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We're diving head first into the Yosen game and there's so much afoot with this volume set -- Murasakibara just makes himself QUITE THE THREAT!   

The artwork and humor and tension was fantastic with these two volumes and it has been a great read seeing the Yosen game as it was originally presented in manga format! Let's talk about this!   

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Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volumes 17-18 Reaction! SEIREN VS. YOSEN!!

**TORNADO BURRITO HEADPHONE WARNING** We're diving head first into the Yosen game and there's so much afoot with this volume set -- Murasakibara just makes himself QUITE THE THREAT! The artwork and humor and tension was fantastic with these two volumes and it has been a great read seeing the Yosen game as it was originally presented in manga format! Let's talk about this! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I feel like the rematch against Touou feels more satisfying, at least for me, because Haikyuu!! makes me root for the other teams too much to feel satisfied about Karasuno winning. For Kuroko no Basuke Seirin beating the Generation of Miracles is more gratifying because it does help them start to get back to how they once were. Also as you said the Touou-Seirin match is very run-and-gun because of their styles. Whereas because of the high defence Yosen have it slows the pacing of plays down so there isn't the same fast-paced hype. There's still hype for the plays but it's a more fretful one because Yosen have such beasts on their team that it makes it really hard to see how our boys can possibly beat them. The green and orange for the cover just makes me think of Midorima. Would fit better when it was Seirin against Shuutoku. I agree that Volume 18's cover would probably work better for this set. Give me all the images of Murasakibara messing with his hair, yes please 🤣 Some of Izuki's puns are much easier to translate to English (and make them a pun) than others. Translating stuff for him is definitely the second hardest translation to do. Hayakawa's speech is the hardest, and Imayoshi's is third hardest because he uses the Kansai dialect. I love the comparison of Yosen and Dateko! Definitely very similar vibes. And with their defence work, it took a bit of manoeuvring around for Karasuno to get their usual stride as well. Kuroko's little smile as he passes the ball to Kagami is so cute. Feel like it links well with how Kuroko said in the previous volume that he believed Kagami would be the one to get the final basket. In this moment he believes Kagami can beat Yosen. Because Murasakibara is so lanky he really does remind me of Stretch Armstrong, especially with how the mangaka draws him during the action scenes. I have to say your comment about Akashi catching Furihata as he falls made me think of that change in the SK8 ED of Tadashi catching Ainosuke 🤣 Only in this situation the roles would be sort of reversed. Aomine's just showing his priorities that when Kuroko calls him, he now goes running (even if he has a prior engagement with Momoi) 🤷‍♀😂 I do love the smallest from Teiko against the tallest, and Kuroko bests Murasakibara. Such a David and Goliath moment. And the look on Aomine's face as he talks about Kuroko's shot? 😍 ...that question for the mangaka about Sakurai's speciality dish is making me now want Sakurai and Furihata to meet and bond (rice omelette or Omu Rice is what Furihata helped Kagami and Kuroko make in that audio drama). The way Aomine teaches Kuroko is definitely making me think he could be a better teacher than I thought he'd be. Yes his first explanation really only helps for other gifted prodigies like himself. But then he explains it in a way specifically catering to something Kuroko has a good understanding and grasp on: passing. Yosen definitely have very distinct players, same with Touou and Rakuzan. I'd say Shuutoku have as well, because you aren't gonna mix up Ootsubo with Miyaji. But Kaijo, as much as I love them, are the team of distinct eyebrows 🤣 The double fist-bump and soft sweet expression on Kuroko's face are so at odds with his words. I love it so much! Some of the parallel images in these volumes were amazing and so well done. Especially that one of Himuro and Kagami with the focus being on their eyes. I loved that Himuro's very shadowed...almost like he's being overshadowed by the light his little brother exudes 🥺 Romania: He's quite Bi in his abilities, right? You channelling your inner Izuki there? 🤣 But yes Kiyoshi proving he can do both on *and* off the court 😉 I gotta also say that the mangaka is drawing Himuro *really* pretty. I cannot draw to save my life but I definitely feel like it also depends on what the manga is about on if the mangaka should do it all themselves or hires a lot of assistants. If the panels typically have a lot of intricate background scenery then I do know that some mangaka prefer to focus on those parts and have their assistants add in the characters. Also it's interesting seeing the difference in manga that has been written as a manga, and manga that is based on material from a light novel etc. Sometimes with the former there are moments you can tell the mangaka was unsure about what to do with a specific plot point, whereas the latter (if complete) provides the mangaka with a better overall view of the beginning, middle, and end. If, however, the light novel isn't complete I have seen both the author for the light novel and the mangaka for the manga foundering a bit for where the story should go next in order to get to a specific plot point/conclusion. I feel like Aomine was getting very introspective because of Murasakibara's reactions this volume set. Oof, the dead look in Kiyoshi's eyes when Murasakibara does the Vice Claw 😭 Did not need that pain! Japan love their fruit and cream breads. I still haven't tried them as I sometimes can't eat dairy, and both times I was there my stomach just wasn't playing ball with some dairy products. I can't say much against their choices for sandwiches seeing as three of my favourite sandwiches to eat some people will find strange: Mars Bar and apple sandwich; Tayto Crisps sandwich (typically Cheese and Onion flavour); and a Chip Butty (fries in between two slices of bread with a taste of tomato ketchup [some people have butter instead or as well]). Croquette sandwich though...🤤Croquette is typically beef mince mixed with mash, coated in breadcrumbs and deep fried. And I did have several Pork Cutlet sandwiches whilst I was in Japan. They taste soooo good. That double spread of Kagami and Kuroko with their backs leaning against one another and all their memories behind them is so beautiful. Really highlighting how far these two have come *together*. Aomine's answer about big boobs I will take it as we're getting our dorky Aomine back 🤣 The Teiko side story was adorable! Really showing all their quirky personalities.


