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OH MY WORD, Y'ALL. I'm so in love with this episode's style, content, even though....damn...I just want to give Yuuji a MILLION HUGS because....OOF.  

Sukuna is living his best life and the KITCHEN IS OPEN, and he's wanting to pilfer...Megumi's....garden...for...I'm going to stop. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy my ridiculously long rambles, because I was EXCITED by this episode!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/r7sJfNi25nZN6AsLgvHeHw?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Episode 17 Reaction! THUNDERCLAP, PART 2?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/r7sJfNi25nZN6AsLgvHeHw? **EXPERIMENTAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** OH MY WORD, Y'ALL. I'm so in love with this episode's style, content, even though....damn...I just want to give Yuuji a MILLION HUGS because....OOF. Sukuna is living his best life and the KITCHEN IS OPEN, and he's wanting to pilfer...Megumi's....garden...for...I'm going to stop. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy my ridiculously long rambles, because I was EXCITED by this episode! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I really enjoyed your reaction and discussion of this episode -- all very thought provoking. I know I'm in a very small minority, but I loved the use of the op theme music Specialz in the Sukuna aftermath. It was so jarring and inappropriate for the sober situation that it fit with the themes of this arc (for me). Good/bad, upbeat/depressed, dead/alive, curse/human, whatever. I wouldn't argue with anyone who said it distracted from the scene of itadori's trauma, but it drove it all home for my admittedly messed-up mind. For some reason, I thought of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Anime Annie

