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**ZOMBIFIED HEADPHONE WARNINGS**  This season has just grabbed me by the hair and SHAKEN ME!  What is HAPPENING!?   

Just so y'all know, zombie stories terrify me. So this was a fun episode! Things just keep getting better and better for our crew, right? RIGHT?! **NERVOUS LAUGHTER** I have no clue what to expect at this point, but I do know one thing: I LOVE BRAM! Despite his terrifying ability!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/xurep0

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Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5: Episode 4 Reaction! HERO WAR, GANG WAR?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/xurep0 **ZOMBIFIED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This season has just grabbed me by the hair and SHAKEN ME! What is HAPPENING!? Just so y'all know, zombie stories terrify me. So this was a fun episode! Things just keep getting better and better for our crew, right? RIGHT?! **NERVOUS LAUGHTER** I have no clue what to expect at this point, but I do know one thing: I LOVE BRAM! Despite his terrifying ability! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I love Bram, too!! And yeah, how can I hate him with his gorgeous look & cool voice & his silly love for radio?! Besides, his original work (Dracula) is one of my favorites. I'm glad you recognized his name. It's funny that I thought of him so many times even before he actually showed up in manga. Just thought for fun that how the story would be if Asagiri-sensei chose this author for BSD, and then he really did! Anyway, are you going to research on Bram Stoker?? And If you look back at episode 2 of this season, you'll find an answer about why Bram doesn't have a lower part of his body. That scene was very short, so you might forget, but it really did mention about vampire thing there. I agree with you that Mori is terrifying in a different way. He's not a kind of person who go out for blood nor being a killing nature, but instead, he seeks benefits from anybody, including both allies and enemies. We definitely cannot let our guard down on him. That's why he's one of my favorite characters. I can't hate him either despite how evil he is. BTW, it's very nice to hear that you're planning to read "55 Minutes". I definitely look forward to your review/reaction on that book.


Ahhh, I should probably look up Bram Stoker, shouldn't I? I was waiting to see the "name" of his ability come on screen, though. If it's not revealed this coming episode for Ep 5, I'll look it up for Ep 6, probably. :) And thank you -- I'll go back to Ep 2 before Ep 5 and check that out! :D And YES, Mori can be so unnerving and despicable, but he's so unpredictable and entertaining to watch to see what he's going to do -- I agree; he's one I can't "hate" no matter the evil he does. And yes, I'm sure between Seasons 5 and 6 while we're on hiatus, I'm going to need some BSD content to COPE! :) Thanks for the comment and info!


