Barry Lyndon, and everyone was straight faced and frustrated during FGF while I laughed uncontrollably. They thought I was mental.


This needs confirmed, but i believe Mike Bullard was an uncredited director of Freddy Got Fingered. Mike can be seen in the crowd during the scene where the sign is held up that says "when the fuck is this movie going to end". He can also been seen on an easter egg on the DVD where Tom brings a dead racoon onto the Open Mike show.


I would love for Rob Ager to do an analyses of Freddy Got Fingered. I will ask him this week. If there are any other fans of Collative Learning please send him a request. As for the cut to Leave It To Beaver I think It's pretty obvious what he was going for, but it's not really a topic that fits well with the theme of RLM. It's a can you can't put the monkey's back into.

Kevin Young

I could've sworn the audience commentary track was pretty unique ... if I recall the audience laughs alot at the intro then the laughs become fewer than farther between as the minutes crawl by


I love FGF. One of my fave re:views :)


Tom Green talks about his plans in making this movie. https://youtu.be/Dv8jcqUnnb4