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My apologies for the weirdness on Friday and lack of an upload. I've had a devastating migraine all weekend and I've slept for twelve hours the past three days and waking up and STILL dealing having a migraine. Medicine hasn't really touched it.

I'll also be entirely honest, despite growing up with technology, I barely know how to truly use a lot of it. The whole PDF download thing for GENIE'D! Chapter 1 didn't work as easy as I thought it would and honestly I got a little freaked out by it and the possibility of my real name being visible so I took it down.

I've been working on a captain whenever I've tolerated looking at a computer screen, but it's been pretty slow going. The one I had almost completed was just garbage, so I've been slowly re-writing it to, y'know, not be garbage. I am hoping I will have it completed at some point today so I can get it up for you guys tomorrow.

Again, my deepest apologies for the delay, and thank you for your understanding and patience.



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