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Hey everyone! Colin was recently in town and we shot a re:View for David Cronenberg's The Fly while he was in town! That's being edited now. We didn't shoot a Best of the Worst with him this time but we do have a crazy idea for a Best of the Worst that we're hopefully going to shoot sometime soon. We were also intrigued enough by the low looooooow Rotten Tomatoes score for Borderlands so we bit the bullet and actually went to see it! Half in the Bag for that will also be coming soon!


Cheyenne Picardo

Sorta hoping the next BOTW or WOTW does a special shout-out to Walz because if you close your eyes during his speeches he sounds exactly like Don Beveridge.

Miles Long

Please use this photo during your Boarderlands HITB. https://people.com/thmb/-yLzvBbnz3qr6wxpSRJ9S5iWUCY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2)/jamie-lee-curtis-1-06eb933643064db89ce594673484f9ab.jpg

Laurence Turpin

Breaking News. A little off-topic, but I just discovered that the main character in the upcoming Alien film is called Rain Carradine. And apparently there are lots of deaths in the new movie. In space, no-one can hear you...?