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Since I can't keep calling it 'Quarantine Fairy' since, y'know, things are back to normal (or what counts as normal in this cursed timeline), we're just moving on to the Fairies messing with lives at random. I know this is a shorter caption but as we near the end of my work year, things have been really stressful and frankly awful for me. My mental health has been rather depressed and I almost took the week off, but I felt that wasn't fair to you guys. But this was all I could muster up.


"Happy Mothers Day Mommy!" Came the shrill, twin voices, causing Emma's eyes to snap open in surprise. There, next to her bed were her two children, Sam and Haley, both of them trying very hard not to spill the small tray of cereal and a glass orange juice.

"Oh, wow!" Emma gushed, sitting upright in bed before gently taking the tray from hands of her children. She hadn't truly been surprised as the single mom had already been up for an hour, carefully watching the two four year olds prepare the small breakfast for her before sneaking back to bed...But still the emotion was real enough.

Emma, Sam and Haley lived alone, Emma's husband having died shortly after the twins had been born. She had worked hard to give them a good life, one free of poverty and suffering and now she was being reward by her two little angels bringing her breakfast in bed for Mother's Day!

"Do you like it mommy?" Sweet little Haley asked as he climbed into bed, followed closely by her brother. Emma had to be careful to keep the tray from spilling it's contents as the two small children's focus on not making a mess vanished.

"It's just wonderful, sweetheart!" Emma cooed as her two children settled in next to her. There was a cereal mess that she'd clean up in the kitchen, but for right now she was content just to have this special moment. "Oh, you two make me so happy to be a mom!"

"I wish I could be a mommy" Sam said, grabbing his mother's hand and squeezing as tight as his little muscles would allow, and the small family giggled before Emma heard a unfamiliar female voice say "Wish granted!". Emma had just enough time to spot a small pink creature sitting on the window frame before a pink light filled the room. When the light faded, the scene on the bed was VERY different. Emma was gone, and so were the small children. Instead there were two young adults in their place. In Sam's spot was an attractive woman, with long, dirty blonde hair done up in a messy ponytail, wearing am over-sized, knotted t-shirt and blue leggings, while next to, where Haley had been, was a dark haired and bearded man. And in the woman's hands was a small, pink, plastic device. The shock of the transformation left Sam and Haley speechless, their minds struggling to comprehend the sudden change and influx of two lifetimes worth of information that had taken place. They still remembered being siblings, being children...But now there was twenty-six years of new lives shoved into their brains. New bodies, new parents, meeting each other in college and everything that entailed...But they distinctly remembered having just been brother and sister a moment ago! And Emma...their original mother, was nowhere to be seen! That was, until Sam's new eyes were drawn slowly towards the pregnancy test in her tiny new hands.

"Oh. Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" Sam, now Samantha, screamed as she dropped the test on the ruffled sheets of the bed she now shared with her...oh god, with her HUSBAND! "WHAT HAPPENED!?"

Haley pulled his eyes away from his new, huge looking hands and looked at the small device, his eyes locking on the pink line in the tiny results area. He suddenly felt VERY dizzy as his adult brain processed the information. He grabbed hold of his wife, his former brother, and tried not to pass out. "S-sam I-I think that...Oh god, I t-think your p-pregnant with Emma! I m-mean m-mom!" He stammered in disbelief.

Samantha looked down at the pregnancy test and then palced both of her larger...But at the same time so tiny hands on her flat abdomen. "This ISN'T happenin! I-I can't be a mom!" Her thoughts were racing and the larger, adult part of her brain wanted to call her new mom, while the child part of her was simply confused. A dark thought about getting rid of Emma crossed her mind before she shoved it away. She couldn't do that to Emm-to mommy! Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged Haley, "W-what do we d-do now?"

Haley embraced his wife and squeezed her tightly, trying not to freakout himself. What had caused this!? And more importantly, was it reversible? But until then...He had to be strong for the both of them. The couple parted, staring at Sam's stomach in fearful silence before Haley tried to force a smile on his lips, not wanting his wif-err HER BROTHER to be so scared. God, this was so wrong!

"Well, uh, until we figure out how to fix this...d-do you want to celebrate Mother's Day a little early? It was what you wished for..."



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