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Here's an oddity from the tail end of the VHS era. DVD wasn't really a thing yet but Laserdisc was, and Laserdics had bonus features, commentary tracks, etc. Obviously it wasn't possible to switch between audio tracks on VHS so the attempt to bring Laserdisc bonus material to VHS resulted in a few clunky releases like this Scream set, where a second VHS tape was included that had the commentary track on it. Both tapes were housed in an ugly clear plastic box.




Didn’t know that existed. Thanks for sharing.


I didn't even know this was a thing, and I was a daily mallrat lurker at suncoast drooling over all the cool shit I could never afford.

Michael Nuccio

Are those illustrations of photographs of the cast on that ugly clear plastic box? Those expressions seem... bizarre.


Skeet Ulrich, now there's a name I'd completely forgotten and didn't care about hearing again.


I remember this short lived middle step between VHS and DVD, when letterboxed VHS releases started coming out - I think I had the Usual Suspects VHS with the 2nd tape for commentary

Lauren R

That’s so awesome. I always look for it when I’m watching BOTW cause I’ve never seen it anywhere else. How much did you guys pay for it?


I believe I had a weird VHS box set for Blade Runner (you are a hater, Jay, just ignore the babbling director and his cut...I call it the “no backsies” rule), Apocalypse Now and Once Upon a Time in America, back in the day.


Very cool


Wes Craven sounds so much like a fake name, sort of like Richard Chasen.


I found the main movie tape from this set at a thrift store. But it has no clear box 😕 i thought it was some weird bootleg lol


This reminds me of the Star Wars Special Edition VHS that had George and Mark and others talking about behind the scenes stuff for about 5-10 minutes before the movies started and you had to fast forward if you had seen it before. And yes I watched the special editions more than once because I was a child.


Can you tell us about the rock/small boulder that's on your shelf?