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I LOVE this series and how it's exploring technology, philosophy, morality, and somehow weaves into this detective world ALL THE SHIPPING! Gino, Akane, and Shogo (of course) all having their moments with our boy Kogami and I'm here for it!  

This episode may be my favorite so far? It's so hard to pick because they're all so good and this story is SO interesting -- let's talk about it!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Z8NoKAy6mkutHGVRZJDJCA?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass: EXTENDED Episode 5 Reaction! PARADISE FRUIT & METHUSELAH'S GAME?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Z8NoKAy6mkutHGVRZJDJCA? **CYBERNETIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I LOVE this series and how it's exploring technology, philosophy, morality, and somehow weaves into this detective world ALL THE SHIPPING! Gino, Akane, and Shogo (of course) all having their moments with our boy Kogami and I'm here for it! This episode may be my favorite so far? It's so hard to pick because they're all so good and this story is SO interesting -- let's talk about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Great reaction and discussion!! I'm glad you brought up Kogami not being stuck on the culprit, because I didn't think about it before, but its such a nice change of pace for a character that is clearly obsessed about a case to be rational enough bout it to not get stuck on the culprit! I really love even thought he is clearly obsessed, he is able to focus on facts, not just only seeing things he wants to see. I really liked how Ginoza was just straight up said "I'm sorry". No excuses, no nothing. Just honestly admitting to his mistake. It made me like his character so much more. It take A LOT to be able to own up to your mistakes, especially while speaking from position of power over someone. Gino seems like one of those people to whom apologizing is really hard thing to do. bcjbhfc I must say I laughter every time Wieviorka was brought up bc of near identical word in my language meaning "squirrel". I chucked every time they said because all I could hear was "the book written by Squrrel" XD And to make it even funnier, even with written differences between the words, its spoken in the exact same way both in japanese and in my language. I really love how Makishima was caressing his blade while talking about Kogami. Nothing to see there, no sir, no murderous flirting going on at all!! Kogami and Makishima really be having that classic Sherlock and Moriarty dynamic. The murderous flirting Makishima has going on XD Its like, "come on, show me how smart you are :), here, have fun with this death trap prepared just for you :D" Akane has cemented her place as one of my favorite female characters ever with her standing up to Gino like that. Like, damn girl, go off!! It was so impressive! I liked Akane before this but my love for her skyrocketed after those episodes. She knows her worth and isn't afraid to stand up for herself, no matter how much she respects someone. I loved when Masaoka picked Gino up by the scruff of his coat like a misbehaving kitten XDD Gino really is taking out his every personal trauma on Akane. She really presses his every alarm button ever, with her being so similar to Kogami and her being so fast and loose with the rules. Its so sad that his worry seems to mainly take form of getting worried-angry and very panic and catastrophizing prone. Also, I always saw that scene of Akane choosing what to wear as her trying to look good before the professor! Because she also wanted to meet him and she clearly has great deal of respect for him too. I took it as her wanting to leave a good first impression on Saiga. Its interesting how hearing someone talk could cloud your hue because thats true even in real life. Someone mood might drastically worsen when they hear about something bad happening, even when they have no relation to it. And when you have relation to it... Also. Speaking of Akane's friend. Putting the antena in her bra is so violating for Akane's friend. Because from her conversation with Kagami we can assume that she had a different bra when she went to sleep. So it means that Makishima or one of his subordinates must have stripped her before this. It makes me shudder thinking about that. Time for VA fun facts!! Professor Saiga is voiced by Kazuhiro Yamaji, who also gives voice to Señor Pink from One Piece, Henry Henderson from Spy Family and Kenny Ackerman from AOT!


Thank you for the kind words and comment! 🙂And yes, everyone thinks Kogami is 100% obsessed with Shogo, and maybe he is, but he does still think rationally despite all that. And YES! Ginoza apologizing was really refreshing – get that miscommunication trope out of here! Agreed, that was a big move for him! I am glad Akane stood up to Gino, though; she deserves some respect. And Masaoka clearly is the “adult of adults” for this squad, isn’t he? Giving off all the Nanami vibes, if he was an older uncle figure. Agreed, though, Gino is taking a lot of his own insecurities and fears out in the wrong form. That’s hilarious about the interpretation of “squirrel” hahaha! Shogo is TOTALLY pulling out the Moriarty vibes to match Kogami’s Sherlock! Ahhhh, that’s interesting about her wanting to make a good impression on the TEACHER, Saiga! I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that “dress to impress” would make a lot of sense! That is DISTURBING with the idea that someone stripped her before putting the antenna/bra on her. Nope. Not cool at all. And ooohhh, SAIGA IS KENNY?! I LOVE THAT! Thank you for that info!!