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I decided our new genie needed a series (and a name) all on his own. This one was fun to write but JEEZ did it get long winded. It's in the 'two chapter' format so let me know how it reads. If it's a pain in the ass to read I'll reformat it.


The beachside bar was buzzing with energy, awash in the glow of neon lights and the sound of crashing waves. Tom sat at the end of the table, having tried and failed to keep up with his already heavily inebriated friends at the other end of the bar. He gripped his beer bottle tightly, grimacing as he took a sip. He HATED beer, it just tasted like hot dirt! He wasn't some teetotaller or anything but this was just...well it just tasted like garbage. Tom hated the fact that he was spending his hard-earned money on it, but he didn't want to be the odd one out and ruin the otherwise fun night. The beach bar was a great place, the weather was fantastic and it was always great to hang out with Brett, Tyler and Jim on Friday nights after a week on work. But at least the beer was empty and he was halfway to his drink total for the night, as he was always the designated chaperone for the other three men after they got wasted. Tom let out a small belch and stood up from the table.

"I'm headed back for another round, you guys want anything?" He said, shaking the empty bottle.

"Yeah, get us shome refills!" Brett slurred, "And none of that girly shit you like!" Mike smirked, "Leave the fruity shit for the ladies!" He made a sweeping gesture toward a group of women at a nearby table, who were laughing and clinking their cocktails together.

Tom forced a laugh. "Yeah, beer. Got it." He headed off for the bar, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red as the trio of drunks burst out in leaughter. Ugh, freakng Brett. Tom wanted to get his preferred French Martini so badly, but he knew his friends would never let him hear the end of it if he ordered one. So instead, he sidled up to the bar and ordered four more bottles of beer, which the cute little bartender was happy to give him. The brown bottles beaded with sweat as they sat on the bar, Tom eyeing which one looked the least repuslive to him. It'd be better if he just got started with the second drink now; the faster he did the quicker he'd be done with it. He reached out and grabbed the beer on the farthest left and, with a scowl, used his thumb to pop the top off of the bottle. A thin wisp of chilled air seeped out as Tom brought the foul drink to his lips...And then a painfully loud burp erupted from the bottle as it began shaking!

"What the fuck!?" Tom swore, setting the beer bottle back on the bar-top, seconds before a geyser of beer and bubbles shot upwards from the bottle's aperture! But instead of crashing down in a sticky mess, the beer and bubbles simply began forming into a large and yellowing cloud above the bar! The cloud continued to grow until the bottle stopped shaking...And then a huge yellow man with abushy but greasy beer fell to the smooth countertop of the bar! The strange man, who was larger than a normal person, horribly fat and naked from the waist up let out a massive, bone-shaking burp before rolling off the counter with a crash and a thud! While the yellow being took a moment to simply lay on the floor and let out a massive groan, Tom shot a look around the rest of the bar to see if anyone else had just seen a person materialize out of, well, BEER air...But it was as if time had frozen! Not a single person was moving in the bar, and the bar had gone quiet save for the muttered curses and grunts of the strange yellow man!

"Fuck, whatta landin'!" A voice, even more slurred than Brett's groaned as the huge, fat and yellow man pulled himself upright directly in front of Tom. The strange man's face was round with large cheeks, and utterly dominated by his large nose and beard, while his eyes were bleary and unfocused, but after a moment they locked on Tom...Who was slowly backing away through the bar's frozen patrons. "Huh. Gezz yer the one whole let me out! C'mere pal!" The man reached out and practically scooped Tom up, bringing him back to the bar.

"Oh god, what are you!?" Tom gasped after the yellow man's hand smashed him into the bar, knocking the air out of him.

"Huh? Oh, m'names Raffiq, but ya can call me Raffi. I'm a genie" The man, Raffi, said with a srhug, "An' fer freein' me, Ima do you a solid!" Raffi shoved a beer bottle into Tom's hands and pointed at it, letting out a small belch. The bottle tremlbed in Tom's hands for a moment and he was afraid it was going to explode into another crazy person...But after a moment it simply went still again. "There, now y'can have as much beer as y'want! Bonus, ya get a wish too!"

"..What?" Tom looked at the beer bottle and then back at Raffi before he popped the cap off the beer bottle and slowly turned it upside down, spilling the contents all over the bar's floor...And in such amounts that no beer bottle should have been able to do! This man, this...genie, really WAS magic! But...Why had he been in a beer bottle? "Hey Raffi, why were you in a bottle? Don't genies have lamps?" Tom asked as he stopped pouring beer all over the bar floor.

"Got bottled at a brewery. Looong shtory." Raffi waved off Tom's question as he began grabbing as many bottles of alcohol from behind the bar as his massive arms could hold, "An' lamps are 'spensive. Rather just bum aroun an' drink" Raffi said with a shrug as he began drinking from his haul.

