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As you can see from the last few videos, the Canadians are in town! In addition to the very time-consuming Transformers 5 videos, we've somehow found the time to shoot two re:Views and two Best of the Worst episodes with them. Lots and lots of editing is on the way! First one coming will most likely be a re:View of Blade Runner!


Jesse S

Yay! Real videos coming soon


I hope I'm not the only one who thinks Blade Runner has pacing issues


Will they be longer than 45 seconds? And not have 20 minutes of darkness?


But....YouTube comments told me the transfivers five videos prevented you from making other content...I'm so confused...


I swear to god if you upload a BotW Transformers 5....


Please do a Nerd Crew where you hack frauds have all been paid off to love Transformers 5. Please.


Thank god! Whenever I criticize Blade Runners pacing or how some characters are dropped out unexpectedly I'm treated like a heretic


Oh boy that's going to be a fun one. Since Jack is the only one who likes the movie is he part of the re:View?


Great news!


I was hoping the Canadians would have brought back GameSation 2.0. :(


Which Blade Runner cut did you watch? Hopefully the one without Ford's godawful narration.


We discuss "the final cut" but the original theatrical comes up in the conversation as well, mainly just to compare the two.


Does the 2 Re:Views and BotW also count as the Transformers 5 ones?


Is the Re:View with the special guest star that was teased back in May ever going to come out??


Did either of the Canadians work on Transformers 5? I just assume that every CGI artist in existence was employed on that film at some point.

David S. Grop

I love Blade Runner with all my heart, but happily acknowledges that it has more problem than you can shake a stick at.


Wasn’t that the Horse Ninja one with Freddie Williams?


I can only assume you guys could start a salt factory after those videos.


Who would've thought: 5 minute videos don't take much time to edit. HUH. Great to hear the news, looking forward to the content!


We've released our usual amount of "real" videos this month and literally filmed our Transformers 5 videos in between filming four other "real" videos. Imagine!


I thought the Transformers videos were hilarious, you guys keep doing what you're doing! Looking forward to the Blade Runner Re:view.

Andre K

No Nerd Crew with the Canadian Twins about Tran5formers?