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OH. After episodes of set up, the plot decides to take a turn to CREEPY TOWN, as we re-visit Nina, what she's been up to, and take a journey to the mysterious Red Rose Mansion, whom EVERYONE seems to have a connection or need to connect to in mind!  

The creep factor and mystery is cranking up to an ELEVEN as we get ready to round out this "act" and move to the final one...I'm not sure I'm ready!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/t4nTndHqBuQLXx4U2LWSQ1?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!*



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/t4nTndHqBuQLXx4U2LWSQ1? **NEVER-ENDING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** OH. After episodes of set up, the plot decides to take a turn to CREEPY TOWN, as we re-visit Nina, what she's been up to, and take a journey to the mysterious Red Rose Mansion, whom EVERYONE seems to have a connection or need to connect to in mind! The creep factor and mystery is cranking up to an ELEVEN as we get ready to round out this "act" and move to the final one...I'm not sure I'm ready! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

Among the students that were reading to Hans, 'Thursday's Boy' was the one that died, so Johann was indeed the one reading on Fridays, so that was a good catch. As for a bad catch, altough I did realize Johann did undress infront of the portrait and he kept adressing it as his mother, I did not make the metaphorical connection of him undressing to his mother. So thanks for that delayed mental image, jajaja. CONJECTURES FROM THIS POINT FORWARD SO YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO READ: Now I'm tying Johan standing nude in front of his mother's portrait to the puppet guy holding the nude 'Nina' marionette (One is a nude Johan standing in front of an artificial parent, the other is a Creator holding one of his creations nude) but I don't remember this story-line too well so it might just be coincidence rather than an intentional connection.


This is one of my favorite episodes. I've always the read story of the Man with the Big Mouth and The Man with the Big Eyes as a very nihilistic one(obviously). To me, it would have taught those kids who attended the readings that regardless of whether you are someone who lives to thoughtlessly indulge in life's pleasures or someone who perceives the consequences of overindulgence, you end the same. Sad and hungry. Pretty fucked up story to be reading to children. IMO, the more insidious part of it is Bonaparta allowing the kids to come to their own conclusions on it's meaning. I've always found the God of Peace story even scarier. For me it triggers the thought of whether ignorance of one's "true" self is bliss. Is being ignorant(willfully or otherwise) of the dark aspects of oneself while doing good in the world better than being fully aware of the monster within and potentially moving to remove that monster from the world? Of course, most people's response to this question would not be as drastic as the God of Peace's choice. Most take steps to better themselves or grow their positive side to where their "monster" and its existence is ineffectual to the wellbeing of themselves and those around them. But what of someone like Johan or other chronic ne'er-do-goods(and even Johan does some good in this show; Schuwald and the Apple, Reuniting Karl with this his dad). I suppose it takes a bit of self-awareness to ever approach this internal question. I also love how it's a kid named Johan, the Monster from the "IRL" portion of the show who reveals this truth(?) to the God of Peace.

Alex Kornejo

Honestly if you think about it, fairy tale Johann is as terrifying as the real Johann. In one tale instead of being devoured, he tamed the monster of the east and devours the monster of the west. And in this other tale he flat out causes a god to have an existential crisis. Fairy tales of devils and monsters and it turns out it's the kid you have to watch out for.


Exactlyyyy! It's brilliant how Urasawa loops the picture book stories back into the overarching narrative of the story and characters.


Hey Alex, I'm trying not to read into your comment but if you're talking about the story as a whole, PLEASE spoiler tag because on Patreon I DO see comments and replies. I'm hoping you're not spoiling the actual story and just talking about the fairy tales.