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Many of my models are proudly wearing tattoos.
You can even imagine that the decision of modelling nude is somehow linked to the passion for ink, as if the girls like to show off their bodies but want to further enhance its natural beauty, or maybe they are trying to send a more complex message with their skin.
Whatever the reason, I like to take pictures of a decorated body because it becomes unique, it stands out.
If all my models had a plain white skin, my body of work (or work on bodies, if you prefer) would soon become repetitive and boring.
Tattoos are making the skin visually more interesting, how the shape changes with angles and muscle movements, how the light reflects in a different way compared with the plain skin, textures in black and white, splashes of colours...
And when I finally meet with a plain and clean body, it becomes something special and unique in my portfolio.

I've chosen to shoot only nudes, and tattoos are helping to give the variety usually provided by garments and lingerie.
But tattoos are not something that you ask the model to wear just for the shooting, tattoos are something the model willingly decided to wear for the rest of her life, and can give a proper insight on her character and beliefs.
Somehow tattoos are the lingerie of a woman soul, and deserve to be shown as much as possible in the naked portraits I'm doing.



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