"Huh. Okay so...You can grant me a wish, right?" Tom's mind began racing with all the possibilities. He could be rich! End world hunger! Achieve world peace! Or at the very least get a promotion or clear his credit card debt.

"Yeh, but its gotta be 'bout drinkin'. Y'wanna own this bar? 'Sgood bar! Gotsa good vibe" Raffi said between chugging and was oblivious to Tom deflating, only noticing as his new friend frowned and put the enchanted beer bottle back on the bar top with a look of disappointment. "Huh? Whut's wrong, pal? Don't y;like drinkin'?"

"Great. I find a genie and all he can do is give me infinite dirt beer! Fuck me, right?" Tom swore. This was about typical. He could have gotten any genie in the world but no, he had to get the one that could only give him what he DIDN'T want!

Raffi looked at the mortal who gave him freedom and the magic beer bottle, "Dirt beer? Whut, you want something else? I can make it somethin' else. Least I c'do. Tell ol' Raffi what ya wan'" Raffi chugged a bottle of whisky like it was water and floated, somewhat shakily, in front of Tom, whose expression at least lightened a bit at the news.

"Really? Any drink I want? Huh..." Tom looked at the enchanted bottle one more time before grinning, "What about endless French Martinis? Can you do that?" The drink had been on his mind all night! And if it was just as endless as the beer was...Jackpot! At least something good would come out of this!

"Yeh...But such a girly drink though!" Raffi whined before belching once more, the beer bottle shimmering as it was transformed into a perfect French Martini, "Don' you want somethin' a bit manlier? Put some hair on yer chest 'stead of takin' it off?"

"Oh god, not you too!" Tom said as he sampled the new drink. It was amazing, absolutely perfect and what he had been craving all evening..But it was a little spoiled because yet again, some drunk asshole was making fun of him for liking a 'girly' drink! "Fine, you want me to make a drink related wish" Then I wish I could drink French Martinis without anyone making fun of me again!" Tom took a defiant slurp of his enchanted drink and slammed it down on the bar counter.

"Yeesh pal! Chill out! But yeh, I c'do that...Hmm gimme a second..." Raffi stared at the defiant Tom for a long hard moment, his heavily inebriated braincells rubbing together as he tried to think of a way to grant the mortal's wish. Finally he landed on the simplest solution. It didn't make sense to him, but hey, he was just happy to help! "Alrighty, one wish comin' up!" Raffi began to draw himself to his full, towering height as a massive, magical burp began forming in his gut.

"Finally! Take this Brett you assho-" Tom whooped, but his cry of victory over his friends was drowned out as Raffi let out the loudest, longest and FOULEST smelling belch he had EVER encountered. His eyes watered and the hairs in his burning nose curled was it washed over him, and even his very skin felt damp and smelly, as if a entire keg of beer had been dumped on him! "Ugh, dude, that was fucking gross! You should see someone..." Tom's voice trailed off as he felt a tingling sensation begin in his hand holding his enchanted drink.

"Wish granted!" Raffi said as he leaned back on the bar and began imbibing from the collected alcohol once more.

Tom's eyes went wide as he stared at his tingling hand as he desperately tried to let go of his drink. And then transformation began. Frothy bubbles, surrounded by glittering sparkles, appeared on Tom's skin as it began to change! They crawled across his skin, his tan deepening as his fingers slimmed and narrowed and...grew long nails!? Tom wanted to scream, but it seemed like whatever magic was happening had suddenly taken his voice! The sparkling bubbles, now done with his newly tiny, feminized hand, raced across his outstretched arm, causing it to lose the slim amount of muscle that had been there as it left smooth, tanned and flawless skin in it's wake! Tom was too slow to more his other hand out of the way and the bubbles spread across it as well as his other arm began to undergo the same exact changes! Soon the bubbles had reached his torso, gliding up his shoulders and compressing them as his masculine and boxy frame began to lose it's rigidity, shifting and reforming like sand on a windswept beach. The bubbles spread across Tom's torso like a wave as it narrowed in some places...yet suddenly expanded in others as two breasts began pushing through his skin! Tom looked down at the sight in silent terror as his casual boardwalk t-shirt was replaced by a flimsy gray tanktop from which his new boobs were nestled in, supported only by what undoubtedly had to be a bra! But Tom had little time to adjust as the bubbles frothed southward, trimming the masculine but and replacing it with a smooth abdomen, his waist cinching in yet expanding outward as fatty tissue padded his growing ass! The beer bubbles and sparkles swirled around crotch for a moment as he FELT his dick shrivel up into his body! What had once been an average cock was now nothing more than a slit surrounded by trimmed bush, and all of it cradled by what had to be panties! His pants changed as well, going from thick denim to light cutoffs that showed his now changing legs! Tom's legs became shapely, almost divine as they too lost all body hair and changed to the glorious tanned complexion as the bubbles washed over them, scrubbing away the final bits of his manhood as they moved to his feet, the 12inch shoe sized appendages crumpling inward and reforming into petite little feet wearing some heeled sandals that revealed tiny toes that were painted the same color as his new fingernals! And then the bubbles popped away...Before Tom felt them suddenly reappear on his neck! The sensation crawled upwards and Tom felt his voicebox changing, he felt his cheekbones rising and the tingling of his scalp growing volumes of hair that brushed softely on his new neck and shoulders in long, glorious golden-brown locks!