I agree – at least with “defeating” the GoM there is a payoff – THERAPY FOR THEM! 😛 And yes, the hype is different with Yosen for sure! Hahaha, oh, the green and orange giving us alllll the MidoTako vibes, yay! I can only IMAGINE how hard translation is for Izuki’s puns! Oohh, and I hadn’t even thought about the dialects playing a part in it – Imayoshi using Kansai Ben?! REALLY!? I always think of Kansai as more “slang” and Imayoshi seems too…posh? For that? That only furthers my ship of him and Hanamiya! KagaKuro vibes all day, erry day and I’m here for it! And all the AoKuro vibes too! OT3! And Aomine being a teacher? Awww, my heart! I would love to see that! Oh my GOSH, Akashi catching Furihata DOES have Tadashi catching Adam vibes, only reversed! I would love for Furihata and Sakurai to have cooking adventures together! Yosen and Seiren is definitely a David and Goliath story. KAIJO A TEAM OF DISTINCT EYEBROWS. I just died laughing at that – it’s so true! They’re probably the least “distinct” team in the series, bless them. Kise and Kasamatsu just stand out too much. Although, I WILL say, reading the light novels and the extra materials has helped me remember their names a LOT more. 🙂 One of my favorite things about Kuroko is how his actions don’t always match his facial expressions OR words, especially. And hahaha, me channeling Izuki? I DO love puns! 😛 So we’d probably get along well! And YES, Fujimaki really makes Himuro look so handsome! It’s a nice contrast to Kagami’s more “gruff” looks. If I were a mangaka, I would love drawing people, but would hire ALL the assistants to do the backgrounds. That’s an interesting note about the “form” of adaptation as well. It’s like when Starember just decides what of HOB they want to adapt into illustration and what they’re like, “Nah” with, haha! The mangaka is really good at drawing that “pained” look on characters faces. No thank you. All these bread flavorings! I need to expand my palate, clearly, hahaha! The Croquette sandwiches at least SOUND tasty! I would be all about the pork cutlets! I love that double spread and all the little Teiko and Aomine extras we got! :D Thank you so much for the comment! Onto the next set!