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So, while Griffith is wallowing away - as we discover this episode - in despair, Guts is off living his BEST life, making friends, growing stronger -- all that jazz!   

This episode floored me with how much Guts has grown in his quest to find his purpose, but of course, as he's grown as a character, the MOMENT he learns his nakama are in danger -- OFF he goes! This episode was FABULOUS and I can't wait to talk with you all about it!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QGFVBdMGBnJWPxgCiyG6x3?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Episode 20 Reaction! SPARKS?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QGFVBdMGBnJWPxgCiyG6x3? **PHILOSOPHICAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** So, while Griffith is wallowing away - as we discover this episode - in despair, Guts is off living his BEST life, making friends, growing stronger -- all that jazz! This episode floored me with how much Guts has grown in his quest to find his purpose, but of course, as he's grown as a character, the MOMENT he learns his nakama are in danger -- OFF he goes! This episode was FABULOUS and I can't wait to talk with you all about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Moominkomet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-19 13:34:10 I was going to make a joke last episode with the snow and then rain. You said something like where does that happen? I was going to say in Texas! We even have a Midland! 😆 Being from Texas, we love our wrestling! As a kid, big fan of the Von Erich’s. (can’t wait for the new movie!) it seems that Miura was also a wrestling fan. That’s all I’ll say on that for now. 😉 I must say, I love Erica, along with Rickert, they must be protected! We get to meet Godo, Guts’s blacksmith as well! He is the blacksmith in the first episode just to confirm. They are not the people in the tavern! We are slowly catching up to events in episode 1! Guts and Erica do make a striking contrast, big monster of a guy and a little girl. I’m guessing she’s about 8. Guts is now one year older so he is 19-20 ish depending. I love everything you said about find your own purpose. I always think of Godo’s home as Gut’s home. A willing subordinate trying to test themselves and soaking up any wisdom offered. It gives me a warm feeling. I’m so glad you got the first Volume! They are pricey, but worth it! I think of them as art books, because that is essentially what they are. You are right about there being a lot of story to get through. The anime only covers one arc properly (somewhat) There are, as of now, 6 arcs. Hope that puts things into perspective.
2023-11-18 19:38:34 I was going to make a joke last episode with the snow and then rain. You said something like where does that happen? I was going to say in Texas! We even have a Midland! 😆 Being from Texas, we love our wrestling! As a kid, big fan of the Von Erich’s. (can’t wait for the new movie!) it seems that Miura was also a wrestling fan. That’s all I’ll say on that for now. 😉 I must say, I love Erica, along with Rickert, they must be protected! We get to meet Godo, Guts’s blacksmith as well! Guts and Erica do make a striking contrast, big monster of a guy and a little girl. I’m guessing she’s about 8. Guts is now one year older so he is 19-20 ish depending. I love everything you said about find your own purpose. I always think of Godo’s home as Gut’s home. A willing subordinate trying to test themselves and soaking up any wisdom offered. It gives me a warm feeling. I’m so glad you got the first Volume! They are pricey, but worth it! I think of them as art books, because that is essentially what they are. You are right about there being a lot of story to get through!

I was going to make a joke last episode with the snow and then rain. You said something like where does that happen? I was going to say in Texas! We even have a Midland! 😆 Being from Texas, we love our wrestling! As a kid, big fan of the Von Erich’s. (can’t wait for the new movie!) it seems that Miura was also a wrestling fan. That’s all I’ll say on that for now. 😉 I must say, I love Erica, along with Rickert, they must be protected! We get to meet Godo, Guts’s blacksmith as well! Guts and Erica do make a striking contrast, big monster of a guy and a little girl. I’m guessing she’s about 8. Guts is now one year older so he is 19-20 ish depending. I love everything you said about find your own purpose. I always think of Godo’s home as Gut’s home. A willing subordinate trying to test themselves and soaking up any wisdom offered. It gives me a warm feeling. I’m so glad you got the first Volume! They are pricey, but worth it! I think of them as art books, because that is essentially what they are. You are right about there being a lot of story to get through!

A mere Almond

I interpret the sparks as being an unintentional positive. Godot is a black smith simply because his family did. No dreams of his own. No purpose. Yet still he is able to enjoy his life. While pounding away at molten metal, he was able to appreciate the sparks flying off. It's a different perspective from Griffith. Godot says even without a purpose or a dream you will find sparks in your life and you can be happy. But Griffith says without a dream, you are already dead. Worthless. Something he despises. Not worthy to be his friend. Below him. Not his equal. Which perspective do you connect with most? Guts still hasn't found a dream but Godot's wisdom about sparks has helped him. Guts has something he enjoys and is passionate about. In the English dub, Guts says "This sword is the proof that I ever lived" It's one of my favorite lines in the entire series. Here is the link to it it's worth a listen. Also the music is very good. It's my favorite track. It's called Earth. https://youtu.be/-TbAqLVIpk4?si=KkoJx9hXmWUoeFXl&t=540 In all the fromsoft games, all the dark souls, elden rings etc, the black smiths were directly influenced by Godot FYI, that guy in charge of that warriors festival is definitely not a king. He was just some rich nobleman. He probably had some fancy title like count or governor. Some feudal lord with all his vassals kissing his ass. Here is the preview from 19 https://youtu.be/ol_sn2amJYY?si=vsnSaB2G_0AmpOFR&t=1384


Thank you for the preview and kind words and comment! :) I really love that comparison from Gadot to Griffith; I'll have to bring that up in a future episode! And yes, that line about the sword as his proof of existence is sooooo good! :) I love how influential Gadot is in other media; what a great dude! Ah, and that makes sense that it's not a "king" but a nobleman -- I was just guessing but that makes sense.