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We get not only the conclusion of the Semifinal game of Rakuzan and Shutoku, but the heart of Kaijou vs. Seiren! I'll be honest, Kaijou vs. Seiren I had NOT remembered a lot from the anime, so it was good to get this refresher -- and see how amazing the mangaka makes Kise look! He is a MODEL in this volume set!  

And I apologize Akashi enthusiasts...the manga hasn't given me the warm fuzzies about his character development, but I'm going to give it my all to be open minded for the Teiko arc! We'll see how that goes!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volumes 21-22 Reaction & Review! THE SEMIFINALS!!

**SEMIFINALIST HEADPHONE WARNING** We get not only the conclusion of the Semifinal game of Rakuzan and Shutoku, but the heart of Kaijou vs. Seiren! I'll be honest, Kaijou vs. Seiren I had NOT remembered a lot from the anime, so it was good to get this refresher -- and see how amazing the mangaka makes Kise look! He is a MODEL in this volume set! And I apologize Akashi enthusiasts...the manga hasn't given me the warm fuzzies about his character development, but I'm going to give it my all to be open minded for the Teiko arc! We'll see how that goes! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Great video and commentary!! And yesss, I am finally caught up with your KNB manga reviews!! Maaan, no matter how many times I see that scene with Akashi threatening to gouge his own eyes out, it never fails to make me feel sad and disturbed at the same time. Like, I will always go "Oh god. Can somebody gave this child some help? A hug??? Maybe a lot of therapy? Anything at all???? Please????" at it. Especially since he did just threaten to self-mutilate himself and everybody who knew him even SLIGHTLY went "Yeah. That is something he might ACTUALLY do to himself." Like, this teenager needs severe help rn. Even if it is a manipulation tactic or absolute confidence in his own skills, this is still a 15 years old kid saying that he is willing to mutilate himself over high-school basketball and WILLING to got through with it if he really lost. Horrifying. Very mentally unhealthy. To himself and to others. And were are all the adults??? There is a teen here who just threatened self charm over a high school game! Maybe its an indication that, I don't know, HE NEEDS HELP ASAP??? BEFORE YOU HAVE A REAL TRAGEDY IN YOUR HANDS???? And hmmm, I think the reason Akashi panicked even if he had his plan and said that everyone was dancing to his hands is because, as he said, he didn't expect Midorima's combo with Takao. So like, he didn't predict that it could panic his team and make them play worse. But even then, it wouldn't change his own plans and that he still had the trap for Takao already set. The trap would still work, no matter what Midorima and Takao would do. What changed wasn't Akashi's own play but I think that he didn't predict how affected his teammates wold be. He seems to be... lacking in his foresight of emotional responses of others and how certain things can affect them. bhidncef I think the line of "You may now rest, battle weary kings" is just Akashi's inner drama queen speaking XD He has an unfortunate tendency to be really dramatic over very much not at all dramatic things. He is THE DRAMA XDD He would be totally one of those people waxing poetics about normal, day to day stuff. Midorima and Takao's tears really do be breaking my heart. They look so saaaddd :(((( This mangaka is really talented at drawing characters in pain and tears XD The Kaijou vs Seirin game might be one of my least favorite in this series as a whole but still, it is nice and wholesome to see two teams just competing with each other and having fun and with no grudges thrown into the mix! Just pure fun time!! (Except for Kise, because as we all know, Kise isn't allowed to have nice things.) I guess its just that I think that the rematch between Shuutoku and Seirin went that route already and the execution of that was a lot better in my opinion! It engaged me a lot more. So the game in this volume was still fun, but just not as good as the previous one with the same concept. Love that Kagami immediately noticed when Kise started doing worse. And he was so worried about him too!! I feel so bad for Kise here. It must suck that he waited so long to play with Kagami and Kuroko again and then, just as he was getting to play, having your injury act out. My man takes constant L's though this series and its so sad to see. He was too strong and had to be nerfed XD Also, really loved seeing how much Kagami improved and how much he is holding his own even without the zone! It is also very fun to see him being more of a team player now and becoming a dependable ace on his own! Kasamatsu is such a good captain!! I love how badass he is and how unwilling he is to show favoritism just because of skills. I also feel like he was exactly the kind of captain Kise needed after Teiko to get better. Kise saying that he loves Kaijou might be my favorite line from him ever. It shows how much Kise grown and changed since joining Kaijou and I LOVE it!!

