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What an ending to this sweet little series! I'm so sad to see it end, but this ending was so fun and the final twists and turns were well-executed!   

As always, no series is perfect, but I'm excited to talk with you all in the discussion for this episode and later in the livestream about it! I'm so glad I finally got to see this series in full -- but I want more adventures of Kato and Kambe! Petition for a sequel season?   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/0kskub

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited! Episode 11 Reaction! THE FINALE!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/0kskub **GLITTERING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** What an ending to this sweet little series! I'm so sad to see it end, but this ending was so fun and the final twists and turns were well-executed! As always, no series is perfect, but I'm excited to talk with you all in the discussion for this episode and later in the livestream about it! I'm so glad I finally got to see this series in full -- but I want more adventures of Kato and Kambe! Petition for a sequel season? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

If I can ever get my hands on the full audio drama I'd definitely make a translation and video of it. I missed out on reading the official English translation and hearing the audio drama because I binge watched it after it had all already been out for several months. They really gave us a whole look back at Daisuke's childhood, and how it all started with Haru and Daisuke. I don't know many shows that in the final episode they fire so much information in the opening sequence! I did like Haru touching the blood to test how tacky it was, which would also tell them how long ago Shigemaru was there. Daisuke having a stereotypical lockpick, Romania?! Never! 🤣 Daisuke being very rude when he sees the shoes. The polite thing would have been to take his shoes off before he climbed up on to the wooden boards (something that Haru does as in the zoom out we see two pairs of shoes on the stone). All the times you made comments about "the Butler did it!" I was laughing my head off in anticipation of you finding out he really did 🤣 Title for this last episode really just made me think of Lord of the Rings, though J.R.R. Tolkien reworded the idiom a little. That moment of Grandma making the tea is such a parallel to the times we see her making tea for Daisuke and Haru. That imagery of Daisuke and Kikuko with the imagery of war and the plume from the atomic bomb. So haunting and it really makes you question what's the right thing to do in this moment. "Your orders are absolute"...such Akashi vibes there 😆 Daisuke is so free in that moment with his laughter. Haru's serendipitous accident helped mean he wouldn't have to make that decision on his own. Daisuke thanking Haru, I feel like it links a lot with his words from the previous episode that Haru's always been a hero. In this moment he was Daisuke's hero to help him with such a big decision. Haru entrusting Hoshino with the First Division 🥺 But I love that he doesn't allow for miscommunication and doesn't leave Hoshino to feel like it's something about himself that is stopping Haru from re-joining the First Division. I'm pretty sure the guy in the wheelchair was Shigemaru. Also Haru holding out the detective badge and giving Daisuke the choice of where he goes from there 🥺 I *love* the after credits scene of the Modern Crimes using HEUSC for their own gains. But yeah that moment of seeing Cho-san's desk with the offerings of sake and the flowers 😭 'Home' and they have him at frigging Buckingham Palace of all places! It's pretty cool them giving us a glimpse of the kid from the shinkansen incident. Considering he helps Daisuke and Haru during this mission I headcanon Daisuke got him a job working for the Kambe family and he gets used for missions like this. Just like with the opening sequence we journey back to Haru and Daisuke's first meeting. I honestly love the fake-out of thinking Daisuke's gonna be kind this time and has changed enough to pull Haru up. But at least Haru has all that expensive gear on him that can probably make it easier for him to swim to shore 🤷‍♀ Also could be a way for Daisuke to get back at him for cursing him out. That feeling of a lack of satisfaction is exactly how so many of us felt. We all want more of Haru and Daisuke! My pet peeve for shows like this that decide they need to be almost blatant against the homosexual shippers so as to not offend the dudebros 🙄 Similar to our discussions in Jujutsu Kaisen where you're given all this subtext through tones of voice, body language, and imagery for these two characters, and in some other (mostly shounen) manga/anime the mangaka and anime directors do the same thing only at the last second do a reversal and suddenly throw this female character in between them and make a heterosexual ship between two characters that there has been none of that same build-up, history, or imagery for. It wouldn't annoy me as much if they'd take the time to develop that relationship, but when it's rushed and thrown in last minute like that it definitely feels much more like backtracking so as certain viewers wouldn't get offended that their favourite character might be LGBTQ+ (I have seen the same happen with some female characters, but it definitely doesn't seem to happen as frequently or at least not in the shows I've watched). Considering how much she was in the OP I agree with you that I'd have preferred if we got more with Suzue. She's definitely objectified in the OP which is the one thing I dislike about it (we don't get anything on Daisuke or Haru somewhat undressed, whereas there's barely any moments Suzue is fully clothed). For the Butler going to the lab before coming back to the mansion I think it could have been either due to his injury (he needed immediate first aid and the lab was closer to reach than the mansion/he might have bled out before reaching the mansion) or due to the capabilities of the drone-bike thing he used to escape that was the furthest distance he could travel on it. I think it was the Butler's eye watching Shigemaru from behind those shelves because he immediately goes to report to Kikuko about Shigemaru possibly going to his wife. Maybe the creators were fans of Death Note and once Mamoru was cast they decided they needed to have a scene of his character getting shot in the leg 🤣