"Dana had a lot of things to say" was that a jab? jeez, I KNOW I talk too much, okay (/joking joking xD) This episode was amazing. Like, I am actually STUNNED at how perfect it was; the art and animation was a HUGE step up from the past handful of episodes, honestly much more reminiscent of seasons 1 and 2 again, and the directing and pacing was FLAWLESS (and the music, but that's always a given), I was utterly FLOORED. It just baffles me all the more why we get rushed and crammed episodes like the Sky Casino ones in season 4, like Bones how do you decide what gets all the budget; I will never understand 😭😭😭 I will never complain when we get a fantastic episode, it just... confuses and frustrates me so much. I wish they could ALL be this good, ugh. Bram is literally the perfect character. Pretty man just wants to sleep and to have nothing to do with Fukuchi's BS; just give him his radio already 😭😭😭 They captured him PERFECTLY and I couldn't be happier 💖💖💖 someone at Bones must really love him lmao. As for the s4 OP, oh you better believe all us manga readers were losing our minds wondering how on earth season 4 was possibly going to reach shin soukoku vs Fukuchi AND Bram with how much it had to cover 😭💀 and, well, seeing how much they rushed Sky Casino.... they almost fit it in tbh 💀 *sigh* But yes, we were all screaming when we saw that coffin. And now he is finally here and he is fabulous 💖 whoever you are, Bones employee who decided to give Bram the pretty princess treatment he truly deserves, all my love to you. Someone else already mentioned it, but if you go back to episode 2 of this season, at 8:54 on Crunchyroll, when the one fan of Fukuchi is listing out all his greatest achievements, him first dealing with/meeting Bram is actually mentioned and shown there. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but it is there :) I was not fully caught up with the manga till last year actually, but I remember seeing stuff floating around online during the time this particular stretch was happening, and I was like "there's VAMPIRES in BSD now??? Akutagawa died and became one??? /WHAT/" and wondering wtf was going on 😭 like how did we get here, compared to how this series started 😭😭😭 it is WILD. Asagiri truly just does whatever the fuck he wants and I respect it, honestly; he's just having the time of his life playing with his characters and creating the wackiest story known to man, while switching genres at the drop of a hat asldkfjd. And yet somehow, it all works, and it's so, so beautiful, and with so many powerful and important messages and themes. Idk how he does it, but only he could pull it off, honestly. And speaking of Akutagawa, you don't know how painful it was every time you were talking about wanting to see him last season and the beginning of this season :'''') 💔 I'm like "be careful what you wish for, Romania....." "Problems" written on Whiteboard-kun: the problems are endless. Everything is a problem. Everything is FUCKED. "I like stories with happy endings" me too, but then our first mistake was reading/watching this series then, ahaha. We're all just masochists, aren't we :' ) (I mean, of course I am. Oda and Dark Era are my favorite character and arc. I am doomed to suffer eternally 🥹💔) The guard apologizing for not being able to repay Aku for sparing him is such a small moment, but it absolutely broke my heart.... The last few minutes of Aku's life, he spent upholding his vow to not kill anyone, and his kindness was acknowledged and appreciated, but he never even survived to see and feel that 💔 He wanted to live so badly for his own sake, to have a purpose, but he spared the guard, and sacrificed himself to protect Atsushi.... his last moments of life were nothing but a display of how kind he truly is, at his core. And he looks so peaceful in death, more peaceful than he's ever looked..... but he can't even rest then, even dead, because he's STILL being used even as a corpse, turned into a mindless zombie vampire now, and it's just not fair 😭😭😭💔💔💔 My boy deserves SO MUCH BETTER, and it hurts to see him this way so so much, after he was so determined to not kill anyone just before this, thanks to Atsushi's influence 😭💖💔 AND TACHIHARA. MY OTHER SWEET BOY WHO DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER 😭😭😭 He really is being pulled in SO many different directions, being forced to play so many different sides and roles, much like poor Ango, and it hurts to see how attached he becomes to ALL of them to a degree. He originally joined the Hunting Dogs in an attempt to escape his brother's shadow, and he saw them as his family -- but then, when he infiltrates the mafia, he starts to see /them/ as his true family, after having been away from the HD for so long. It reaches the point in the Sky Casino arc where we see that he sees himself as more of a mafia member at this point than HD, causing him to go against what the latter are doing and form his own opinion about the Agency after what Hirotsu and Gin tell him. He even tells Fukuchi here that he's indeed no longer a HD, but a Port Mafia member, symbolized by the bandaid, which he only wears when he's with or associated with the mafia. .....And yet, Jouno, Tecchou, Teruko, and Fukuchi are /also/ still his family. He cannot let go of them, either. And so of course it hurts him so much that Fukuchi would betray them like this, betray their trust. Tachihara has come so far, from someone who initially just wanted to follow orders to give himself an identity so far opposite from his brother, to someone who has truly become his own, better person, who upholds justice. He knows the Agency is innocent, he didn't kill Yosano before because, we can surmise, deep down he knew that he shouldn't blame her for his brother's death...... and now, he wants to save the world from Fukuchi. And he had such a great plan and was doing so well 😭😭😭💔💔💔 if only he'd stopped monologuing!!! It HURTS. I was on the edge of my seat during the fight despite knowing exactly how it would end :' ) aughhhh Tachihara 💔 We're definitely gonna need a break by the end of this season, hoo boy; I know one week for every episode and one month for every chapter is never enough for me to recover 💀


It isn’t a jab at all! I don’t mind long comments AT ALL – I just thought it was funny – you’re in good company, though; there are several that write long comments. 🙂 I am glad that this episode looked as great as it did; it was wonderful! Bram is so much fun so far! Glad to know how y’all felt seeing him in the OP for season 4. And THANK YOU for the marker for Ep 2 – definitely going to check that out before watching the latest episode! It would make sense that with a story about famous authors made into fictionalized characters in this world, Asagiri can go wild however they want with it – and somehow, it fits perfectly into this world based on the abilities we’ve already seen (like with mind control and blood manipulation). We should have seen it coming, right? And yes, of course, be careful what we wish for, right? That is a good point about the guard being saved representing Akutgawa in his promise and allowing Atsushi to be saved instead. Oof. And TACHIHARA. Nooooooo– it sucked to see him just whipped around like he was this episode. The betrayal by Fukuchi REALLY stung, especially with what you said about how he’s developed all these mini families around him. These darn monologues! 🙁 This season has not let off the throttle and it has me VERY nervous each week…*sweats* I guess we’ll just see what “fresh fun” Asagiri has in store for us this week! *dances away* Thanks for the kind words and comment!