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Oh man, the chaos doesn't STOP with this series, as Chloe takes matters into her own hands, but sometimes vengeance isn't a dish you want to serve out!  

The gang's ALL HERE it seems, as alliances are formed, bonds are broken and reforged, and some....STRANGE....elements are at work that aren't explained yet. Uhm...yay? At least Vanitas and Noe are back together...right?  

LINK TO REACTION:https://streamable.com/jkkev0

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - The Case Study of Vanitas: Episode 17 Reaction! HANDS UPON A NIGHTMARE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jkkev0 **JEALOUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh man, the chaos doesn't STOP with this series, as Chloe takes matters into her own hands, but sometimes vengeance isn't a dish you want to serve out! The gang's ALL HERE it seems, as alliances are formed, bonds are broken and reforged, and some....STRANGE....elements are at work that aren't explained yet. Uhm...yay? At least Vanitas and Noe are back together...right? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Great reaction and discussion!! I loved this episode so much!! I LOVE the way they animated Naenia so much!! It was soo beautiful and creepy at the same time!! And her eyes... SO GOOD!! Continuing my thought from last week! I really love how JJ got cursed to protect Clue and Clue choose to let Neania stay just to get revenge and protect JJ. They love each other so much!! I loved how the jealous woman thing got brought back! It was such a good set up and foreshadowing!! I love how as Roland turned to them, Vanitas immediately ducks behind Noe XDD I love Roland so much!! He is such a great character and I love how honest and open-minded he is! Loved how he was all there for saving Cloe but still putting the priority on the people Cloe could hurt. He wants them to succeed in saving cloe but doesn't exclude the option in which they fail and he will have to take drastic measures to protect the civilians. He is realistic while still being optimistic about the outcome. Very hope for the best, prepare for the worst! I love it! Oliver just whipping up a chainsaw was hilarious XD Annnd the ship of RolandxOlivier is getting stronger and stronger with each episode!! They have such a great banter with each other! So Naenia is the defiled name of the queen Faustina! Interesting that she would be called Death's Keeper! The first vampire of the moon being the one who steals the true names of others which makes them go mad is so interesting!! The plot thickens even more!! I am slowly starting to get a grudge against the version of subtitles you use XD I am like, "This could be translates as this, I guess??? But why do you change the words???" The meaning is somewhat kept the same but it irks me when they change up the words. Like when Vanitas was kicking Noe in the shins. Translation says "You make me sick!" and what Vanitas says is "You make me mad!" And the same with "perpetuate existence" which means something like "stabilize existence" more. And then they sometimes skip whole sentences all together! Like when they didn't mention that Ruthven was talking about parents in past episodes or here they skipped Cloe whole sentence when she was talking to Jeane at that cliff. What she said was "Come on, quickly now! There is no time. Use your fangs, your talons, your flames and..." and the translation taken out the "There is no time." sentence completely out. So like i said, the meaning is somewhat the same but why change up the words and leave out stuff???? jncjsdc Sorry about this rant XD I guess its just irritates me when translators change stuff, even if it doesn't really change anything for the story. Also fun fact! Luca's brother VA is Noriaki Sugiyama! He is known the most for his voice acting as Sasuke from Naruto and Ishida from Bleach! Below is my theory and musings about the man in the chair that Noe saw! Nothing spoilery but if you prefer not to read it, skip this last paragraph! | | | | \/ I find it so interesting that wee see the man in the chair just as Neo is reaching out with his hand to grab Vanitas and save him from him failing to his death. Guess where we saw the same situation before? Thats right, in the beginning of the anime! When Noe was talking about how he was unable to save Vanitas and that he killed him, we saw his hand reaching out to Vanitas and failing to catch his hand. It is especially intriguing as the words man in the chair says are "You can never reach him. Its all pointless." Foreshadowing maybe??? That and the comment you made about it being Noe that is corrupted made me think, we still don't know how the whole stuff with charlatan and the parade works. SO what if it is a corrupted Noe from the future, after he failed to save Vanitas? I mean, it could be possible! We still don't know the extend of Neania's powers, but I wouldn't put it behind her to not have some time/space fuckery powers!


Thank you for the kind words and comment! Yes, I did skip the last paragraph because I’m avoiding any possible spoilers or hints that could come with theories! 🙂 Naenia looked so creepy and so beautiful at the same time! It IS interesting that the first vampire of the red moon is also probably - until we find out otherwise - one of the first curse bearers! SERIOUSLY, Chloe and Jean-Jaques are SUCH a ship and I love them so much! And the twist of HOW Chloe is jealous is sooooo good! Roland is like Vanitas’s kryptonite, hahaha! Poor Vanitas – too much optimism in one space with him and Noe together with him! I love his character, too, and how he thinks in this series! And then Olivier with the chainsaw! It seems to fit his personality and YES – shipping allllllll the Roland and Oliver! 😛I love their back and forth and well! Oooohhhhh Luca’s brother having the same VA as Sasuke and Ishida! I didn’t realize those two characters had the same VA; that’s INSANE! He’s so handsome in this, though. Oohhhh, that is interesting to know about the subtitles! Thank you for telling me!! I am really glad you can let me know about what’s left out! Yeah, I’m not sure WHY entire sentences would be left out! That’s so weird! Thank you for the info and the kind words and comment! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next!