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**Lucky Headphone Warnings**  

For only three chapters of content - Chapters 3 & 5 have no translations - I really appreciated that this light novel not only expanded on the audio dramas I've seen (filling in the gaps) but gave us so much more content!   

Maybe I'm biased, but any time we have a Midorima-focused chapter or extra piece of material, my shipper heart SINGS! This was a great set of chapters!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: "Replace" Light Novel #2 Review! FESTIVALS & MIDORIMA'S STRUGGLES!

**Lucky Headphone Warnings** For only three chapters of content - Chapters 3 & 5 have no translations - I really appreciated that this light novel not only expanded on the audio dramas I've seen (filling in the gaps) but gave us so much more content! Maybe I'm biased, but any time we have a Midorima-focused chapter or extra piece of material, my shipper heart SINGS! This was a great set of chapters! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Really just furthering the Teiko angst with the school having been founded during the rainy season 😭 The minute you said that I immediately thought of broken Aomine standing in the rain telling Kuroko he no longer knew how to receive Kuroko's passes anymore 😭 The series definitely does a really good job of portraying someone with depression. Even with how the series ends, we can still see glimpses of it in Aomine to show that it's not an easy thing to heal from which I appreciate a lot. Not these novels giving me Momoi feels! 🥺 That's so sad she couldn't participate with her group for the crepe café. Though them not having a waitress outfit in Momoi's size did make me think of Murasakibara's class not having an outfit in his size so he ended up in a dress. Also that image of Murasakibara in the dress is beautiful. He looks so cute! I think Midorima may be the most extra character out of all the characters in Kuroko no Basuke, just for how much he abides by Oha Asa and the extent he believes in horoscopes and blood types 🤣 Honestly love Murasakibara being a version of Marie Antoinette. Though I can imagine him saying "Let me eat cake!" rather than "Let them eat cake!" 😂 Aomine catching Momoi after pranking her...are these novels gonna turn me into a AoMo shipper?! 😲 Also these light novels definitely seem more like shoujo slice of life rather than a sport story, especially with all the shipping tropes they're giving us. That line from Momoi definitely feels like commentary on the idea most societies hold that people of the opposite sex can't be just friends. But I do find it a little funny considering some of those lines Kagami says to Kuroko, or Kise to Kasamatsu, etc., as shippers we don't simply take the line at face value because of the context it's said in, their body language, and their tone of voice, and so they can't get away with saying those kinds of things without there being speculation that there's more to their relationship than just platonic friendship. I did not think it with the anime, but that one paragraph about Midorima's routine (especially his sleep routine) has made me realise he could have some OCD tendencies or neurodivergent. Just throwing in the ship material with Takao knowing how Midorima sleeps. I love it. Honestly I probably wouldn't make as big of a deal about some of the comments about MidoTaka if it wasn't canon that they denied being friends! But yes definitely couple vibes with him being so kind in this moment and offering to take Midorima's wet clothes to the laundry room 🥺💚🧡 Midorima's really bad day makes my heart go out to him. I wouldn't say I'm overly superstitious, especially in comparison to some people in NI and definitely in comparison to Midorima, but I do hold to the belief of bad things coming in threes simply because I've accidentally hurt myself on three separate occasions on the one day so often that it's now engrained that such a thing *will* happen 🤣 My school didn't have a laundry room but our Home Economics classrooms shared a room with washing machines in them (mainly for washing the kitchen towels used). There were two occasions that I was allowed to use them to wash my school skirt and blazer (whilst I was given permission to wear the school tracksuit until they were clean and dry). The first was after one of the shuttle buses between our school and the bus station drove into a muddy puddle and drenched me, and the second was after I suddenly got a severe nosebleed in class and didn't have any tissues to prevent it kinda going everywhere. That school was definitely not the hoity toity kind, and was predominately made up of students from working farms. Definitely interesting that they specify Takao imitates a male lover/boyfriend. Usually with this kind of trope you'd see the joker pretending to be a girl (first thing that comes to mind is in Haikyuu!! when Tanaka pretends to be a girlfriend cheering him on whilst Ennoshita watches on questioning how life has brought him to this moment). Typically from the manga and anime I've read/seen they seem to be more comfortable with a male character doing genderbend in this moment rather than acting as a boyfriend. Miyaji's first name being Kiyoshi did confuse a few people I've seen react to the anime series when it got to the end and we got a glimpse of Yuuya, Kiyoshi's younger brother, as captain at Shuutoku. Some people did go "Wait Kiyoshi [Teppei] has a brother?!" 😂 One is a surname and the other a forename, and in Japanese the kanji for the name is different (木吉 for Kiyoshi's surname and 清志 for Miyaji's first name). Takao being concerned and taking care of Midorima is adorable 🥰 The ship really is sailing with this chapter. Romania: Basically it's Aomine isn't doing his homework. They made an entire chapter based off of that?? I'm with you on questioning Aomine for this, but I'm also questioning Imayoshi's decision to basically lie and cheat to get Aomine's homework done. We do get a nice little bit more with Imayoshi's character. Sakurai is an adorable bean making them breakfast. But that chapter would definitely have made me want to shake Aomine.

