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This didn't end the way I wanted it, but it took me all weekend to write due to the migraine issues and barely being able to look at a screen. I just wanted to get it as complete as possible. Hope you all still enjoy it.


"Tonight was a wonderful evening, darling!" Clarissa cooed as she and her beau, Lance, held each other while standing in the kitchen of Lance's penthouse suite.

"I can think of a way to make it magnificent..." Lance chuckled, giving Clarissa's perfect ass a tight squeeze and eliciting a squeal of excitement from the elegant beauty. Clarissa looked away from her soon-to-be lover for just a moment and allowed herself a confident smile. This fool was playing perfectly into her hands! Soon she'd have all of his money!

For most Shifters, many were just content to lead (for them, at least) normal lives. Sure they could manipulate their bodies to any human form of either gender that they desired, but most were just normal people. Clark was not one of those people. Clark was a Shifter that had perfected the art of of manipulation. As a child, before his Shifting abilities manifested, he figured out just what buttons to push and what lies to tell. His family, friends and teachers all fell for his affable charm and quick-qitted personality, never realizing what was happening to them until it was too late, if at all. It wasn't some superpower or a mutation, like his Shifting abilities were, he was just naturally good at reading people and saying the exact things to twist them aroundd his little finger. When his Shifting powers finally manifested in his teenage years...Clark became even more of a con-man than he already was. If he got in trouble at school that he couldn't talk his way out of? Morph into one of his parents and have the parent-teacher conference himself. He was practically untouchable and amassed quite the small fortune before he had even graduated!

But that hadn't been enough for Clark. Where the Shifter community was content with hiding their gift or working jobs, Clark saw the ability to change his body into anyone nothing more than another tool for his schemes to get rich. And what better way than to use what he felt was his true gift and manipulate people with it? And why not use it to become the most handsome man in the world? After all, he was attracted to women and money, so why not try to get an actress or rich model to become his sugar-momma? Clark had spent weeks perfecting what he felt was the 'ideal man', a chiseled jaw, large but not obscene muscle mass, a huge cock and lush wavy brown hair. He altered his voice to be strong, warm and deep and gave himself hazel eyes and by the end of his experiments the young adult looked, as planned, incredibly handsome. Though despite his charming ways, most of the women he desired were inherently defensive and suspiscious of random men coming into their lives. Sure, it had been easy enough to bag any 'normal' woman he wanted and have whirlwind romance before he dumped them on the curb with no money...But Clark wanted MORE. Sure he was wealthy in his own right, but now he couldn't resist the siren call of true wealth and with it, power. So Clark adjusted his plan and after swallowing a bit of his pride, made a new plan. One that would take quite a bit more work in the planning stages but promised to pay off considerably better. Men, after all, desired women. And the richest men desired the best looking women. So Clark had decided that instead of chasing women, he'd be a woman to be chased by a man. And after saidd man had fallen head over heels for 'her'...Clark would strike.

The target in question had been Lance. The young man was the newly promoted heir to his recently deceased father's corporation. Lance was everything that Clark had been looking for; young, dumb, and most importantly, rich. The Shifter had followed Lance for several weeks before putting 'Clarissa', his female alter-ego, out as bait. He had studied Lance's routines, his hangouts, his taste in women, all so that Clark could craft the perfect body. Lance, as it turned out, was a bit of an ass-man. And he preferred women that were very refinedd both in fashion and looks, but with a playful but submissive personality. And they had to be on the short side, with paler skin, black hair and pouty lips with large brown eyes.

Though the body was the easiet part, it was still a bit of a challenge as Clark had to fine tune Lance's dream-woman through several dry runs and attracting the 'poor' boy's attention. Clarissa's face needed to be rounder, her lips puffier, her brown eyes larger and needing a natural 'shimmer'. Her hair went through different variations of long, short, back to long and then through different shades of black before Clark landed on just the right combination that hadd the tiniest bit of brown whenever the light caught it at the right angle. The boobs had been easy, just a nice busty D-cup, nice, squeezable, and naturally round with no artificial looking pointedness to them. Pale skin but not unhealthy looking, with the slightest hint of pink, and smooth as silk with not a single hair upon it. Clarissa's hands and feet would be petite and dainty, topped with perfectly manicured nails. That just left the final piece; her ass. Clark spent AGES in front of the mirror inflating and deflating his hips and buttocks, looking for something that looked suitably 'refined'. Lance was into butts, but Clark's stalking had revealed that his target definitely didn't like them too big. No ghetto-booties but no sticks, and it was impossible to get a perfect read on Lance's preferred size, so he just had to spend hours in front of the mirror, both hands the size of his target's while his ass swelled and deflated to find that perfect level of squeeze. Finally, after an additional week of experimenting and refinement, Clarissa's look was ready. But Clark couldn't just change into Lance's woman. He had to BE Lance's woman. That meant more time learning how to do makeup, learning how to walk in heels, what dress went best with Clarissa's pale complexion, how to talk and act like a rich debutante, and buying everything the con required to be successful. It had cost quite a bit, and Clark tried to pad things out by assuming some 'throwaway' bodies to trick some more desperate men into doing the actual buying of the dresses and jewelry. But after three months of planning and preparation, Clarissa was FINALLY ready to be let loose out upon the world. Lance's world, specifically.

The bait was set at the upscale bar that people in Lance's sphere of wealth and influence frequented. Clarissa had walked in, decked out in a blue dress that had caught the eye of more than a few men and women as she sashayed to the bar and ordered a dry martini a few stools down from where Lance had chosen to sit. It had been Lance's favorite drink, and she'd ordered it in just a loud enough voice to pull the rich boy's attention away from his rich friends. A side-long look here, a giggle there...And before long Lance had taken the stool next to Clarissa. And then had taken her back to his penthouse apartment for whirlwind sex that she had to make seem better than it actually was. Lance may have been a playboy in appearance and lifestyle, but he was terrible in bed. The ruse continued for months as Clark continued to push the ruse from casual fling to committed relationship. He rarely even changed back to his normal male self now; it was just too time-consuming to remake Clarissa for the nightly dinners, galas and other events that she'd been hanging on Lance's arm for. And despite himself, it WAS actually fun being a beautiful woman being wined and dined and desired. But Clark kept his eyes on the very lucrative prize...And after a full year of being Lance's 'girlfriend', the rich boy had finally pulled out all the stops. A magnificent dinner, dancing...Clarissa wearing her best purple dress had all lead to this passionate moment between the two of them in the penthouse, with Lance's hands squeezing her perfectly crafted ass.

"Would you marry me?" Lance breathed heavily between their passionate kisses.

"Oh darling, yes!" Clarissa said with a giggle. There it was! The thing she'd been waiting on all this time! Soon she'd be Lance's wife and have access to his great fortune...And then divorce his ass and take it all!

The poor fool, Lance would have no idea he was marrying a Shifter and had been manipulated until it was too late!



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