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Half in the Bag Episode 143: Demon House

Boooooo! Mike and Jay discuss Demon House, the paranormal documentary about a dumpy little house with 100 demons living in it, directed by Zak Bagans from the Ghost Adventures TV show or whatever.



The next feature should be Mike & Rich locking themselves in a haunted house and tripping over mop-buckets in the dark. Or just make a better documentary from the 12 years of secretly recorded footage Mike has of him going to haunted houses at night - because everyone I know that really likes Ghost Adventures/whatever has atleast done it once or twice.

Brian Nielsen

Um...Ed Gein never boiled anyone. Even a small amount of research would prove that false.


"I'm glad you're making yourself laugh, because I dunno what the fuck you are talking about" - Jay


#twITter There's your Horror movie title, hacks.

Poo In An Alleyway

Kinda surprised Jay didn’t bring up the old BBC ‘documentary’ Ghostwatch during this TBH.


i also love stupid-ass ghost shows. i'd love to hear mike talk more about them!


Oh Mike. I love you brother, but c'mon!


Twitler - Hitler's ghost haunts some sexy teens at a summer camp.


basically how I felt watching this episode; this felt like a extended segment from a year wrap up episode that went on around 20 mins too long


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgTBkhzb1As" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgTBkhzb1As</a>


I grew up in a haunted house. Ghosts can't TALK. that is so fucking stupid.


This reminds me of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. You know, THAT episode, where Captain Picard caught Dr. "I'm the mother of that twerp" Crusher masturbating while humping a green gas, ur, I mean, made love to a "ghost" on a Scotland-themed planet. The episode was called "Sub Par" or something.


This was like watching Jay caring for Mike in a retirement home. "Yes, of course, ghosts exist, Mike".


In unrelated news, my guilty pleasure is to enjoy incest. I call it a Ginty pleasure.


Mike is the weirdest of the bunch definitely... What an asshole.


Coming THIS FALL: Scary Clowns. Twitter. CLOWN FEED. &amp; from the makers of Star Trek Discovery: You like Ghosts. You like Star Trek. Ghost Trek. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mister CPU

To impress me, have the ghost type a message on an old manual typewriter to take electricity and remote control out of the picture.

Lauren R

Yes! A year’s worth of episodes involving transformers noises and a rotting ham sandwich please.


Nyman's upcoming Ghost Stories looks promising, it's got that Hobbit fella and Paul Whitehouse.

Toby Griffiths

The first show from RLM I don't like


Unless it was a crucifix, why would he think throwing something at a ghost would do anything


Yeah Mike seems really thin-skinned. I'm sure that all of the mocking really keeps him awake at night. Along with all of the ghosts.

Kendel Fargo

I want to believe!

David S. Grop

"maybe i'm taking this too seriously" gee, ya think?


This was, without a doubt, the least interesting RLM episode ever created. I'm generally a cynical asshole like Mike, which is why I appreciate his perspective. Jay is always an irrational fanboi when it comes to horror, but this... This was Jay humoring Mike, and even the "am I sensing sarcasm?" jokes fell flat. The fact that Mike was familiar with the Ghosthunters show is the *only* reason RLM covered this at all. Mike, listen to your crew. Everything about this release is pure shit. The only way I can take this seriously is by ignoring everything I like about RLM.


If RLM didnt do whatever the hell RLM wants to do whenever RLM wants to do it, including content that not everyone is going to necessarily like... Then RLM wouldnt be RLM.


I liked this episode! It's always cool when you cover something in a niche genre and this certainly falls into that.


Possibly my favorite hib ever.