Anime Annie

Finally have some time to listen to this! That side profile is really good of Kagami for the cover. It's a really interesting play around with perspective. I agree with you that in the anime that moment of Midorima picking himself back up felt a bit more emotional than in the manga. Potentially because of how this game was split up between volumes for the manga in comparison to how it is in the anime. I definitely feel in the manga they manage to make Akashi look softer in that moment, than batsh*t crazy when he says he believes in the rest of Rakuzan. Takao really does look so good in these panels. But I agree Akashi really looking like a bad boss when he steals Takao's pass. Mibuchi looks so good. But I feel so damn salty seeing how good they look with their hair moving because of Last Game Mibuchi 😭 Definite cop-out answer for the owner of the porn. Though to be fair I don't know if we've been told all said materials were of women. But yeah Fujimaki, don't go lumping Kagami in with any of the rest. He doesn't like women 😆 It's fine to get angry by Akashi not shaking Midorima's hand. I'd say it's not the same level of disrespect that Nash showed my boy Kasamatsu, but it's definitely so disrespectful. And looks down on the efforts Midorima made throughout the match. Also I feel like in a way it kinda contradicts his previous words about praising Shuutoku for not giving up. My MidoTaka heart can't take that moment of them breaking down after having lost. That audience member is lucky they're a fictional character. Droves of fangirls and fanboys just coming for them! 🤣 This moment of Kise and Kaijou vs. Kagami/Kuroko and Seirin (especially on the back of the Shuutoku-Rakuzan game) what a *healthy* rivalry is. Kuroko being a little subdued in that moment in the past when Kise became a starter on Teiko could be linked to how he considers Kise his rival. He's proud of this guy he helped out when he first joined the team, but at the same time he's jealous about the natural talent Kise has. I loved your shock at Murasakibara being smarter than Momoi. I feel like he's just similar to Aomine in that he typically lacks motivation to show off his smarts. Kise's eyes definitely took on a more cat-like look with the beginning of that chapter. Nice way to show how focused he is, but also that he's having fun with it. Some of those double spreads, the sketch-like style to them are seriously gorgeous. Maybe Aomine hit the reset button when he clocked Haizaki in the jaw, so all the abilities have gone back to the players he stole them from 🤣 Totally makes sense that with Kise's ability it's harder to remember the events within this game between Seirin and Kaijou. Because the moves he's doing makes you think of the person he's copying rather than Kise doing them himself. Can easily trick you into thinking that certain moments were actually during the Touou, or Shuutoku, or the Yousen matches. Our baby deer Furihata!!! 🥳 Yes that little interview with Akashi from the fandisc was pretty much nearly all the questions Fujimaki answers at this point in the manga. I seriously love how the extra content from Kuroko no Basuke is actually linked to the source material. Especially when most series that kind of extra content is just that, a surplus to enhance the canon material instead of just being more canon material. The AoMo date!!! Seriously love Aomine talking about fate. It's so unlike him, even dorky him. But damn does he look good 🥰 I laughed at you saying you were waiting for Akashi to say he'd planned for Kagami to go to Seirin. Really just wanted to give Akashi an Aizen moment, huh? 🤣 Using the actual panels from back in Volume 1 is such a great way to show off just how much Fujimaki has found his own style and really become more comfortable in drawing these characters. Also just how much he's improved. It's amazing. Kise's reaction to getting subbed actually hurt me in the manga. His little face! 🥺 Romania: If Midorima and Mayuzumi had a baby That thought actually made me pause. But yeah Nakamura really is like a blend of the two of them. I'd potentially have said Midorima and Haizaki (before Haizaki dyed his hair) but Mayuzumi's personality fits better. That is a lovely cover page of Kasamatsu. I love him in the cardigan instead of a blazer for his school uniform. Going by the hair I *think* it might be Moriyama in the background walking in the opposite direction. Fujimaki being like Akutami in using physics to explain a basketball move 😅 All I could think though was that Kelsey would still say it's super powers 🤣 Romania: Seirin is not gonna do much next year...Kuroko just pack your bags and move to America Another method to make KagaKuro endgame? 😆 I'm with you that I do think Kise believes in his teammates, he just feels powerless sitting on the bench and not being out there helping them. It's why I genuinely love Kaijou as a team because they want him out there too and Moriyama almost says it, but they put Kise's physical condition first even when the boy in question isn't doing so. I feel like it links in with how they've always seen Kise as *Kise* not "The Copy Cat of Teiko". Love me a height difference in my ships 😍 I died at that big ass POUT between Hyuuga and Kiyoshi!!! 🤣 Really helps make them look all the more childish in this moment with their banter. And poor Kagami who's all about good communication and an only child doesn't seem to get this kind of friendly bickering. When Kise proclaims his love for Kaijou he looks like he just stole the protagonist spot for this manga from Kuroko. Damn does he look good! Yeah when you were saying someone had commented about Akashi having siblings I was honestly like "Huh?" I feel like each character definitely gives off the stereotypical vibes for being from the types of families that they are. I love Midorima being the only older sibling at Teiko and then going to Shuutoku that was a team of older siblings 😂 I did not know however that Haizaki has an older brother. That's interesting. And perhaps could explain why he listened more to Nijimura who was older than him, than the way Haizaki was with Akashi. Such a look of intense concentration from Kise! We love to see it from him. Perfect marketing strategy for making you invested in the match only to end the volume 😂 For the side story the comedic part of it is that the jumbled text ("I back wired a waste for mini ralwater") is basically making fun of a Japanese person trying to say Kise's line of "I've acquired a taste for mineral water". I have translated that bit in the Characters Bible just not got it put into the pages yet, but mineral water at least is in katakana so it's one of the words/phrases Japanese borrows from English (similar to English borrowing some French words and phrases).