Nice Ieiri cosplay! Sometimes casual cosplays are the most fun/comfortable. With you about the comments about Jogo I'd also direct them to the first episode when we're introduced to him. Also I agree that there may be something significant will happen when the clock strikes midnight, especially because since the beginning of these events in Shibuya they've taken great pains to keep us updated on the times when everything is occurring. Though it could also be a way just to terrify us with how much has happened in such a short period of time. Thank you for the Satosugu angst on the idea of curses basically having a reincarnation cycle 😭💔 Also your nervous laughter before the episode was exactly how I felt going in to this episode. Definitely was not prepared though for how insane it was. I knew your SukuFushi shipper heart would be in heaven with so many parts of this episode. Also I had to laugh that Sukuna stayed dressed throughout this whole thing. Noticed it especially when Makora's finger ended up in Itadori's red hood part of his uniform. If Sukuna had stripped it off then there wouldn't have been that issue, but Fushiguro wasn't awake for the strip tease so it was ruled as pointless 🤣 I adored the haunting music playing as the Narrator explained Sukuna's Domain. Paired with the apocalyptic-looking shots of parts of Shibuya being like a war zone, and the colouring of that scene, definitely gave it a more malicious and demonic feel. And then Shibuya becoming this wasteland was absolutely terrifying. But damn did they make Sukuna look so good when he was evilly smiling as his technique rained down on Makora and left absolutely nothing in it's wake. Your heart really does break for Itadori in that moment 😭 I love Suwabe's voice, and this episode he did an amazing job, but Enoki in this short scene was off the charts amazing! You really could feel and hear Itadori's agony and disgust in his voice. But they were evil putting the Opening song to that scene too, especially the English lyrics "You are my special" with Itadori and "I love you baby" when showing the bloody remains of the twins 😭💔 And to follow it up with Two-Face Nanami? Really feels like they were just attacking us in these last moments of the episode. Also we really see so much of Shibuya just gone in the episode and then get the ED with Fushiguro, Kugisaki, and Itadori strolling around Shibuya with cameras and taking pictures like they're sight-seeing. *That* made me feel even worse about the destruction Sukuna and Makora's battle caused. Seriously evil of them having Itadori's talk with his grandpa about saving people at the start and bookending it with Itadori's devastation/dead-eyed look and considering himself a murderer because of something Sukuna did in his body 🥺 Someone needs to go give him a hug, and give so many characters therapy after all this! The idea of jujutsu sorcerers previously having spectated matches honestly gave me such gladiators in the colosseum vibes. But again it shows Gojo's way of teach Fushiguro, in comparison to how Geto taught Nanako and Mimiko. Gojo's words are his way of trying to make Fushiguro believe in himself and get stronger because Gojo knows that he can, whereas what we saw of Geto with the twins was more about providing them with as normal of a life as possible, and not based on getting stronger. Definitely agree that Sukuna doesn't seem like he'd be willing to teach anyone, but a class that required simply listening to Suwabe? Sign me up! 🤣🥰 Your 'tinfoil hat theory' on the quality being potentially a marketing scheme does sound plausible, especially with how such companies have come out to say about the decrease in DVD/Blu-ray sales etc. I do think shows and things becoming like fads also affects it in that animation studios want to get the show out to fans whilst it's still fairly fresh in their heads so as to retain their attention, and then may go the same route as Bones and take a bit more time after it's first streamed to fix certain scenes and moments where the quality might have dipped to then release as a Blu-ray and gain more attention again, until the next animated piece is "ready" to be aired. I enjoy my slice-of-life anime so I'm with you that I could easily watch an entire episode of Gojo and Fushiguro discussing the entire history of their two clans. That or Sukuna and Uraume discussing *their* backstory instead of it just being dangled out of my reach 😆 Romania: This guy here is just wearing a black onesie! *Best* description of Shigemo ever! Also best description to prove Fushiguro's insanity to use such a technique to fight someone on Shigemo's level. Gojo and Toji basically getting taken out by love I'm taking as Akutami point out (in subtext) what a powerful weapon love can be; and that, like with the curses, curse users, and jujutsu sorcerers, such a weapon can have both positive and negative connotations. For Gojo and Toji in a way it has a negative connotation as it got one locked up in a box and the other killed himself, meanwhile a positive connotation of how love is a weapon is that the love Geto had for Gojo enabled him to take back control of his body for a short time. I do love that the fight between Makora and Sukuna shows that Sukuna isn't just about brawn. His strength is not merely physical power but also at how quick he's able to adapt to different situations and how quickly he was able to figure out his opponents' techniques (like when he fought Gojo in Episode 2 of Season 1 he seemed to have figured out Gojo's technique after realising it wasn't that Gojo was fast, just we never got to hear more of his internal thoughts back then on what Gojo's technique was). I think the bit when Sukuna says "You might have been able to defeat me back then" was in relation to when Fushiguro went to use this shikigami against Sukuna when they were fighting outside of the detention centre (when Fushiguro was trying to put enough pressure on Sukuna that he'd need to use reverse cursed energy to heal Itadori's heart). Just with the little glimpse we get of Fushiguro at that moment is from back then. And at that time Sukuna only had the power of three fingers in Itadori's body. Now though he has like fifteen...


