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Light is tricky and we have to learn how it behaves in real life to try and reproduce its effect in our pictures.
What digital photography is able to reproduce is just part of what our eyes can see in real life, so in working on the raw file we have to choose the spectrum we want to show our casual observer.
HDR is not a solution, because it is going to show everything in the shadows and the highlights, but it is going to feel unnatural.
In this case it was helpful to have Martina inside this abandoned house, protected from the direct sunlight that creates too much contrast.
But the light coming from the windows is still strong and creates interesting shadows.
So it is important to preserve these shadows, even if most of her face is hidden: you have to resist the temptation to light up the shadows or you're going to ruin the picture.
Also the highlights need to feel natural and not blown out.
It is a game based on equilibrium and the final goal is realism.
But to produce a result that feels true to life, you have to observe life all the time, to understand how light plays on objects.
The exercise in much more fun when the object of your observations is a naked Martina... 😉



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