I enjoyed this series a lot, but was a little disappointed with this last episode. Partly, I think it's just that I'd like more, but I think they could've split this episode into 2, slowed things down just a bit, and given us a little more with the dad, cousin, and future Daisuke-Haru "working" relationship. I found "the blush" to be so gratuitous as to be offensive. It just bothers me how often shows do this. I think your comparison to Great Pretenders is perfect -- a really clever, fun show that left a little something to be desired at the end. I'm glad I watched it with you. Thanks for your reactions and analysis.


Ahhhh, I definitely understand your frustration -- I'm so curious why they just stuck with 11 and not 12 episodes, because I agree, it could have had another episode with more with the family and Daisuke and Haru's "working" relationship. And I agree -- that blush -- just...WHY? There was no need for it, especially when we see their awesome chemistry instantly afterwards! And yes, this definitely had a "Great Pretenders" vibe, though I think I may have enjoyed the ending more than Great Pretenders and it overall. :) Thank you so much for following me with this, and for the kind words! :) Definitely will have to talk more about it in the livestream!

Toni simi

Of course it was the Butler. XD but I wasn't expecting the grandma to be behind it all. I do understand why she wouldn't want the world to know about it. But she's doing literally something bad with it as well. Be it a bomb or weapons, both kill people. So I would probably agree with the grandma if it wasn't for the fact that she uses it for bad things too. I'm so happy Haru communicated properly with Hoshino about why he doesn't want to get back into the first division. The one in the wheelchair was for sure Shigemaru and I wonder if the reason Daisuke couldn't meet him is because Shigemaru is mentally broken and wouldn't recognize him anymore? Cho's desk. They all really admired and cared for him. Daisuke smiling and pulling his hand away was the best. He changed but he's still himself in the end. XD I also wish Suzue got more development. She was such a cool character but we rarely got anything about her. And I do get that with such a short series they want to focus on the two main characters and the main plot. But still, she deserved her own focus. Yes, I didn't like the objectification of Suzue in the OP. That was so unnecessary.


I wasn't expecting the grandmother to have this major role, either! And yes, it's understandable she wouldn't want EVERYONE to have access, but to gatekeep like that when you're using it for bad things yourself -- like Haru said, they should have just destroyed it when they had the chance. But YES, I'm happy that Haru and Hoshino got closure as well! That was a sweet moment! My theory was that Shigemaru was "mentally broken" and just couldn't communicate with Daisuke like he was hoping he would. Cho's desk made me so sad! :') It was a sweet gesture seeing all that there, though. I LOVED that Daisuke is still trolling to the end. I agree, Suzue needed more character development too! Especially considering all the objectification of her in the OP that was really not necessary, as it had NOTHING to do with her character in the story. Thanks so much for following me on the journey through this one! I'm so glad I FINALLY got to see it! :)