Great reaction and discussion!! Man, did this episode went hard on the animation. Everything was happening all at once. It was awesome! And the sound design!!! The soundtracks were sooo good and so fitting!! That soundtrack when Sukuna unleashed his domain expansion slapped so hard!!! Also, it did not pull punches on the heartbreak... That first scene really st the mood of the whole episode for me. That hard cut from Yuuji's memories with his grandpa, the soft colors and nice atmosphere to Sukuna standing in scorched ground, all in red colors and with only destruction around him. I loved it. And even when that awesomely animated fight was happening, we were constantly reminded and shown how many casualties are happening every seconds this fight continued. I feel so bad for Yuuji after this... None of this is his fault but he still has to bear the burden of everything Sukuna did... That last shot of him in this episode... He look so broken. Truly heartbreaking. Sukuna stop torturing our sweet boy challenge. Fushiguro is always making me sad with how easily he trows his life away. We talked about it discord, but Magumi tried to summon Makora so many times in the first season and each time he started the incantation to summon Makora, he was ready to commit what basically amounts to a suicide. That season one quote from Gojo hits so much harder now with this new context: "Dying to win and risking death to win are two completely different things". The only moment I cheered in this episode was when Sukuna killed Shigemo. I was like, YESSSS DIEEE!!! When I read that part in the manga I was so afraid he is gonna escape and get off scot-free after all he did to others. So I was so glad that karma worked in that instance and he got bisected. I also found it hilarious that you predicted that XD Like, the moment he started to run away you clearly started to get ready to see him destroyed XD. I always saw the argument of seeking the middle ground with the curses as a less than ideal option, because from what we know, most curses aren't even capable of thinking or talking. Curses that can communicate or have feeling are VERY rare, as stated by Gojo as far as in episode 9 of season 1. Most of the curses are nothing more then mass of negative emotions (which means - instincts to kill people), without any higher thoughts. Also! Adding to your trope talk of "trump card"! In shounen, for example in Naruto or Bleach, main characters also have inner demons in them. And those inner demons are treated like this ultimate power up. We are told again and again how dangerous they are to use and how bad it could be if the main character lost control, how he would kill all his friends and anybody around them. And. EVERY TIME they lose control, nothing happens. Nobody ever gets hurt by them in a way that can't be healed. Nobody ever dies. I love how jjk played with that and wasn't afraid to kill off people to show that the treat of the "monster inside" was real, not just something we were told and that never happens Also, after a rewatch, I realized I loved the placement of the op over that end scene. It just felt SO mocking (which was very in tune with jjk's theme of brutal and mocking realizm of their world being a terribly cruel place). Especially when the "you are special" part played over Yuuji's crushed expression. Like, "hey, aren't you one special boy :)))) That your existence was crucial for Sukuna to be able to do this :)))" And then the "i love you baby" part playing when the shot is focused on Nanako and Mimiko's remains... Just. PAIN.


Malevolent Shrine is cool and different to how domain expansions usually work (we’ve already seen it once in season 1 but it’s nice to have it explained) but Sukuna is a menace, poor Yuji, it hurts to see Yuji like this, I wanna cry, the VA did phenomenal. "Fun" fact in the opening (it’s around the “I love you baby” part), after the fingers are shown, Yuji is holding his head (losing his mind) in front of an ossuary, because for him it’s like he has the blood of all these people on his hands T-T. But moving on so that’s Megumi's trump card (a shikigami that can adept to anything and everything is pretty terrifying, no wonder it’s never been tamed)…it’s literally just a die to win situation, which Gojo did say he wants Megumi to stray away from in the last episodes of season 1, and looking back..Megumi almost used it 5 times. 1. Towards the end of the first episode and beginning of the second episode, after Yuji took control of his body again, stopped from summoning by Gojo arriving; 2. around episode 5 where Megumi and Sukuna fought, Megumi stopped summoning once he realized Yuji is coming back (this is the time Sukuna also referenced with “with how I was back then, you’d have defeated me”); 3. Towards the end of the first season, before he remembered Gojo's words and used an unfinished domain expansion for the first time, he almost summoned it again. 4. + 5. Almost two times against Hanami, one on the roof, the other in the lake. Verdict: Megumi is pretty suicidal, like damn, I know Gojo lectured him on it and we kind of knew he has a 'give his life' tendency but still, didn’t know how often he almost willingly gave up his life. And to the blonde guy his luck ran out with Nanami, lol deserved, speaking of Nanami, he doesn’t look good but at least he’s alive. One thing I noticed Shoko is smoking because it reminds her of her high school days, probably because Gojo was sealed, and when did we see her smoke too in her high school days? When Geto became a criminal T-T Amazing discussion as always! ^^


Thank you for the kind words and comment! This episode went HARD all the way! The sound design was just insane, too! I do feel really bad for Yuuji in this and yes, Sukuna is just torturing him at this point! And it’s also terribly sad with how easily Fushiguro seems to want to throw his life away! At least Shigemo is GONE now…but man, he stuck around like a cockroach! And yessss, this is a crazy way to take the trope of the “inner demon” and make it even scarier, because it’s a COMPLETELY separate entity controlling Yuuji’s actions here, not just his own will. And yeah, the OP over the ending scenes is TOTALLY mocking – it’s a little cliche and too “obvious” a choice for me, personally, but I can see why people enjoy it, so no judgment! Now for this week….*NERVOUS CHUCKLE*