Yay!! You’re caught uppppp! 😀 Akashi needs ALL the hugs and therapy after that eye scene! Seriously, I feel for him - he seriously needs some help, I agree! But also YES, WHERE ARE THE ADULTS?! COACH?! Helloooooo? I am with you, there! It really says something, though, that Akashi did not expect Midorima teaming up with Takao and pulling out a move like that! <3 He does seem to have problems when it comes to predicting emotional responses. That “weary kings” line is SO Akashi’s drama queen self! So over dramatic! Hahaha!! Yesssss, the mangaka is REALLY good at drawing tears and emotional faces; Takao and Midorima breaking down broke my heart! I agree; the Kaijo vs. Seiren game is probably at the bottom of my list, too, but it definitely feels like a celebration almost of these two teams going at it once again! And Kagami being in tune with Kise was just sooooo well done! I definitely feel for Kise in this series and believe the mangaka put all these hurdles with him because he has such an OP ability. It definitely makes me sympathize with him! Kasamatsu is a great captain! The Extras have really made me love his character EVEN MORE but Iagree; he’s a great character and perfect for being by Kise’s side! :) And that “I love my team” line from Kise is just *CHEF’S KISS* I think it’s my favorite line from his character too! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Huzzahhh! I understand; it is a BUSY time of year! I definitely love Midorima in the manga and how the mangaka illustrates the emotion that I don’t think the anime quite matches. And I think the manga shows a wider range of expression for Akashi as well! And WE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF LAST GAME MIBUCHI – I’m only hoping it was an anime-only decision and his hair still looks glorious in the manga *fingers crossed* Hahaha, we at LEAST know the porn did not belong to Kagami. NO WAY. OH, Nash by FAR showed way more disrespect to Kasamatsu than Akashi did Midorima – I think it is a confusing moment with Akashi that frustrates me. The moment Nash spit on his hand, we were all on speed dial to get the gang together to woop the Jabberwock’s butts. XD I also love that the Kaijou and Seiren game is LITERALLY a response to what we just witnessed with Rakuzan vs. Shutoku. The MIdoTaka breakdown, though? NOPE. Heart doesn’t want that. I agree with Kuroko’s little bit of jealousy towards Kise; it’s interesting to see Kuroko’s version of “jealousy.” Mura being smarter than Momoi is so surprising…but could he hold up to Riko? Also, all the little expressions with Kise in this game were so cute! I adore the manga if anything for some of the double spreads and how BEAUTIFUL they are! And yes, the improvement to their style is just phenomenal! PFFFFT, the powers getting reset back to the original players when Aomine punched him is a HILARIOUS concept! 😛 And the AoMo date! I love his dorkiness and Momoi, my girl, he’s dorky and THAT good looking? I mean, I like Kuroko too, buttttt hahahaha! Furihata is the MOST precious in this! And I agree; seeing that the extra content all ties together in this series has made it SO satisfying to review and react to - it’s felt worthwhile! 🙂 Maybe I do want Akashi to just go full on in to the villain persona like Adam and Aizen. 😛 And yes, I think of Kelsey now, too, in that it’s all just “super powers.” XD Hahaha, I love that the thought of Midorima and Mayuzumi with a child made you pause…have they ACTUALLY interacted before in this series? Hm. I will go to any length to get a KagaKuro endgame! ANY! I love how Kise views his team and vice versa; it’s just what he needed after Teiko! I LOVE how Kise looks when he proclaims the love for his team; one of my favorite lines from him! Ohhhh good to know that about the mineral water, though! <3 Thank you for that! And YES, poor Kagami wanting to diffuse the situation that doesn’t even exist! 😛 Haizaki having an older brother IS interesting – I wonder HOW old he was, if it as a few years or a very older brother? Hm. These were good volumes, but it’s gonna get even better…and sadder…from here, right? 🙂 Thanks for the kind words and comment!