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I'm not going to lie, this episode was SO frustrating, so hard to get through because of Lena just getting dumped on left and right and everything seeming SO doom and gloom...at least there's some fun exposition reveals...right? RIGHT?!  

But with everyone seemingly at death's door NEXT EPISODE...uhm...how we getting out of this? I'm...very concerned and very curious!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://streamable.com/wn9osg

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Eighty-Six 86: Episode 8 Reaction! LET'S GO?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/wn9osg **DESPAIRING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I'm not going to lie, this episode was SO frustrating, so hard to get through because of Lena just getting dumped on left and right and everything seeming SO doom and gloom...at least there's some fun exposition reveals...right? RIGHT?! But with everyone seemingly at death's door NEXT EPISODE...uhm...how we getting out of this? I'm...very concerned and very curious! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


C. Davis

I don't blame you for watching to watch something happy after 86. As good as the writing is and the story is, it is not something that cheers you up. It deals with such heavy, dark themes. I feel bad about you getting spoilers, It is one of the reasons that I do not comment much because I am afraid that I will unintentionally do even a small spoiler. That being said, I hope you continue with this anime as I really enjoy hearing your thoughts on the anime. There are times when you discuss something and I think "Why didn't I consider that when I watched this before?" It has helped me enjoy the anime all over again. Like, I never really gave much thought about the characters dying off screen before , but maybe its another way the story shows how the republic treats the 86? Its not worth showing them die as they are not human to the republic? I have no clue if that is true, as I have never read the source material or even read anything about the author, just a very cynical thought from me. To me, Annette seemed like a decent person and a good friend to Lena up until this episode. It shows how a screwed up society can twist someone who is decent with pain, sorrow and guilt and make her loose herself with despair to the point she abandons her long-time friend. Not only that, but does so in such a cruel way. Raiden is one of my favorite characters in the show. There is something about him that really resonates with me. A mental and emotional stability that few people have. Anyways, I will be looking forward to the next reaction.


I'm sorry for commenting on what's written on Anju's back. This episode is so sad, and it's "funny" the way you're watching sad animes, Lena's not the only one who needs a break - you do too hahaha. I think Annette feels even worse that Lena persists in her ideals, as if she saw in Lena what she had not been able to do. She must feel guilty, and even more so when she sees what Lena is trying to achieve, to the point of telling her that she's even worse. So I think she chose to reject Lena in a cruel way to avoid facing up to her ideals. That's so sad.


You weren't the only one to comment about Anju's back, but I appreciate the apology! This episode is definitely a REALLY sad one and hard one to get through! I'm sure Annette feels guilty and is projecting on Lena, but still, it's so sad and very cruel, indeed. Thanks for the comment and kind words! :)


I am a completionist, and I've never "dropped" an anime, but I am hoping that I can keep watching and discover things that will make me like it even more! :) So thank you! The offscreen deaths definitely to me connected to Lena being "offline" and missing out on things the 86 experience, which is a nice touch, but it really hits hard when you realize those people are GONE. And I'm sure Annette is projecting a LOT of her own insecurities and guilt onto Lena, but man does it hurt! And YES, it took me a second to warm up to Raiden, but I really like his character and his interactions with Lena and Shin among the others so far! Thanks so much for the kind words and comment! I'm looking forward to (hopefully?) some levity in the next episode! :D