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The caption I was working on and meant to put up today never got finished. I ran out of steam and couldn't recapture the spark for it. Oh well, maybe next Halloween.

Instead, enjoy this freshly made one!


"Oh c'mon honey, smile a little! We're getting SO many hits on Insta!"

"Really? First you trick me now you're whoring me out on social media? Thanks a lot..." Scott just scowled darkly at his wife as he stepped through the surf, the water lapping gently around his long, smooth legs as he was forced to suffer yet ANOTHER indignity on this godsforsaken trip.

Scott and Holly had been married for a couple of years, and things had already begun to turn a bit south. They didn't have much of a sex life; both were either always too tired or just otherwise not in the mood, and when they DID have sex it was always over far too quickly. So in an effort to 'spice things up', Holly had surprised her hsuband with two tickets to 'Amazonia'! the five star resort was located in the Aegean Sea, out near Santorini. It had the works; a luxurious hotel, a world class bar, golden beaches...It hadn't been hard to twist the slightly overweight IT Specialist's arm to get him to take the time off from work to accomodate his wife.

Of course, Holly had conveniently neglected to tell Scott the reason why the bill for 'romance vacation of a lifetime' was so cheap, and faked her surprise (rather badly) when Scott had stepped off the charter boat and onto the island proper...And was immediately changed into a busty blonde woman!

"Ohmygosh!" Holly had squeaked, making sure to get the entire transformation on her phone. Every pixel of the change had been recorded, the new posterior for posterity.

Scott's short hair had ballooned out in a dirty blond wave as his eyes shifted from brown to a vivied blue-green. His lips had swelled and his face had gone from a slightly lumpish block to softly rounded, Scott's beard vanishing into the warm sea breeze and leaving perfect, smooth skin. His shoulders had round immediately, popping backwards as large breasts fought their way out of his torso as the IT guy lost several inches from his height. His slowly expanding gut was sucked in, a rush of flesh that caused Scott to wheeze, his masculine groan turning high and higer as the air was forced out of his body and leaving behind a taut smooth stomach. His love-handled hips nipped andd tucked themselves into a far more attractive shape and his rear tightened and rounded to become quite the enviable ass. Scott let out a high pitched squeal of pain as the bulge at the front of his shorts collapsed inwards as the changes rippled down his flabby legs, the hairy flesh turning smooth and flawless as the fat bubbled away. His feet went from flopping 11 1/2 inch clown feet to feminine pads topped with pink toenails. Scott's arms shook like they were slowly waking up from being asleep as each prickle shrank them down, his hands turning small and dainty with similarly topped nails.

"I...I'M A WOMAN!?" Scott had screamed in his new, high pitched voice, staring down at himself and struggling to keep his now over-sized clothes from falling off of him. Several other men were under-going the same change nearby, but with much less dramatic fanfare. In fact, most of them looked happy as they changed into gorgeous women! And soon the group of tittering (and one whimpering) females were approached by the resort staff, all also women, who were carrying bundles of decidedly female fashion.

And the men hadn't been the only ones who had changed! Holly and every woman that had been on the boat with them seemed to be getting a magical facelift! Blemishes, wrinkles, gray hair and excessive weight all seemed to be vanishing as the women became the best version of themselves! Holly even looked like a bit of a nerdy supermodel!

That had been how the vacation had started, with Scott being traumatized by the sudden loss of his manhood and finding out that 'Amazonia' was an exclusive, women's only resort. As he learned during the orientation seminar that was mandatory upon the group of men changing into their new female wardrobes, this was because the island was supposedly blessed by the goddess Aphrodite. The Greek goddess of love and beauty had created the haven for women to escape from the often cruel world of Man in the ancient days of the world, and the resort was a continuation of the ancient temple of priestesses that had been charged with running the tropical paradise. Scott's only consolation was that it wasn't permanent, and that leaving the island would begin the (somewhat slow) return of a man's male features. But the boat wouldn't return for a week, leaving Scott trapped as 'Scottie'. And the women, of course, would keep their good looks for the rest of their lives and age gracefully, Aphrodite's gift to the fairer sex.

He hadn't stopped being angry at his wife for tricking him into this, but the changed man had to admit...After the shock had worn off, it wasn't ALL bad. Sure the boobs made his back hurt and the hair was always getting in his eyes and having all new plumbing was...strange, but it wasn't totally different from being a guy. Plus he felt GREAT, even if he couldn't drink as much as he previously could, and he and Holly both had taken advantage of them looking so, well, sexy and taking hundreds of pictures of their new and rejuvenated bodies for posting on hastily made social media accounts. And Holly...Well Holly seemed interested in him again. She was constantly complimenting the new woman and almost couldn't keep her hands off his busty new form!

"Oh, don't be such a bitch, baby!" Holly said with a laugh, joining her husband in the surf, a hand snaking around his perfect new hips. Scott couldn't help but feel his new female organs tingle and blossom with heat at his wife's touch as the two Amazon-esque beauties strolled down the beach.

"Besides...Now that you're used to that body...I was thinking we skip dinner in the restaurant and order some room service and...dessert" Holly whispered with a girlish giggle, and Scott felt his new cheeks turn red.

Maybe he had been tricked, maybe this was the weirdest experience of his life, but he had a feeling that the sex was going to be better than it had been in years!



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