Tom's facial features were the last to transform as they frothed and foamed on the very edge of his vision as every last feature of his face was changed. He felt his lips plump up, his eyelashes lengthen, his ears become pierced and his nose shaved down into a much cuter form. The final change was his eyes as sparkling darkness filled his vision, and Tom glared at Raffi's slouched form as it floated haphazardly towards the bar's exit, an enormous amout of alcohol in the genie's arms before the world disappeared entirely. He swore one more time in the prison of his mind before the tingling sensnation filled it as well, and then Tom knew no more.

"Huh?" Tammy muttered, her long-lashed eyes fluttering open as time unfroze. The sounds of the lively beachside bar filled her ears with indistinct conversation while the smell of delicious drinks and food were carried on the tropical breeze. Oh right, she had come here looking for a man and, of course, to have some of her FAVORITE drinks! Especially the French Martini! They were just so YUMMY! "Hey Jess I-" Tammy said in her airy, sing-song voice before she felt something cold in her hand. She looked over and felt like SUCH a bimbo! She already HAD a drink! The receptionist waved her bestie, Jess the bartender, away, who just rolled her eyes at how flighty her friend was. Now, to find a man...Tammy took a sip of her cocktail, enjoying its sweet flavor as she went on the prowl, not realizing how much everything had changed. To her, everything was normal she had ALWAYS been Tammy, the hot secretary who played the dumb blonde to lure in guys and liked her girly drinks! It didn't take her long before she spotted a group of guys near the back of the bar, one of which was clearly eyeing her with a lustful look in his eyes. She gave him a small smile and turned away, giving her hair a teasing little shake as she leaned forward every so slightly, letting her small but mighty tits press against the fabric of her tanktop, giving the stranger a distant show as she baited her trap. It didn't takevery long before the man was on his feet and making his way through the bar towards her.

"Gotcha!" She whispered to herself as he approached her. He stank of beer a little more than she would have wanted, beer was just an awful drink when compared to her love of cocktails, but she wasn't looking for much tonight. A girl just had needs, y'know?

"Hey there" The man said as he leaned against the bar next to Tammy, she turned to look at him, a playful but aloof look on her plump lipped face. She wanted it, but she was at least going to make him work for it. She braced for the one liner that was forming on the man's lips, "Are you my bar tab, cause baby, I wanna close you out!"

"Oh? I don't know...I don't think you've put enough on it yet.You're not calling me cheap, are you?" She said back, with just enough of a giggle in her voice to make it clear she was flirtng back. All things considered it WAS a decent line...

"Baby, you're the most expensive looking drink in this joint. My name's Brett" The man, Brett said, stretching out a masculine hand. Tammy took it, watching her tiny hand disappear inside his for just a moment. She decided then and there that she'd be going home with this guy tonight...But the night was still young and she was certain she could get more than a few more drinks out of him before she rewarded her lover of the night.

"I'm Tammy, it's very nice to meet you" She said, taking a drink of her French Martini.

"I've never gotten the appeal of those drinks, don't you want something that'll put some hair on your chest?" Bretty said, pointing to her drink which, for some reason, seemed just as full as before she had taken a sip.

"I can think of a couple other things you might want to see on my chest other than hair..." Tammy flirted back. Both were absolutely oblivious, much like the rest of the world, as to who she had just been, and what she had wished for on a now drunken genie that was floating through the sky.

"Jus' don't see why all these guys wanna be chicks..." Raffi said with a hiccup before downing more beer, "Ah well, ain't my place to judge!" Raffi let out another large, magical burp, releasing wild magic inot the world on accident. But he was too drunk to really care about the chaos that burp might bring. All he knew was that he didn't swipe nearly enough beer from that place, and that pretty soon he was going to need another drink!



John Tobin

Loved the story. If you offered a voice over your supporters could enjoy your stories at times they could not read like driving to work. Being able to listen to your stories adds flexibility to where and how your stories are enjoyed. Also the visually impaired could add to your fan base. Look I get it if you are just starting out. Just offering. A suggestion that helps you dream big. I hope you get to be able to afford it or find a partner willing to do it with you

Mr. Domino

Thank you for the kind words. I will take your suggestion into account, but I don't make enough through this Patreon to hire anyone to do vocal work. I am open to utilizing AI programs, but they need to be free, safe and quality.