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 10:54:27 Noooo, Annie, it’s TOO EARLY to talk about rainy days and Aomine and flashbacks – I’m not there in the manga yet and I’m NOT ready! That being said, I agree, of all the mental health related things in the story, the accurate portrayal of depression is there. It makes me wonder if the author has had any personal experience with depression themselves or with someone they know? I did feel bad for Momoi being “left out” in that opening chapter! And oooooooh yes, these light novels have done nothing but FEED my AoMo agenda! I agree, there’s a commentary there about just being friends and I think that you can totally view Aomine and Momoi as just high school friends, but then the same can go for Momoi and Kuroko since Kuroko seems to have ZERO interest in romantically dating Momoi, haha! I’m fine either way (though my KagaKuro heart is BIASED). I also love Mura in his dress, too! It’s so pretty; even did the curled hair to match the vibes! “Let ME eat cake” is so perfect! <3 XD Midorima? EXTRA? Who? What? Hahahaha – that’s another reason Takao loves him so much; his diva-ness adds to the chaos! I do agree that with all the extra content we have that he could possibly have OCD or be neurodivergent in some manner. Takao gives off such low-key I’m-your-boyfriend-but-we’re-not-going-to-make-it-a-big-deal vibes haha! The entire chapter made me feel for Midorima, too! He had it ROUGH. But YES, Takao imitating the boyfriend/male lover just sent my shipper heart into overdrive. I think my high school had a laundry room but it was off limits for students and only faculty could use it, like with kitchen cloths, etc. My father was a custodian at my school, so I remember seeing them once when I met him after school. The Miyaji/Kiyoshi thing is so strange - It’s like someone being named Wilson Carson and then Carson Wilson. @_@ How bizarre! OH, I wanted to shake Aomine! YES, the entire chapter is this ELABORATE plan (I dumbed it down a LOT for the review) to get Aomine to get good grades to play, and the reality is that Aomine COULD do the work, but just doesn’t put in the effort into it (because it’s not basketball). I appreciated the Imayoshi and Sakurai focus, but man….seeing Kagami and Seiren pull together to work through him getting good grades and Aomine just skips out and makes them do all the work for him and THEN eats Sakurai’s breakfast?! It was an INSANE contrast! Thank you for the kind words and comment! <3
2023-08-22 20:03:05 Noooo, Annie, it’s TOO EARLY to talk about rainy days and Aomine and flashbacks – I’m not there in the manga yet and I’m NOT ready! That being said, I agree, of all the mental health related things in the story, the accurate portrayal of depression is there. It makes me wonder if the author has had any personal experience with depression themselves or with someone they know? I did feel bad for Momoi being “left out” in that opening chapter! And oooooooh yes, these light novels have done nothing but FEED my AoMo agenda! I agree, there’s a commentary there about just being friends and I think that you can totally view Aomine and Momoi as just high school friends, but then the same can go for Momoi and Kuroko since Kuroko seems to have ZERO interest in romantically dating Momoi, haha! I’m fine either way (though my KagaKuro heart is BIASED). I also love Mura in his dress, too! It’s so pretty; even did the curled hair to match the vibes! “Let ME eat cake” is so perfect! <3 XD Midorima? EXTRA? Who? What? Hahahaha – that’s another reason Takao loves him so much; his diva-ness adds to the chaos! I do agree that with all the extra content we have that he could possibly have OCD or be neurodivergent in some manner. Takao gives off such low-key I’m-your-boyfriend-but-we’re-not-going-to-make-it-a-big-deal vibes haha! The entire chapter made me feel for Midorima, too! He had it ROUGH. But YES, Takao imitating the boyfriend/male lover just sent my shipper heart into overdrive. I think my high school had a laundry room but it was off limits for students and only faculty could use it, like with kitchen cloths, etc. My father was a custodian at my school, so I remember seeing them once when I met him after school. The Miyaji/Kiyoshi thing is so strange - It’s like someone being named Wilson Carson and then Carson Wilson. @_@ How bizarre! OH, I wanted to shake Aomine! YES, the entire chapter is this ELABORATE plan (I dumbed it down a LOT for the review) to get Aomine to get good grades to play, and the reality is that Aomine COULD do the work, but just doesn’t put in the effort into it (because it’s not basketball). I appreciated the Imayoshi and Sakurai focus, but man….seeing Kagami and Seiren pull together to work through him getting good grades and Aomine just skips out and makes them do all the work for him and THEN eats Sakurai’s breakfast?! It was an INSANE contrast! Thank you for the kind words and comment! <3

