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Breaking down Whitewood into other neighborhoods than just' The Cauldron'. Whitewood has a tourist trap pier that has strange rides, as seen here.

My apologies for a very short upload. My sink backed up and flooded my kitchen on Saturday so I'm been dealing with that all weekend. So you get a shorty caption. Fun fact though, I've had this caption template done for years, just never could write anything for it. So the caption itself is much older, visually.


Marcel and Tim stood in line for a new ride on the Whitewood Pier called 'The Flipper'. It was said to be a wild thrill, a 'life-changer', yet despite that, everyone that seemed to ride it only came off looking dazed and confused. But the two 19 year old weren't overly worried.The wait had been long and while they had concerns about the amount of other riders being confused. But both boys stayed in line until finally it was their turn. The seats were lowered and locked into place, with Marcel taking the right side while Tim sat on the left. With a mechanical groan and al urch, the twi young adult men were lifted into the sky as the ride's car began spinning around and around and around at high speed as the arms lifted them both high in the sky!

"Dude this is amazing!" Marcel screamed as his voice heightened, his skin turned white and the constant spinning began to deform his body into that of a petite white girl with modest breasts and a modest ass crammed inside clothes that were a size too small. Soon the new girl passed out.

"Yeah this is wild, bro!" Tim said, his voice going lower and more husky a his skin turned a shade of brown and his hair expanded outwards along with his new substantial chest encased within a multicolored blouse. Dark hands were clasped almost white to the ride's seats as her new body made her pass out.

When the ride stopped, Marcy and Tiana were unbuckled and sent on their way, both women wondered why they both had the same fleeting thought about being men? Oh well, they shook off the haziness and went on to enjoy their day, both agreeing that while the name was apt, The Flipper was just too much for them, and they'd never ride it again.



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