Noooo, Annie, it’s TOO EARLY to talk about rainy days and Aomine and flashbacks – I’m not there in the manga yet and I’m NOT ready! That being said, I agree, of all the mental health related things in the story, the accurate portrayal of depression is there. It makes me wonder if the author has had any personal experience with depression themselves or with someone they know? I did feel bad for Momoi being “left out” in that opening chapter! And oooooooh yes, these light novels have done nothing but FEED my AoMo agenda! I agree, there’s a commentary there about just being friends and I think that you can totally view Aomine and Momoi as just high school friends, but then the same can go for Momoi and Kuroko since Kuroko seems to have ZERO interest in romantically dating Momoi, haha! I’m fine either way (though my KagaKuro heart is BIASED). I also love Mura in his dress, too! It’s so pretty; even did the curled hair to match the vibes! “Let ME eat cake” is so perfect! <3 XD Midorima? EXTRA? Who? What? Hahahaha – that’s another reason Takao loves him so much; his diva-ness adds to the chaos! I do agree that with all the extra content we have that he could possibly have OCD or be neurodivergent in some manner. Takao gives off such low-key I’m-your-boyfriend-but-we’re-not-going-to-make-it-a-big-deal vibes haha! The entire chapter made me feel for Midorima, too! He had it ROUGH. But YES, Takao imitating the boyfriend/male lover just sent my shipper heart into overdrive. I think my high school had a laundry room but it was off limits for students and only faculty could use it, like with kitchen cloths, etc. My father was a custodian at my school, so I remember seeing them once when I met him after school. The Miyaji/Kiyoshi thing is so strange - It’s like someone being named Wilson Carson and then Carson Wilson. @_@ How bizarre! OH, I wanted to shake Aomine! YES, the entire chapter is this ELABORATE plan (I dumbed it down a LOT for the review) to get Aomine to get good grades to play, and the reality is that Aomine COULD do the work, but just doesn’t put in the effort into it (because it’s not basketball). I appreciated the Imayoshi and Sakurai focus, but man….seeing Kagami and Seiren pull together to work through him getting good grades and Aomine just skips out and makes them do all the work for him and THEN eats Sakurai’s breakfast?! It was an INSANE contrast! Thank you for the kind words and comment! <3